Step-by-Step Guide to Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation

Propagating Venus flytraps through flower stalk propagation is one of the simplest methods to produce Venus flytrap clones.

The process of propagating Venus flytraps through flower stalk cuttings is uncomplicated. First, cut flower stalks after they grow 2-4 inches. Then, plant the flower stalks in carnivorous plant soil. Finally, provide water and lighting. Flower stalks exhibit growth within 2-5 months.

This article will teach you the exact steps you need to follow to complete a successful flower stalk propagation. Also, I will share some tips with you to increase your chances of success.

Are you looking for information on carnivorous plant care? Read this Venus flytrap care guide. In the guide I share all I know on how to grow healthy Venus flytraps.

This article contains step-by-step instructions, plus you can watch my video on this:

Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation

Materials for Propagation

You will need the following materials for flower stalk propagation:

  • Carnivorous plant soil: You must employ the correct soil type. If you are unfamiliar with how to make or where to buy carnivorous plant soil, you can read this article: The Best Soil Options for Venus Flytrap.
    • You can buy carnivorous plant soil online, like this one I use. Follow the link to confirm the price on (it usually costs less than 10 dollars for a quart.)
  • Pure water: Do not employ tap water or bottled water. Instead, only employ: Distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater.
  • Pot with drainage: These pots are some good examples of suitable containers for Venus flytraps. Follow the link below to check their specs and their current price on Amazon.
  • Water tray
  • Scissors: The scissors must be sharp and clean.
  • A Venus flytrap that is flowering: Remember that Venus flytraps flower in the spring a few weeks after exiting dormancy. Also, in some rare cases.
flower stalks venus flytrap

Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation Process

Follow the steps below to obtain flower stalk cutting and set them in the right environment for growth.

1.- Prepare a Pot With the Appropriate Soil

In this step, you need to prepare the growing pot for the flower stalk cutting.

First, moisten the carnivorous plant soil with pure water until it is completely saturated with it. I like using a large bowl to mix the soil and the water to ensure the media is humid all around.

Once the soil is moistened, insert it into the pot. Use your fingers to press the ground slightly until the pot is full of soil. Finally, put the pot aside until you get the flower stalk cuttings.

2.- Cut the Flower Stalks Within the Right Timing

Venus flytraps produce flower stalks in the spring. The flower stalks take a few weeks to grow and flower. To increase your chances of success in flower stalk propagation, you must obtain the cuttings before the stalks flower. For best results, obtain the cuttings as soon as the flower stalks reach a length of 2-4 inches.

To extract the flower stalk, cut them with a sharp pair of scissors. Make the cut as close to the base as possible, but avoid harming the bulb or any leaf.

If you need additional information on how to cut the stalks and would like to watch a video, this article has that information: Easy Guide To Remove Venus Fly Trap Flowers.

venus flytrap flower stalk

3.- Divide the Flower Stalks in Smaller Pieces

After you extracted the flower stalk, you can cut it into smaller pieces. The number of pieces will depend on the length of the stalk. The general rule is to divide the flower stalk into segments of at least 2 inches in length.

Use your scissors to divide the full flower stalk into multiple pieces (if applicable).

Pro tip: When cutting the flower stalk into smaller pieces, cut at an angle rather than making a straight cut. This will increase your chances of successfully propagating your plant. Cutting at an angle produces a larger surface area for water intake and root growth.

venus flytrap flower stalk
Flower Stalk Cuttings

4.- Plant the Flower Stalks

Now, it is time to set the flower stalk cutting in their growing media.

Stick the flower stalks into the soil vertically. Most of the flower cuttings should remain out of the soil. Only 0.5 an inch of the cutting should go underground. If you made a cut at an angle, make sure that side is set underground.

After planting the flower stalks, you are all set. If you provide appropriate care (info below), you should observe some growth within the next 2-5 months.

flower stalk propagation

Pro tip: For best results, employ a plastic, graced ceramic or Styrofoam container. Those materials do not leach harmful minerals to the soil that can harm Venus fly traps. I like using Styrofoam cups for propagations and young Venus flytraps. Styrofoam cups are inexpensive and you can add drainage holes in the bottom.

How to Care for Venus Flytrap Flower Stalks

Once your flower stalk cuttings are set on their pot, it is of crucial importance to keep them healthy. Follow these instructions to ensure proper care:

  • The potting media should remain humid at all times. Employ the water tray method to ensure a proper humidity level:
    • Place the pot on top of the water tray.
    • Fill up the tray with water up to 1 inch in depth.
    • Continue to refill the tray as the water level lowers.
  • The biggest mistake people make when caring for flower stalk cuttings is letting them dry out. To avoid this, use a mister and spray the leaf cuttings as often as you can.
  • Place your cuttings under sunlight or artificial lighting for at least 6 hours a day. The cuttings should be exposed to the same lighting your Venus flytrap plants receive.
    • I use this LED plant light for some of the Venus flytraps I own and my plants are healthy. The plant light has the appropriate lumen level and color spectrum. Also, it comes with a built-in timer to turn on/off automatically.
  • Always water with distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater. This article gives you all the details on how to water Venus flytraps.
  • Do not apply any fertilizers to the soil or the stalk cuttings. Even a small amount of minerals or nutrients can kill any growth coming from the cuttings.
  • Avoid moving the cuttings or removing them from the soil. Stress can damage roots developing from the cutting.

Venus flytrap flower stalk propagation is not a complicated process. But, it can take several months to show any progress. Also, this process is not always effective. Leaf cuttings or reproduction via seeds tend to be more effective methods.

If you are interested in propagating Venus flytraps through other methods, make sure to read this article: 4 Propagation Methods for Venus Flytraps. It explains propagation steps through flower pollination, rhizome divisions, leaf-cutting, and flower stalk cutting.

Is Cutting Venus Flytrap Flower Stalks Necessary?

Venus flytraps spend substantial amounts of energy producing flowers. The production of flowers in a Venus flytrap won’t kill the plant, but it will slow its growth.

Many opt for cutting flower stalks off Venus flytraps before they flower to prevent energy drainage. Skipping the flowering process gives the plant more energy to focus on growing and dividing through the season.

When people are inexperienced at growing Venus flytraps, it is recommended to skip the flowering process. If a Venus flytrap is growing in unsuitable conditions, it can die after flowering due to the energy drainage. The plant does not die due to the flowering process, but it perishes because of the poor growing conditions.

I have made the decision diagram below to help you assess whether it is safe to let your plant flower.

Personally, I almost always skip the flowering process. The flowers are not impressive. And, unless I plan to obtain seeds, flowering is unnecessary.

Without flowers, you will be unable to collect seeds. But, cutting the flower stalks allows you to experiment with another reproduction method: flower stalk propagation. And, as you have learned in this article, the flower stalk propagation process is uncomplicated.

For a more in-depth analysis of the flowering process and to help you make a decision on removing those flower stalks early on, read this article on Venus flytrap flowers.

With this article, you have learned about the Venus flytrap flower stalk propagation process. But, there is much more to learn about Venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants. For more information, I suggest these comprehensive articles:

Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants

Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:

Author: Kellie

My name is Kellie, and I am the owner of Venus Flytrap World. Growing carnivorous plants has been a very unique and rewarding experience for me. A few years ago, I started growing Venus flytraps and experimenting with other carnivorous plant species. I have done tons of research to perfect my setup and care practices. In this site, I share everything I have learned.