I have owned a variety of different houseplants over the years, but the Venus flytrap is by far my favorite. In this article, I will go over the main reasons why Venus flytraps make up great indoor plants.
Venus flytraps can be grown indoors almost anywhere in the world. They are great indoor plants as their care in uncomplicated, they capture bugs inside your home, and they are entertaining. Venus flytrap can thrive with proper lighting, plenty of water, and carnivorous plant soil.
Keep on reading to go over 11 reasons why Venus flytraps are fantastic houseplants. Also, if I convince you to join the club and buy a Venus flytrap, make sure to read the care considerations below.
11 Reasons Why Venus Flytraps are Exceptional Houseplant
1. Venus Flytraps Help You Get Rid of Occasional Bugs
This is a unique feature of carnivorous plants. Some plants attract bugs; others (like the Venus flytrap) help you reduce the population.
Venus flytrap consume insects and arachnids to supplement their diet. Even when placed indoors, Venus flytrap will be waiting patiently to consume the next bug. One single plant can’t solve a whole bug infestation but will reduce the population for sure. So, if you have an occasional fly, spider, or gnat, your Venus flytrap will help you out.
Against popular belief, Venus flytrap not only consume flies, but they are open to any small creature that enters their leaves.
2. You Do Not Need the Spot with Perfect Bright Spot. Artificial Lighting is an Option.
Venus flytraps require plenty of lighting to thrive, but they can even be grown in a dark basement apartment if necessary. You can employ artificial lighting for your Venus flytraps. This solution is practical and economical. I use this small plant light (which cost me less than $30) to grow three very healthy Venus flytraps.
If you have the perfect sunny window spot for your plants, a Venus flytrap will fit right in. You can place them under direct sunlight or partial sunlight, the more, the better. Optimally, they should receive 12 hours of light a day. As long as your plant does get too much heat, it can be exposed to direct sunlight for hours.
When using artificial lighting, make sure you buy a plant light with an automatic timer. Then, the light will turn on automatically every single day for a 6 to 12-hour cycle. When I use artificial light, I always set it to 12 hours.
3. Venus Flytrap Can Survive Through Too Much Love
Have you ever killed a plant because you gave them too much water? With Venus flytrap, you will rarely experience a similar situation. These plants live naturally in South Carolina and in North Carolina, where they grow in very moist soil. Venus flytrap actually needs a continuously wet environment to live. With this plant the general suggestion is to water if you are in doubt as it is a lot more common to underwater than underwater.
On extreme occasions, new owners might give them too much water, but that is rare. A high watering frequency won’t hurt your plant. your only limit is not flooding the pot. You have to keep it moist, but not damp!
4. You Will Have Fun Feeding Venus Flytraps
Venus flytraps do not need to capture bugs to live, but they grow faster and healthier if they can consume an occasional meal. I always recommend owners to start feeding their plants if they can.
You can feed your plant pretty often and enjoy the experience. Do not worry! You don’t have to capture live bugs if you don’t want to, instead you can buy dry crickets or mealworms. Regardless, the experience is very entertaining.
One of the most unique attributes of Venus fly trap is their trapping mechanism. You can poke the traps and make them close, but that hurts the plant. Instead, introduce a bug inside the trap and let your plant capture it. You will observe an exceptionally fast motion for a plant (it takes Venus flytrap less than a second to snap!). Also, you will feel very proud!
If you are interested in learning more about the feeding process go ahead and check out the article below. It will guide you through the whole feeding technique and food options you can find in a pet store.
5. The Flowering is Beautiful and a Potential Project

Venus flytrap experience some changes during seasons. During spring, they undergo a flowering process. Venus flytraps produce a series of flower bunches. The flowers are white, and they have green veins.
The flowers in Venus flytraps are unique and cute. Observing a Venus flytrap with traps and flowers is definitely a rewarding experience. But, besides the look, the flowering process is an opportunity to propagate your plant.
Venus flytraps can easily be artificially pollinated. With only a q-tip you can fertilize the flowers and wait until they dry out and leave seeds behind. You only need one plant to harvest seeds and once you obtain those seeds you can start seedling and produce a whole family of Venus flytraps. In less than a year you could end up owning half a dozens Venus flytraps!
6. Kids and Adults Are Constantly Amazed by Flytraps
Kids go crazy when they see carnivorous plants in real life. They can be genuinely interested in completing some home projects with the plant such as feeding them or harvesting seeds. Also, adults get very excited too. I have met dozens of adults that claim that owning a Venus flytrap was their childhood dream. Not many people realize they can buy and grow Venus flytraps. They are very surprised when they find out growing them is not that hard and totally doable.
Owning a Venus flytrap is a unique talking point or maybe even a fun fact. You can show your plant to friends and teach them some science facts about venus flytraps if they are interested. At least, that is what I do as a science lover myself.
7. Venus Flytraps Do NOT Smell
Do not be worry about any unwanted smells. Venus flytraps do not produce any smell so that you can place them anywhere in your home.
Some people claim they can smell the sweet nectar Venus flytrap produce to attract bugs, but I haven’t been able to do so myself, so I can’t comment about it. Also, some people believe Venus flytraps attract bugs and might increase the number of bugs in the area. Venus flytraps do attract bugs, but their nectar is not stronger than any other small plant, like a flower. Venus flytraps won’t draw bugs to your home. They will just attempt to capture any insect in close proximity.
If you even do encounter a smell in your Venus flytrap it is most likely due to over-watering. Like most plants, when they are watered too much they can rot, but such experience is very uncommon.
8. Expect Your Pet Flytrap to Last for Years
Venus flytraps are not only easy to care for, but they can last for many many years. their life expectancy is estimated to reach over 20 years! your plant can be an addition to your houseplants for several years.
Do not be discourage by buying a fully-grown adult Venus flytrap. Even if it is a few years old, it will still last for decades. For new owners, I usually recommend adult Venus flytraps as they are already developed and are very resilient. Fully-grown Venus flytraps are easier to feed, as the traps are larger and can fit larger prey.
9. You Won’t Break the Bank… Venus Flytraps Are Very Cheap Plants
Purchasing an exotic plant is not always cheap, but Venus flytraps are an exception. You can buy young or mature Venus flytrap for less than $20. Some companies sell you a pack of several plants as a more economical option. Also, you might be interested in buying seeds and growing a Venus flytrap through the whole cycle. I would definitely recommend the experience! But, before you do so, make sure you do some extra research taking care of seedlings is slightly more involved.
You can buy Venus flytraps online at carnivorous plant shops or at a local nursery. The last section of this article gives you some good recommendations on where to buy Venus flytraps.
10. Venus Flytraps are Tough Against Seasons
Venus flytrap can withstand a wide range of weather conditions and therefore are very resilient. You can place them in balconies or cold basements without worrying too much.
In their natural habitat, they are exposed to very hot and humid summers and cold winters with light snow or frost. As long as you keep Venus flytraps between 30 F to 100 F (0 C to 38 C), your plants will live without any problems. Very sunny windows can be a deathtrap as the direct sunlight through the glass can burn your plant. Before placing your Venus flytrap in a very sunny window, monitor the temperature.
Due to their resilience, Venus flytraps can grow almost anywhere in the world. Still, if your home is exposed to extreme heat or cold, feel free to bring your plants indoors. They are a great indoor plant.
11. The Venus Flytrap is the Perfect Starting Point for All Other Carnivorous Plants
Venus flytraps are not the easiest plant to care for, but with proper instructions, most beginners can master their care. Within carnivorous plants, Venus flytraps are considered to be a beginner plant as they do not require too many unique considerations.
When you buy a Venus flytrap you join a community of carnivorous plant growers. And as you get more into this hobby you might be interested in experimenting with other carnivorous plants. I would encourage you to do so. Venus flytraps are the most popular carnivorous plant, but they are not the only ones out there. Also, many plant care knowledge relates to other species, such as appropriate soil, water source, feeding, etc.
Challenges from Growing Venus Flytrap
I like being objective. Even though Venus flytraps are awesome plants, not everything is perfect when growing them. You might encounter some difficulties. However, these are just minor challenges that you can easily overcome. Still, I just wanted to make you aware of them.
- Venus flytraps can’t be watered with standard tap water: You need to buy nutrient-free mineral-free water, such as distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater. You can get rainwater for free or buy the appropriate water for very cheap (approximately 20 cents a gallon)
- Venus flytraps should go dormant during the winter: During the winter, Venus flytraps go dormant. If you live where it can get cold (under 45F) for several months, then your plant can’t experience dormancy by leaving outdoors during the winter. Otherwise, you can explore the refrigerator method. This one is a lot more involved, though.
- A big temptation for small children: Small children can get interested in Venus flytraps, but unfortunately, sometimes they have trouble being careful with the plant. Sticking fingers inside the traps is very tempting. And, poking the traps it is not recommended. It won’t kill the plant, but it will weaken it significantly.
Venus Flytraps Indoor Care Considerations
I hope I helped you assess if a Venus flytrap is a good fit for your home. Before you go ahead and purchase one, make sure to read the care considerations below.
- Water: Only use nutrient-free distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater.
- Water frequency: Keep the soil moist at all times.
- Sunlight: 12 hours of direct sunlight is optional. 6 hours of indirect sunlight is the minimum acceptable level. Use artificial lighting as a supplement if necessary.
- Soil: Use nutrient-free soil with good drainage. A combination of peat or sphagnum moss with sand or perlite is a suitable option.
- Feeding: Feed one trap at a time every 2-6 weeks
- Fertilizing: There is no need to fertilize Venus flytraps
- Trimming: Prune dead leaves after they are completely dry.
- Black leaves: Black leaves are normal in Venus flytraps. Check growing conditions if there is an increase in black leaves.
- Terrariums: Venus flytrap grow well in greenhouse type terrariums.
- Temperatures: Keep the plant above 25 F and below 100 F. Also, avoid hot windows, glass can overheat your plant.
- Flowering: Do not let your plant flower if you are a beginner. Cut the flower stalks as soon as they spur (spring).
- Moisture: Manually mist your plant if you live in arid climates.
- Dormancy: Venus flytraps must experience dormancy once a year.
For more in-depth instructions, read this Complete Guide on Venus flytrap Care Instructions:
Where to Buy Venus Flytraps
It is not hard to buy a Venus flytrap. You can purchase them online or in brick and mortar stores.
Online: Specialized Stores
When looking for a vendor, I recommend specialized carnivorous plant growers. They know a lot about Venus flytraps, and the plants they sell are in excellent condition. You can buy your plant online through several vendors. To save you some time, these are some solid options:
- californiacarnivores.com
- carnivorousplantnursery.com
- petflytrap.com
- predatoryplants.com
- flytrapcare.com/store/
Online: Amazon
Amazon carries almost any product you can imagine. It might come at no surprise that you can find venus flytraps there too. they actually have a good selection and the review system helps you find reliable sellers. Also, read the reviews before you buy.
Plant Nurseries
Nurseries carry wide varieties of plants, and some even offer carnivorous plants. Make sure to call ahead to confirm their availability of Venus flytraps. Then, when you arrive, inspect the plant for any abnormalities. Since the majority of plant nurseries are not specialized in carnivorous plants, you must double-check the state of the plant. Keep an eye for deformed leaves, parched soil, and bad odor coming from the plant.
Avoid Hardware Store Venus Flytraps
Sometimes hardware stores or grocery stores sell Venus flytraps in their garden section. It is not always the case, but it is not uncommon that their Venus flytraps are stored for weeks without proper lighting or water. Experienced carnivorous plant growers might be able to save the plant, but as a new owner, you should aim for a healthy plant.