Is Purified Water Safe for Venus Flytraps?

Watering Venus flytraps with the appropriate type of water is essential. Purified water is readily available in most stores, but they d not always provide the required specifications for carnivorous plants.

Purified water with less than 50ppm is suitable for Venus flytraps. Purified water varies across brands. You must test the purified water before employing it, or you might consider an alternate water source, such as rainwater, distilled water, and RO water.

In this article, I will teach you exactly how to determine if purified water is safe for your plants. Also, I will give you some alternate options for water sources.

Is Purified Water Suitable for Venus Flytraps?

The minerals present in most water are harmful to Venus flytraps. Venus flytraps require pure water sources with little to no added components.

Purified water varies in composition. For that reason, some brands might be suitable for Venus flytraps while others can kill the plant.

Purified water is safe for Venus flytraps when it contains less than 50 parts per million (ppm). The ppm measurement can be performed easily with a TDS meter. A reading below 50 ppm is optimal, and between 50-100 ppm is acceptable.

TDS meters measure the number of dissolved solids in the water. The measurements can vary substantially across water sources. Venus flytraps thrive when watered with less than 50 ppm water.

Without a TDS meter, it is impossible to determine the number of dissolved solids. So, you won’t be able to assess if your purified water is suitable.

I recommend buying a TDS meter for all carnivorous plant growers. TDS meters are very inexpensive and easy to use. Here is a link to the one I use; you can check its current price on AmazonOpens in a new tab.. TDS meters will help you verify the water you employ is safe for your plant and can potentially save them from mineral burns and death.

How to Reduce PPM Measurement in Purified Water

Since not all purified water is the same, you might need to reduce the number of dissolved solids in it to make it suitable for your plant. Here are some strategies:

  • Let the water rest in an open container overnight: Some solids in the water can evaporate over time
  • Filter the water: If you have some type of water filter, do not be afraid to use it. Britta or similar filters can reduce the number of ppm in your purified water.

Water Alternatives for Venus Flytraps Besides Purified Water

Good Water Options for Venus Flytraps

Purified water might be suitable for your plant, but there are some other options that are always safe bets.

Pure water sources such as distilled water, reverse osmosis water, and rainwater are safe options for Venus flytraps. Since they are pure, they not have added minerals or components that might harm your plant.

Rainwater: Rainwater is a spectacular option for Venus flytraps. That is the water they get in the wild anyways. Rainwater is free and abundant in many regions. However, it is not always available, and it might be hard to collect without a system already in place.

Reverse osmosis water: RO water is available at water and ice shops and some supermarkets. RO water costs about a dollar a gallon and is a completely safe alternative for Venus flytraps, as it contains 0 ppm.

Distilled water: I use distilled water for my plant due to its affordable price and availability. You can find distilled water at almost all supermarkets, water and ice stores, pharmacies, and even gas stations. Distilled water usually costs less than a dollar and as cheap as 25 cents. Also, you can make distilled water at home. But the process is kind of involved.

When buying distilled water, read the tag. Make sure the water you are selecting is pure. If the tag says anything like the text below, do not buy it:

  • with additives
  • with minerals for taste
  • with electrolytes
  • added minerals

Water might be purified through distillation, but if it contains added minerals, then the water is still unsafe for Venus flytraps. Generally, I buy the generic pure distilled water jug they sell in grocery stores. Those are safe bets.

Without a TDS meter to measure the number of dissolved solids, I would not recommend employing purified water. But, the water sources in this section are always safe.

Employ rainwater, distilled water, or RO water for Venus flytraps. Those options are safe as they contain little to no parts per million (ppm).

Unsuitable Water for Venus Flytraps

Using the incorrect water source for carnivorous plants can cause great harm. The list below contains water sources unsuitable for Venus flytraps. Make sure to avoid them.

Tap Water:  Tap water varies in quality and composition, but in most cases, it is unsafe for Venus flytraps. I employed a TDS meter to measure the tap water in my home. The ppm reading was over 500! So, tap water in my house would be poison to my plant.

Avoid watering your Venus flytrap with tap water, as it can be very harmful. Use a TDS meter to verify its quality before watering.

Boiled Tap Water: You might boil tap water to eliminate bacteria, but boiling tap water does not make it suitable for Venus flytraps. Boiling tap water increases the concentration of dissolved solids in the liquid, making it less suited for carnivorous plants. Never boil water for your Venus flytraps.

Bottled Water: Bottled water is not always harmful to Venus flytraps, but it can be. Bottled water is made for human consumption. Most brands add minerals and electrolytes for taste, and those components are not safe for Venus flytraps.

Spring Water: The composition of spring water varies across brands. Not all spring water is completely pure; most spring water contains additives for taste.

Do not employ water with more than 100 ppm for Venus flytraps. The water’s high mineral contents will build up in the soil, produce mineral burns, weaken or kill Venus flytraps.

Venus Flytrap Watering Instructions

Underwatering or overwatering Venus flytraps can be very harmful. Also, employing the wrong water can kill your plant. The watering process is critical; it must be done correctly to ensure your plant stays healthy.

This list includes key instructions to water your Venus flytrap correctly.

  • Distilled water, ro water, and rainwater are safe water sources for Venus flytraps. If you employ any other type of water, make sure to use a TDS meter and confirm the ppm reading are below 50 ppm (less than 100 ppm is acceptable but not recommended).
  • Keep the humidity levels relatively high. If your area’s humidity is below 50%, employ a humidifier to increase the moisture level. Also, consider misting your plant—Venus flytraps like humid environments.
  • Water your Venus flytrap often. The soil must remain humid at all times. It should never dry out.
  • Do not over-water your plant. Venus flytraps like humid environments, but they do not grow in swamps. Do not water the soil until it is entirely damped. It should be moist but not flooded.
  • Use the water tray method: The water tray method helps you water your plant the right amount and frequency.
  • Avoid placing Venus flytraps in terrariums. Planting your Venus flytrap in a terrarium provides a humid environment, which is beneficial. But, Venus flytraps do not grow well in terrariums. Terrariums can cause rotting issues. Also, enclosed terrariums do not allow Venus flytraps to capture bugs.

Master the watering process with this guide: Venus Flytrap Watering Instruction GuideOpens in a new tab.. This guide includes detailed tips to teach you how to water your plant the right ammount. Also, it gives you instructions on how to save your plant if you have used the incorrect water in the past.

The watering process is critical for Venus flytraps, but there are many other factors to consider if you want to keep your Venus flytraps alive, healthy, and thriving.

Do not waste time browsing through the web for information about growing carnivorous plants. This guide contains all you need to know to care for your venus flytraps: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care GuideOpens in a new tab.. Also, if you are growing your Venus flytraps indoors, this guide specializes in that approach: Venus Flytrap Indoor Care GuideOpens in a new tab..


My name is Nelly, and I am the owner of Venus Flytrap World. Growing carnivorous plants has been a very unique and rewarding experience for me. A few years ago, I started growing Venus flytraps and experimenting with other carnivorous plant species. I have done tons of research to perfect my setup and care practices. In this site, I share everything I have learned.

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