When Do Venus Flytrap Open and Close? Trapping Mechanisms

One of the most curious thing about Venus flytraps it’s their trapping mechanism. Their traps snap to capture prey, and they reopen when they are ready for the next meal. As a Venus flytrap owner, the trapping mechanism struck my curiosity early on. After doing some research, I would like to share with you what I learned so far in this post.

Venus flytraps can close their traps in a fraction of a second. Trigger hairs inside the leaves send electrical signals to activate the trapping mechanisms. After snapping shut, the leaves can remain close 24 to 48 hours if the trap is empty or 7 to 20 days if it caught prey.

Now, let’s get into the details on how the trapping mechanism works to the core. Understanding the mechanism will help you perfect your feeding technique and preserve more leaves.

The Venus Flytrap Trapping Mechanism

Venus flytraps grow naturally in South Carolina and North Carolina. In their natural habitat, they receive plenty of light and water, but no nutrients from the soil. As a result of the inferior ground, Venus flytraps have evolved to be successful predators.

The leaves in Venus flytraps have evolved to look like jaw-like structures. Each trap is made up of two lobes. And, the border of each lobe has cilia that intertwine when it closes.

At its resting position, Venus flytraps remain open. The trap snaps shut only when it is triggered by an object or hopefully a being inside the leaves.

The plants effectiveness as a predator varies and is affected by several factors, such as the plant’s size, the prey dimensions and position of the victim.

How and When Venus Flytraps Close

Venus flytrap leaf

In each lobe Venus flytraps have three trigger hairs. As shown in the picture on the left. The trigger hairs are very thin and they are arranged in a triangular pattern.

The trap closes when something has had contact with the trigger hairs twice within 20 seconds. Traps never close by a single stimulus, a second stimulus is required. The double stimuli mechanism reduces the chances of the trap closing due to an inanimate object.

With the double stimuli mechanism, the plant avoids closing due to stimuli coming from a falling twig, rain, or dust.

Venus flytraps spend large amounts of energy controlling the traps. The plant must ensure it is closing due to the presence of a potential victim. Still, sometimes, the double stimuli strategy fails. The trap or plant won’t die due to the mistake, but the plant will have less energy to grow.

Here is a summary of the Venus Flytrap closing mechanism:

  1. The trigger hairs receive stimulus twice within 20 seconds
  2. The trap snaps and closes almost completely (tiny insects might escape)
  3. The trap snaps shut if it detects continuous movement
  4. The trap remains close while digesting the prey

It is hypothesized that Venus flytraps test the size of the prey before they spend energy to consume it. The trap doesn’t close in a single stage. First, the lobes go into a semi-close stage. During that time, small insects can scape. Then, during the second stage, the trap closes shut and start the digestion process.

The Venus flytrap digestion process can take several days or even a few weeks, depending on the size of the insect. The trap will remain close shut during the whole process. When the hatch is closed, it fills with enzymes that slowly decompose the victim. Also, they prevent the entrance of bacteria or fungus.

Interesting Fact: The Traps Are Lightning fast

The traps of a Venus flytrap can snap shut very fast. They exhibit one of the fastest movements within the plant kingdom. The lobes can close in less than a second. Scientists explain the speed of the closing mechanism by transitioning from a convex position to a concave position. In simple terms, a Venus flytrap leaf works as a pop-up rubber cap. Overall, the motion is very fast as it has to be to capture the prey.

“Among carnivorous plants, the Venus flytrap is of particular interest for the rapid movement of its snap-traps and hypothesized prey selection, where small prey are allowed to escape from the traps (…) ” Understanding the Venus flytrap through mathematical modeling, Sami Lehtinen

Sometimes Venus fly traps won’t close their leaves to capture insects because they might be hibernating or sick. In this article, you can find more info on this: Why Venus Fly Traps Won’t Close Plus Easy Fixes.

What Can Trigger Venus Fly Traps

A variety of things can trigger the traps, for example:

  • Humans
  • Insects
  • Arachnids
  • Small frogs or lizards
  • Small rodents, such as mice
  • Inanimate objects, such as dust, air, rain, debris, twig

Even though many small animals can trigger the traps of a Venus flytrap, their diet consists almost exclusively on insects and arachnids. Technically, Venus flytrap can consume meat; however, their small traps are designed to capture small arthropods.

How Venus Flytraps Lure Prey

Venus flytraps lure prey with two elements: a bright color and sweet nectar. The plant secretes nectar on the inside surface of their traps. The nectar is sweet, and it emits an enticing scent. Also, the interior of the trap exhibits bright red color shades.

Potential victims get lured by the bright color, the nectar scent, or both factors. In many cases, the prey gets confused and believes it has just landed in a flower.

Once a bug lands inside a trap it will start consuming the nectar. Meanwhile, the Venus flytrap is waiting patiently for stimuli.

How and When Do Venus Flytraps Open?

Once a trap is closed shut, the trap will open in a few days if it is empty or 10-14 days if it is digesting a bug.

False alarm

Sometimes the double stimuli mechanism fails and the trap closes while empty inside. Also, sometimes humans activate the trigger hairs out of curiosity. In this scenario, the traps might reopen immediately or it might take a few days.

In some cases, the plant notices the lack of stimuli after closing and it reopens after a few minutes. Also, it might remain in a half-open half-close position for some hours.

In other cases, external stimuli can trick the plant into closing and believing it has capture prey. In those cases, the Venus flytrap will reopen but might take 24-72 hours to do so.

After a good meal

Venus flytraps reopen when they have finished consuming their prey. The plant can consume most parts of the insects except for the skeleton. When the trap reopens, it leaves the dry skeleton behind.

The opening or reopening motion of Venus flytraps is not fast (like the closing). They open up slowly, as there is no need for speed in this case.

When they finally open, the trap is ready to capture another prey immediately.

What Happens to the Leaves After Closing/Opening?

The Venus flytrap is always changing leaves. The traps can close a handful of times before they wither and die (the exact number varies depending on the plant and the leaf). Once a trap has closed the maximum of times, then it will start turning dark and finally, it will dry up.

This process is completely normal. Leaves die all the time and new ones star spurring from the bulb. New Venus flytrap growers sometimes freak out when they see leaves turning black. They think it is a clear sign of a dying Venus flytrap. But, the leaf cycle is a normal process.

In the picture below, you can observe a healthy Venus flytrap exhibiting some vibrant colors. Also, you might notice some black leaves on the side of the plant. Those are the old traps that are slowly drying up and decomposing. Growers should only worry if leaves start dying, but there is no replacement growing.

Also, the black leaves won’t spread through the rest of the plant. It is not an infection, but simply traps completing their cycle.

Venus flytrap size

Sometimes Venus flytraps capture large prey. In those cases, the trap will attempt to consume the bug, but it might be unsuccessful. If the victim is too big for the leaf, the plant abandons the cause and lets the whole leaf die.

Obviously, this scenario is not optimal. The plant is able to absorb some nutrients but ultimately loses a trap unexpectedly due to the size of the prey.

Why Do Venus Flytrap Need a Trapping Mechanism?

The Venus flytrap developed a trapping mechanism to capture bugs and supplement their diet. But, bugs are not an essential part of their diet.

Venus flytraps do not need bugs to survive, they produce their own food through photosynthesis (like other plants). The bugs they consume are an extra boost. Venus flytraps do not have access to key nutritious elements in the soil, but they can contain those same elements from prey.

Venus flytraps do not rely on the trapping mechanism to survive. However, it can be very useful to capture prey as the plant has a lot more energy to use of growing and developing.

Regardless of the status of a trap either when it is open, close, or is starting to die, it contributes to the photosynthesis process.

Related Recommendations for Venus Flytrap Owners

Follow the considerations below to keep Venus flytrap leaves healthy and let the trapping mechanisms function properly:

  • Do not attempt to open a leaf forcefully. Instead, let the leaf follow a normal behavior. The strain on the trap can reduce its life span.
  • Sometimes traps trigger due to inanimate objects or external stimuli. Do not worry if a trap is closed without a bug inside.
  • Venus flytraps will only close shut if they receive stimuli from a live bug. Still, you can feed your plant dead bugs. However, you might have to follow some additional instructions to be successful. Here is a guide for that purpose.
  • Do not remove dying leaves before they have withered completely. They should completely blacken and dry out.
  • Avoid triggering the traps of your plant. Save your plant’s energy by letting your plant focus on capturing prey.
  • When you buy Venus flytraps from a store or online, traps might be close due to shipping or excessive contact due to transportation. This is normal. Still, it would help if you were very careful with your plant to let it set in its new home.
  • Keep your venus flytrap diet simple. You can trigger your plant’s trap with different types of feed, but you should stick to bugs and spiders. Do not attempt to feed your plant with human food. Harburger, candy, chicken, or anything similar can damage your plant.

Trapping Mechanism And Types of Carnivorous Plants

Each carnivorous plant exhibits a very particular trapping mechanism. All those mechanisms can be observed in nature and clarify into different types. Here are a few examples.

Adhesive traps: Some carnivorous plants characterize with sticky leaves. The leaves secrete an adhesive substance. When a bug comes in contact with the leaf, it gets stuck. Sundews and butterworts are some good examples of adhesive trap carnivorous plants.

Pitfall traps: Pitcher plants, for example, characterize with pitcher-like leaf structures. When a victim falls within the pitcher it encounters a slippery surface filled with enzymes. 

Suction traps: Bladderworts exhibit suction trap mechanisms. They have highly modified leaves in the shape of a bladder with a hinged door lined with trigger hairs.

Snap traps: The Venus flytrap is not the only snap trap carnivorous plant. The waterwheel plant has hinged leaves. These snap shut in response to stimuli from trigger hairs (similarly to Venus flytraps).

Related Questions

How many times can a Venus flytrap close before it dies?

Venus flytraps do not die when they close. Each trap has a set useful life. After that period has been fulfilled, then the leaf withers. Each trap is usually able to open and close five times before it dies.

Do Venus flytraps die when you touch them?

Venus flytraps do not die when you touch them. However, when you trigger the traps and make them close, you are wasting the plant’s energy. This won’t lead to deaf directly but will weaken the plant. If you are interested in activating the traps, consider feeding your plant to observe the mechanism.

Why do Venus flytraps not close?

A Venus flytrap leaf might not close because the leaf is dying or because the plant is adapting to a new environment. Once a trap is about to start withering, it stops being capable of snapping. Also, during extreme winters, summer, or maybe a change in environment, your Venus flytrap might be undergoing some changes and focusing on photosynthesis rather than capturing bugs.

Can a bug escape from a Venus flytrap after the trap is closed?

A trapped insect can escape from inside a trap if it is strong enough or if it can eat its way out (slugs for example). But, the victim will have to escape quickly before the plant kills them. When the trap is closed shut, the plant starts producing enzymes.

Glands secrete enzymes inside the trap and cause the victim to drown. Then, the enzymes start digesting the victim immediately, but slowly. The process can take a couple of weeks.

I have heard of slugs or caterpillars eating the traps from the inside to prevent their death. Main takeaway: avoid feeding your Venus flytrap leaf-eating insects.

Are Venus Fly Trap Edible?

Several wild plants are safe to be eaten by humans, but what about Venus flytraps? Are they edible? In this article, we will cover some interesting details about Venus flytraps and determine if they are a suitable emergency meal.

Venus flytraps are edible. They are not poisonous plants, and their consumption does not impose any type of risk to humans or pets. However, it is not recommended to consume Venus flytraps since they are an endangered species. Other plants are better suited for a balanced human diet.

We just learned humans could consume Venus flytraps. But, does it make sense to eat Venus flytrap? And what do Venus flytraps eat anyways?

Are Venus Flytrap Edible?

When you buy indoor plants, an important consideration is if they are safe to eat. The question doesn’t usually arise from the desire of eating your new plant, but due to the presence of curious kids and pets.

You will be surprised by how many house plants are poisonous. You can read this article and review an extensive list of poisonous indoor plants. The list even includes the Photos plant and the Tulip! However, Venus flytraps are a different story. They are not toxic, and they are edible. So, they can make a great indoor plant, and they do not pose a risk to pets or curious kids.

Venus flytrap leaf

Venus Flytraps can be consumed without any issues, and you can touch it without any risk of rash or infection. Some people are scared about handling Venus flytraps because of their jaw-looking leaves. But, Venus flytrap can not harm humans.

Even if you put your trap inside a trap and activate it, your finger will be ok. You will barely feel it. Those traps are not designed to bite, but they are designed to capture tiny bugs.

In reality, Venus flytraps have a much better chance of being harm by humans than the other way around.

Where to Find Venus Flytrap

Venus flytraps are a very peculiar species. They grow in the wild in only a few locations.

Venus flytraps are native to South Carolina and North Carolina in the United States. There they grow in only two regions: the coastal plain and sandhills.

Coastal Plain: They are a flat and low-lying piece of land next to the ocean. They are separated from the rest of the interior by nearby landforms, such as mountains or hills.

Sandhills: They are an inland habitat type characterized by rolling hills with a thick capped by deep coarse sands. They are wedged between the Coastal Plain and Piedmont regions. 

In their natural habitat, the Venus flytrap lives in very poor soil, which lacks nutrients. Also, there they have access to plenty of light and a humid environment. Due to the lack of nutrients in the ground, Venus flytraps developed trapping mechanisms to capture and consume prey. Even though capturing prey is not crucial for their survival, Venus flytraps benefit from consuming a bug every now and then.

Encountering carnivorous plants in their natural habitat is a very memorable experience. For Venus flytrap, however, it is difficult to accomplish as they only live in a small region of the United States.

The Venus Flytrap Is Endangered

Even though we can consume Venus flytraps at no risk, you should avoid harming Venus flytraps. The Venus flytrap is an endangered species. About ten years ago, it was added to the endangered species list.

Many factors are affecting the Venus flytrap natural habitat and have led to a wild population decrease:

  • Poachers
  • Environmental changes
  • Urbanization and agricultural expansion


Poachers remove plants from their natural habitat and sell them for profit. Poaching Venus flytraps is illegal (it is a felony in five North Carolina counties), yet it is still a common practice.

Environmental Changes

Due to global warming and climate cycles, the natural habitat of Venus flytrap has changed dramatically during the past decades. Temperatures in the Carolinas reach more extreme levels, and there had been an increase in tropical storm and hurricane exposure.

Urbanization and agricultural expansion

Cities have expanded and now occupy the previously untouched territory where Venus flytraps lived. Also, the expansion of agriculture has taken over large amounts of land and reduced the number of wild species.

Fun fact: The Venus flytrap is North Carolina’s state carnivorous plant

As a way to promote the preservation of the species. North Carolina declared the Venus flytrap their state carnivorous plant in 2005. North Carolina is the first state to declare a carnivorous plant as a state symbol.

If you ever encounter a Venus flytrap in the wild, admire it as much as you can, but do not attempt to remove it. There is no need to remove Venus flytraps from their natural habitat. Instead, browse online or at your local nursery for responsibly grown Venus flytrap.

We all need to wok together in preserving this fascinating specie of carnivorous plants.

Where to Get a Venus Flytrap

The Venus flytrap is endangered, but you can still own a Venus flytrap without harming the wild population. Breeders all over the world propagate and sell different varieties of Venus flytrap.

You can buy a Venus flytrap at your local nursery (if they carry carnivorous plants), online, or in brick and mortar stores. Preferable, buy Venus flytrap from reputable sources and when in doubt ask how do they propagate their plants. They should be able to give you a detailed answer.

You can learn more details about where to buy Venus flytrap with this article: Venus Flytrap Shopping Guide. Also, make sure to review the Venus flytrap care instructions before you own one

What Do Venus Flytraps Eat?

Humans and animals could consume Venus flytrap. But how does it work the other way around? What do Venus flytraps eat?

First, like most plants, Venus flytraps produce their own food via photosynthesis. Second, Venus flytraps capture prey to supplement their diet and gain key nutrients.

Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants. Their leaves have evolved over thousands of years to be capable of capturing prey. The Venus flytrap is a small plant, it can reach a height of a foot tall, and the size of an adult trap barely exceeds 1 inch.

The traps are designed to capture insects and arachnids, however, Venus flytrap can capture many other beings. For example, they can capture and consume tiny frogs, mice, or even birds. In the end, they are carnivorous plants, not insectivorous plants.

Venus flytraps can consume meat, but the event when this occurs is very unlikely. The vast majority of times their diet relies solely on insects and arachnids.

Fun fact: Venus flytraps not only eat flies

Venus flytraps eat crickets, beetles, grasshoppers, spiders, slugs, ants, worms, and of course, flies. As long as the prey is small enough to fit inside the trap, the Venus flytrap will attempt to capture it.

Feeding Venus flytrap

Could a Venus flytrap eat a human?

Technically, yes Venus flytrap can consume a human, but only parts of it. Venus flytraps can consume flesh, but due to their size and resilience limitations, they can only consume very small pieces. Also, the digestion process takes a long time.

The Venus flytrap takes a week or two to digest a single bug. So, yes, Venus flytrap can eat meat, but it is unfeasible to think Venus flytrap can consume a large mammal.

Related Question

What happens if a human eats a Venus flytrap?

Probably nothing besides a stomachache. Venus flytraps are not poisonous to humans; you shouldn’t expect any type of allergic reaction.

Still, Venus flytraps do consume bugs and they hold them inside their traps for several days to complete the digestion process. If a human or pet consumes a Venus flytrap which was digesting a bug, then they will be consuming the bug too.

Save a Dying Venus Flytrap: 7 Steps to Bring it Back to Life

It can be very frustrating when you are growing Venus flytraps, and they are either dying or looking down. Venus flytraps can be quite tricky to grow due to its unique requirements. In this article, I will give you some advice on how to bring your sick Venus flytrap back to life.

Standard plant soil, tap-water, and lack of sunlight can kill Venus flytraps very quickly. Other factors such as excessive humidity, extreme temperatures, aggressive fertilizing, and improper feeding, can significantly affect Venus flytraps.

Is Your Venus Flytrap Dying?

First, let’s verify the state of your Venus flytrap.

A dead Venus flytrap has no green leaves, has wholly blackened, and has a squishy consistency. Yet, some people tend to confuse a dying Venus flytrap from a healthy Venus flytrap undergoing some changes: dormancy or leaf rotation.

Dormancy Period

During the winter, Venus flytraps experience dormancy. The dormancy period is similar to hibernation for animals. During this time, your Venus flytrap will stop growing, it will reduce in size, and several leaves will die. 

If your plant has been exposed to temperatures below 40F (4.4C) for a few weeks, your Venus flytrap might be experiencing dormancy. A yearly dormancy period is crucial for your plant’s development. It will last about three months, and then your plant will start flourishing again in the spring.

Many people get confused during Venus flytrap dormancy. They believe their plat is dead, and they throw it away. Your plant might have experienced sudden changes, but it is because it is in its rest period.

Do not throw away your plant during dormancy. If you are uncertain of its state, keep your plant until spring. Then, it will either exit dormancy and continue to develop or never recover. Follow these considerations to care for your plant during dormancy properly:

  • Do not fertilize: Your plant is not growing; avoid fertilizing your plant altogether.
  • Do not feed your plant: During dormancy, your plant doesn’t need to be fed. If it catches prey on its own, that is fine, but do not feed manually.
  • Lower the watering frequency: Venus flytraps still need a moist environment to live. During dormancy, continue to water, but lower the rate and adapt to weather conditions.
  • Avoid freezing temperatures: The Venus flytrap needs exposure to cold weather during dormancy. However, you should avoid letting your plant freeze or experience temperatures below 25-30 F (-4C to -1C)

Standard Leaf Rotation

New Venus flytrap growers tend to get confused about the presence of black leaves. They mistakenly associate the sole existence of dead lives with a sick plant. 

Venus flytraps grow quickly; old leaves wither while new ones spur from the ground. When Venus flytrap leaves wither, they turn dark in color until they have blackened completely. They dry out and decompose slowly.

Black leaves are normal. You shouldn’t worry about your Venus flytrap unless the number of black leaves has increased significantly, and new leaves are not growing fast enough. Also, remember that during dormancy, your plant will exhibit an increase in black leaves. It is just part of your plant’s life cycle.

Venus flytrap size
Healthy Venus flytraps produce black leaves

7 Steps to Bring Your Venus Flytrap Back to Life

In this section, we will cover the necessary steps to bring your Venus flytrap back to life. The first two steps are essential care considerations. They are critical as improper soil and water can kill your Venus flytrap very quickly. Read over the whole list to determine the reason or reasons why your Venus flytrap is not thriving.

  1. Examine the soil 
  2. Check the water source
  3. Create a watering schedule
  4. Inspect lighting requirements
  5. Perfection your feeding technique
  6. Examine your plant for pests and  root rot
  7. Be Patient and avoid these actions

Step 1: Examine the Soil

In the wild, Venus flytrap grow in very poor soil. Throughout the years, they have developed an intolerance to nutrients. Therefore, you can not use standard ground for Venus flytraps. 

If you are using standard soil with minerals and nutrients, you will have to repot immediately. Standard soil can kill your Venus flytrap very quickly. For your Venus flytrap, you can buy a nutrient-free carnivorous plant mix or make your own. To make your own, employ moss, such as peat or long sphagnum moss and a draining agent, such as sand and perlite. 

This type of carnivorous plant soil is safe for Venus fly traps.

Besides choosing the appropriate soil, pay attention to the pot you use. Some materials leach minerals into the ground.

If you would like the exact Venus fly trap pot recommendations I use and a guide to select the best containers, check this article.

Step 2: Check the Water Source

Venus flytrap are particular about the water you can employ. Never water your plant with tap water or bottled water. Instead, you need nutrient-free mineral-free water. Chose between:

  • Distilled
  • Reverse Osmosis
  • Rainwater
  • Filtered water, but not with any filter, use ZeroWater

If you have used the wrong water source, you will have to make a few changes. First, repot your plant with new soil while moistening it with the correct water source. Then, continue to water with nutrient-free water only. Make sure you read the water tag and verify, it has no nutrients added (not even for flavor) before you use it.

Tap water or bottled water can kill your plant very quickly. You should make the transition right away and always use the correct water source.

Step 3: Create a Watering Schedule for Your Venus Flytrap

Venus flytraps live in humid climates. They are used to moist soils and humid weather. Some people mistakenly believe Venus flytraps live in swamps, but this is not true.

When you water Venus flytrap, the solid should remain moist. But, you shouldn’t saturate the ground with water. Excessive watering can damage your plant and potentially create an optimal environment for mold and bacterial growth.

Check the soil for your Venus flytrap. Test the moisture with one of your fingers. If the ground is damped, do not water again until it is almost dry. But, this time, only water until the soil is humid. 

The best strategy is to create a watering schedule that you adjust through the seasons. For example,  I water my indoor plants once a week, but my outdoor plants every 2-3 days.

All in all, keep the soil moist at all times but do not saturate or flood the ground.

Step 4: Inspect Lighting Requirements

Venus flytraps need a lot of light. Optimally, they should receive 12 hours of sunlight a day. Sometimes Venus flytraps appear to be droopy, or the leaves do not develop properly due to light starvation. 

Examine the current light situation and adapt your setup so your Venus flytrap can have access to light at least 4 hours a day. You can always supplement natural sunlight with a plant light. I have used high output fluorescent light, and high power LED plant lights (like this) without a problem. If you are in doubt about lighting, it is better to expose your plant to more light rather than less.

Improper lighting won’t kill your plant right away but will weaken it over time. Color fading in your plant is a sign of light starvation. Healthy Venus flytraps exhibit a combination of bright green colors outside their traps and deep red inside its traps.

Step 5: Perfection your Feeding Technique. Feed Your Venus Flytrap Correctly.

Now, it is time to perfect your feeding technique. Outdoor Venus flytraps can catch their prey and be more self-sufficient. Indoor Venus flytraps will need your help with feeding. Venus flytraps do not need to capture prey to survive; however, consuming them can boost their health and increase their growth rate. 

Improper feeding is one of the leading causes of black leaves. Follow this advice to feed your Venus flytrap correctly:

  • Only feed your plant insects or arachnids: Do not feed your plant any human food such as candy, raw meat, or chicken.
  • Feed your plant only if it has no access to feed: Outdoors, Venus flytrap capture their own prey; they do not usually need supplemental feeding.
  • Do not overfeed: One bug every 4-6 weeks is an acceptable frequency.
  • Feed one trap in the whole plant at a time: You do not need to feed every single trap, feed only one at a time.
  • Pick the right size prey: Choose bugs that are about ⅓ of the size of the trap. Anything more significant can be too much for the plant.

Here are some dehydrated insects you can use to feed your plant.

For more information, read this guide on Venus flytrap feeding:

Step 6: Examine Your Flytrap for Pests and Diseases

Carefully examine your plant for any signs of pest infestation or diseases. 

This step doesn’t have a straightforward resolution as your plant might be affected by many different pests of diseases. Identify the symptoms in your plant and research solutions. Here are a few examples.

  • Eliminate aphids with pyrethrin insecticide
  • Get rid of mites with a miticide
  • Employ sulfur-based fungicide to eliminate a fungus infection.

 For example, Aphids produce twisted and deformed leave in Venus flytrap. You can eliminate Aphids with pyrethrin insecticide. Also, your plant might be affected by mites, fungus, mold, etc. Identify the symptoms in your plant and research solutions. 

Step 7: Be Patient and Avoid Harming Your Flytrap With These Actions

After you have gone over the previous six steps, you should have a proper Venus flytrap setup. Follow all those instructions to save your Venus flytrap and take it to the next level. It might take a few weeks to notice any changes, but be patient. Also, while you wait for a full recovery, avoid these actions: 

  • Do not fertilize your plant: It is possible to fertilize Venus flytraps with Maxsea 16-16-16 as long as you dilute the fertilizer. But, at the time, I will recommend avoiding fertilizing altogether. Instead, focus on feeding your plant correctly.
  • Avoid repotting: I recommend repotting every year to a year and a half. Repotting helps keep the ground fresh and loose to stimulate growth. However, when your plant is struggling, it is better to wait before you change the soil.
  • Place your plant in a quiet location with unwanted stress: Avoid mechanical stress at all costs. Place your plant somewhere where it is not exposed to constant movement. For example, avoid moving curtains and curious pets.
  • Skip the flowering process: Venus flytraps produce flowers during the spring. The flowering process is entertaining, especially for novice growers. Yet, this process can drain your plant’s energy. If your plant is struggling to survive, I would recommend skipping the flowering process. Cut off the flower stalks as soon as you spot them (before they flower). The flower stalks are easy to spot as they are thick tubular structures.
Venus flytrap flowers
Venus flytrap flowers

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed this step by step guide on Venus flytrap care. When your Venus flytrap is sick or appears to be dying, you must make changes immediately. Small mistakes can affect your plant’s health and ultimately kill it.

Do not get discouraged about growing Venus flytraps. Instead, perfect your setup over time. Feel free to comment if you have any questions.

Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants

Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:

Should I Mist My Venus Fly Trap? – Humidity Requirements

When you own a Venus flytrap, you must water your plant properly to keep reasonable humidity levels. Since I live in a very dry place, I was curious about the benefits of misting. Should you mist your Venus flytrap? Here is an explanation.

The Venus flytrap does not usually require misting. A light mist is appropriate when Venus flytraps live in an arid environment. Also, you might consider misting your Venus flytrap with foliar fertilizer during the growing season to strengthen the plant.

In the wild, Venus flytraps grow in humid environments. You can mist your plant to up the humidity index; however, you must be careful with the amount of water in the soil. Keep on reading; this article will help you achieve the balance between misting and watering your plant!

Misting Venus Flytraps

In the wild, Venus flytraps live in humid environments. They grow in South Carolina and North Carolina in the United States. There they encounter humidity levels of over 50% regularly.

Even though Venus flytraps are used to humid environments, they do not require swamp-like conditions. They are not aquatic plants or used to boggy environments.

Misting your plant is an easy solution to up the humidity level surrounding its environment. It is only a good idea when living in very dry climates. For example, I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and the weather is dry year-round. I sometimes struggle to keep the environment for my Venus flytraps adequately moist. I have sprayed my plants, but I prefer to use alternative solutions to keep humidity levels high. Here are the two reasons why I prefer alternate solutions rather than misting:

  1. It is challenging to be consistent: Where I live, the weather is dry all the time. It is hard for me to mist my plant manually on an ongoing basis.
  2. Humidifiers keep the exposed soil moist: I considered using a humidifier in the past, but I got discouraged after some research. Humidifiers help you level the humidity in the environment. Yet, with plants, they can sometimes moisten the exposed layer of the soil. The problem with that is that you won’t be able to identify when do you need to water your plant. The ground might be dry throughout, but moist on the very top.

It is not harmful to mist your plant, but if your main goal is controlling the humidity level surrounding your plant, there are other options. First, you must focus on watering your plant correctly. Then, you should explore how to increase the humidity index with some of the methods below.

Humidity Requirements for Venus Flytraps

One of the primary considerations when caring for a Venus flytrap is watering.

Venus flytraps grow naturally in humid environments. Watering Venus flytraps at appropriate levels is the most crucial factor in regards to soil and environmental humidity. You will have to water your plant often to keep the soil moist.

There is no watering frequency rule that I could share with you because each location is different. For example, growing Venus flytraps in hot temperatures will require a lot more water than in cold places.

The best rule of thumb for watering your Venus flytrap is to water all around the pot until the soil is moist. You should be able to press your finger in the ground and feel the wet, yet not damped soil. Then, you should let the soil almost dry-out before you water again.

Venus flytraps require special water. You can’t water your plant with tap water or even standard bottled water. You must always use nutrient-free mineral-free water, such as:

  • Rainwater
  • Distilled water
  • Reverse osmosis water

Just by following this watering advice, your plant will have all the water and humidity it needs. Still, you can help your plant adapt better to the climate by introducing more humidity by using a water container.

The Water Tray Strategy

Find a large plate or container that can fit your Venus flytrap pot inside of it. Make sure the container is not very shallow. It should be similar to the one shown in the picture below.

Venus Flytrap Humidity

Now, you can add some water to the container. Remember! It should always be mineral-free water. Only add a thin later of water (1-2 centimeters). The water in the recipient will help moisten the environment and will act as a water reserve.

I personally use this strategy, and it works very well. I employ it half of the year, during early summer, summer, and early fall as temperatures are very high where I live. During winter or late fall, there is no need to add extra water, especially during dormancy.

Terrariums and Humidity

Terrariums are trendy nowadays, as plant lovers start to experiment with this close environment concept. Venus flytraps can live in a terrarium, but it is not optimal.

Venus flytraps appreciate the humidity inside a terrarium, which resembles their natural environment. Yet, moisture and water are not the only factors.

Venus flytrap should go through a dormancy period in the winter. Inside a terrarium, it is challenging to achieve dormancy. Also, Venus flytraps need to consume bugs to thrive. Close terrariums do not offer the possibility of feeding.

Fertilizer Mist for Venus Flytraps

The general advice towards fertilizers and Venus flytraps is to abstain from fertilizing your plant. The only reason why this advice is so strict is because it is targeted towards novice growers.

It is possible to lightly mist your plant with fertilizer to strengthen its growth. Yet, new Venus fly trap growers tend to get overly excited with fertilizer (as they should be with most plants) and they forget Venus flytraps have a low tolerance towards nutrients and minerals.

You can mist your plant with fertilizer as long as you follow these considerations:

  • Only fertilize your plant during the growing season
  • Only fertilize indoor plants or plants that do not have access to feed
  • Do not saturate the soil with fertilizers
  • Employ weak foliar sprays as fertilizers

Now, lets go over more detail in those items:

Main Considerations

Only fertilize your plant during the growing season

There is no need to fertilize your plants during dormancy. During such a period, your plant is hibernating and should be left alone for a few months. Your Venus flytrap won’t grow during this period; it will shrink instead.

Only fertilize indoor plants or plants that do not have access to feed

When Venus flytraps grow outdoors, they do not require an additional boost to develop as they can cratch insects. Venus flytraps consume bugs to boost their diet and thrive.

Indoor Venus flytraps need the extra boost with fertilizers due to the lack of access to prey, but outdoor Venus flytraps are better off without it.

Do not saturate the soil with fertilizers

A good rule of thumb is to fertilize your plant once every 2 to 3 months during the growing season. Always do it lighting, never saturate the soil.

In their natural habitat, the Venus flytrap grows in impoverished soil. They are not used to handling minerals or other nutrients. Over-fertilizing can kill your plant, so do it carefully.

Employ foliar sprays as fertilizers

Mist your plant with foliar fertilizer to provide the extra boost. Foliar fertilizers are meant to be sprayed on the leaves of the plant. Maxsea is a gentle foliar fertilizer suitable for Venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants.

Alternatives to Fertilizers

It is not necessary to fertilize your Venus flytrap if you follow these care considerations:

  • Focus on proper feeding: Venus flytrap gets essential nutrients from prey thy capture. Outdoors, Venus flytraps can capture their feed, but indoors they tend to struggle. Feed yous Venus flytrap when they are placed indoors. Feeding your plant can be a lot more effective than fertilizing your plant as it is a natural process. Check this guide on Feeding a Venus flytrap if you are not familiar with the process. it is not too hards, but it should be done correctly.
  • Do not let your plant flower: During spring, Venus flytraps produce flowers for reproductions. Your plant will spend substantial amounts of energy producing those flowers. If you want to accelerate your plant’s growth, then you should cut off the flower stalks as soon as you spot them. Your plant will save energy and focus on growing and developing. More information about the subject here:


Why Do Venus Flytraps Turn Red?

Not all Venus flytraps exhibit a bright red color inside the traps. When I was getting started growing Venus flytraps, I noticed some of my plants didn’t even show any red; they were just green. So, why do Venus flytraps turn red?

The Venus flytrap characterizes with bright green colors in its leaves and a deep red color inside its traps. Venus flytraps only exhibit bright red colors when they receive an abundance of sunlight and proper care. Also, not all varieties of Venus flytraps display these colors.

Bright red and green colors in your Venus flytrap is a sign of good health. With this guide, we can help you achieve those colors and take your plant to its prime.

How Do Venus Flytraps Turn Red

Venus flytraps are native to South Carolina and North Carolina in the United States. There, they have grown for centuries in moist and nutrient-free soil, receiving plenty of light.

One of the most essential care considerations for Venus flytrap is lighting. The Venus flytrap requires several hours of sunlight to live.

When Venus flytraps undergo a light-starvation period, their colors change. Instead of exhibiting green and red colors, they turn to only green. The red coloring inside the traps is lost.

Why Do Venus Flytraps Turn Green?

Venus flytraps produce their own food through photosynthesis. When Venus flytraps turn entirely green, it is a sign their main focus at that time is light exposure.

Why Should Traps Be Red?

Venus flytraps consume insects to supplement their diet. They attract prey with the red color inside their trap and sweet nectar. Once the photosynthesis requirements are met, then, Venus flytraps can focus on capturing prey.

Achieving the red coloring inside the traps is not impossible.

First, you must fulfill the lighting requirement. Then, you should review all other care considerations. Good lighting is important, but your plant will need several elements to remain healthy. Make sure to explore all aspects, and you will have a happy Venus flytrap!

Venus Flytrap Lighting Requirement

Providing the appropriate amount of light for your Venus flytraps is critical.

Venus flytraps require a lot of sunshine to thrive. Optimally, they should receive 12 hours of light. They can live under indirect sunlight as long as they receive at least a few hours of direct sunlight every day.

There is no limit on how much light Venus flytraps need. For example, if you live in a sunny area with more than 12 hours of light, that will be great for a Venus flytrap.

Venus fly traps are great candidates for windowsills as long as the window has good sun exposure.

Employ Artificial Lighting

It is not always possible to have access to natural light. Some apartments have no windows, or you might live in a commonly dark place. But, that is not a problem for Venus flytrap enthusiasts.

Venus flytrap can be grown with artificial lighting. High output fluorescent lights work well for Venus flytraps. Always pick cool light colors to avoid overheating and place your plants close to the light source.

You can also employ LED plant lights (like these) to grow Venus flytraps. LEDs bring some benefits, for example, they do not heat up, and they consume little electricity. In terms of power, choose 40-50 Watt LED lights.

After a few weeks of proper light exposure, you should start noticing some changes in your Venus flytrap. Some types of Venus flytrap exhibit extremely bright colors others have some mild tones. Still, you should be able to spot some red coloring inside the new trap.

Tip: Balance Light vs Temperature

Sometimes bright and sunny areas can be too hot for Venus flytraps. In the wild, Venus flytraps bear high summer temperatures of about 90-95 F (32-35C). This should be the upper-temperature limit for your plant.

Avoid outdoor areas or windows that heat up over 95F (35C). Improper lighting will weaken your plant, and eventually, it could kill it, but extremely high temperatures can be more dangerous. Direct sunlight with temperatures surpassing 100F (37C) can burn and dry out your plant in a few hours.

Other Venus Flytrap Care Considerations

With appropriate lighting, you will get that burgundy color in the traps; many other factors can affect your plant. Any care mistakes can cause negative color changes in your plant. For example, leaves might turn yellow or start to turn black.

Now that you know how much light your Venus flytrap needs, you can go over this checklist to verify your plant’s setup.

Fertilizer: Venus flytraps are unique in this aspect. Do not fertilize your plant. Fertilizers have nutrients and minerals your plant won’t be able to process.

Water: Venus flytraps need a moist environment. Water your Venus flytrap, so the soil is always humid. Also, you can’t use tap water. Venus flytrap can only be watered with nutrient-free mineral-free water, such as:

  • Rainwater
  • Reverse osmosis water
  • Distilled water

Feeding: Venus flytraps grow healthy when they consume insects or spiders. Place your plant outdoors so it can catch its own prey. Or, feed it yourself if it lives indoors. The feeding process is easy but should be done correctly. Here is a quick guide of how to feed your plant: Venus Flytrap Feeding Procedure.

Indoor Environment: There are no restrictions on growing Venus flytrap indoors. They are great indoor plants! The only challenge usually falls in the lighting requirements. But, remember you can employ artificial lighting.

Soil: Venus flytraps require nutrient-free soil with good drainage. Most growers employ a mix of moss, either long-fibered sphagnum moss and sphagnum peat moss and sand or perlite.

Indoor Living: You can grow Venus flytraps in an indoor environment. Still, you must make sure you can find an indoor area that can fulfill all the other environmental considerations.

Containers: Pick the right plant pot. Ceramic, terracotta, or plastic are suitable materials. An adult Venus flytrap can grow well in a 4 to 5-inch container. Also, make sure the container is at least 5 inches deep.

For a complete Venus Flytrap Care Guide, we have a whole article. Check it out here: Complete Care Guide

Venus Flytrap Varieties and Red Coloring

Not all Venus flytraps are identical. There are several different varieties of Venus flytraps. The majority of these varieties are cultivars. Cultivars do not live in the wild, but humans have bred them.

The color and size of Venus flytraps also depend on genetics. For example, here are some Venus flytrap varieties that exhibit unique green or red coloring.

Akai Ryu or Red Dragon

Akai Ryu or Red Dragon is one of the most famous Venus flytrap cultivars. This variety, as shown in the picture, exhibits a deep red color all around.

The Red Dragon sometimes exhibits some green around the edges of its lobes. Guess what does it mean? You probably got it! Yes, green coloring is a sign of inadequate light exposure.

Red Dragon Venus flytrap
Photo by: Blue Ridge Exotics

Are you interested in learning more about this unique variety? Read this article and find where to buy them: Akai Ryu Guide.

Dionaea Green Dragon

The Green dragon has similar looks to the Red Dragon. However, this variety characterizes by maroon color all around and a green line at the edge of the lobes of the trap.

Dionaea “Justina Davis”

This variety of Venus flytrap is fully green. These plants can never gain the red coloring inside the trap. The Justina Davis Venus flytrap is not the only all-green Venus flytrap. For example, the Dionaea “Gremlin” is a fully-green Venus flytrap clone.

Related Questions

Is it normal to have a mix of green and green and red traps within one plant?

Yes, it has happened to me before. Sometimes the lighting changes, especially if you rely on natural light. Then, some older traps might still exhibit red lobes, while young traps are just green (or vice versa).

Final Thoughts

The color in your Venus flytrap is not as important from a purely aesthetic perspective. Yet, being attentive and detecting color changes can help you keep track of your plant’s health.

A lack of red in the trap lobes is a clear sign that your plant needs better lighting. Yellow coloring can be a sign of over-watering and an increase in black leaves is commonly due to improper feeding procedures.

Do Venus Flytraps Smell? – Indoor Expectations

Venus flytraps can be fantastic indoor or outdoor plants. They are beautiful, unique, and entertaining to own. When people consider growing Venus flytraps indoors, sometimes they question if these plants have any particular smell.

The Venus flytrap does not characterize by any particular smell. The traps of the plant secrete sweet nectar to attract prey, but that scent is undecipherable by humans. If your Venus flytrap smells, it might be caused by rotting soil, a rotting bulb, or insect carcasses.

If your plant is having some trouble and you are noticing unwanted scents, no worries. We can help you fix it! And for all the prospective new owners, do not get discouraged. Venus flytraps do not smell bad. When properly cared for, there is no odor.

Do Venus Flytraps Smell?

Venus flytraps can be grown indoors as they do not emit any unwanted smells. However, improper growing conditions can cause unwanted odor surrounding your Venus flytraps.

Natural Venus Flytrap Scent

Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants. They secrete sweet nectar inside their traps to lure potential victims.

The red color inside the traps together with the fruity scent confuses insects. Prey believes they have arrived at a flower, but instead, they end up becoming food.

The sweet scent produced by Venus flytrap can only be perceived at a tiny scale. Humans won’t be able to smell anything from Venus flytraps.

When I first learned about the trapping mechanisms of Venus flytraps, I was captivated. The sweet nectar trick seemed very neat. I even tried smelling the scent out of my Venus flytrap. But, as you just learned, I had no luck.

Unnatural Smells: Detect the Source

On some rare occasions, you might notice a bad smell surrounding your Venus flytrap. The scent might not be coming from your plant directly, but from some elements inside its grow container.

These are the leading causes of bad odors within your Venus flytrap plant or its environment:

  • An insect’s body is slowly decomposing inside the pot
  • The soil is holding bacteria or mold
  • You have a root rot

Now, we will explain each item in detail. Go over the list below and determine which fits your case.

An insect’s body is slowly decomposing inside the pot:

Venus flytraps consume insects. In most cases, they trap a bug and seal it inside the lobes of the trap. Then, the plant continues to digest the insect using enzymes. This process does not emit any smell because the trap is closed shut. Yet, sometimes things do not go as expected.

Sometimes Venus flytraps consume large insects. When an insect is relatively large for the plant, and it sticks out of the trap or barely fits inside, then the plant might have trouble digesting the bug.

In those cases, the plant attempts to consume the prey, but it might be unsuccessful. In those scenarios, the plant abandons the effort and lets the whole trap and leaf wither. Then, the bug, still inside the trap will slowly decompose naturally. Unfortunately, in these circumstances, dead bugs can emit an odor.

The easier way to eliminate the smell is to trim the dead leaves and remove any insect remains.

The soil is holding bacteria or mold:

Depending on humidity indexes and the temperature, your soil might be holding bacteria or mold. Any of those agents can produce unwanted smells. Also, it is not healthy for your plant to live in moldy or infested soil.

When your plant is fully trimmed, and the soil is exposed, it is easy to smell it and detect unwanted scents. Also, try to think back when was the last time you repotted your plant. Maybe this is an excellent time to exchange the soil.

You have a root rot:

Venus flytraps require a lot of water to live and develop. They need moist soil at all times. But, Venus flytraps do not need boggy or swamp-like conditions. For example, overwatering venus flytrap can cause root rot.

Root rot emits a smell. When your plant has root rot, the bulb is slowly rotting and dying. It is a severe condition that can kill your Venus flytrap.

Sometimes the smell of root rot is not very clear because the rotting bulb is underground. You can dig the soil around the bulb of your plant or entirely remove your plant from the ground to check for root rot.

Once you can observe the bulb you can identify a root rot easily:

  • The bub has a dark color or dark spots
  • The rotting area stinks
  • The affected area has a squishy texture

Root rot is dangerous for your plant as it will not stop and will eventually consume the whole bulb and roots. We have an article about Venus flytrap root rots and how to save your plant. If you are having this issue, follow the instructions in the section to save your precious flytrap:

How to Prevent Unwanted Smells in Your Venus Flytrap

In this section, we will explore solutions to prevent any bad smells within your plant’s pot and environment. These tips will also help you keep your Venus flytrap healthy.

Proper Feeding and Trimming

Sometimes large or improper prey gets stuck inside a Venus flytrap. But, in most cases, traps die with food inside them due to improper feeding. Venus flytrap owners tend to get too excited (especially as first-time growers) when feeding their new pet. Venus flytraps make two main mistakes during feeding: Improper prey size or improper food.

Follow these tips to properly feed your Venus flytrap and prevent any leaves from dying:

  • Only feed insects or arachnids to your Venus flytrap: Please, do not experiment with human food such as meat, candy, bread, etc. Your plant won’t be able to digest it. Instead, the trap will die with the food inside of it. Then, the feed will decompose slowly while attracting bacteria and fungus.
  • Feed your plant prey that fits inside the trap: Do not experiment with larger prey. Measure the bug before feeding your plant; make sure the bug is about 1/3 of the size of the trap. Larger insects won’t necessarily provide more nutrients. Also, when the plant can consume it in a reasonable amount of time, the trap will abandon the task and die. Then, you will be left with a dead bug’s corpse.

Trimming Tip: Keep an eye on the traps that are consuming prey. If you notice one of them is turning black, make sure to trim it and remove it. Then, you won’t encounter any unwanted scents.

Use the Proper Carnivorous Plant Soil

Prevent bacteria, mold, or fungus from developing in your soil by choosing the right soil elements for your plant. Most Venus flytrap owners use a special mix for their plants. Venus flytraps grow well on a combination of long-fibered sphagnum moss or sphagnum peat moss and sand or perlite.

Make sure to include one type of moss and sand or perlite. Sand and perlite both are great draining agents. They also break up the soil and provide a well-aired medium.

Prevent Stinky and Dangerous Root Rot

The smell of root rot is nor pleasant, but it can help you save your plant. The unwanted smell is a warning sign regarding the health of your plant. Follow this advice to prevent root rot:

  • Repot your plant once every year: Take advantage of the dormancy period to do some plant maintenance. Exchange old soil from the pot, clean up the roots, and set in new soil. There is no need to do this too often, just once a year or year and a half.
  • Do not over-water your plant: Some people have the misconception that Venus flytraps live in swamps, but that is not true. Venus flytraps need a moist ground; the soil shouldn’t be damped or flooding. Test the ground after you water and make sure it is not saturated with water.
  • Use nutrient-free soil with good drainage: Drainage in the soil prevents water stagnation.

Final Thoughts

I hope you found this article useful. A bad smell surrounding your Venus flytrap is an alert toward a care mistake. Maybe it is improper feeding, or perhaps overwatering. Regardless of the cause, you should take action to save your plant.

It is perfectly normal to make mistakes when growing Venus flytrap. Do not get discouraged. Venus flytraps can be tricky!

Should I Prune My Venus Fly Trap? – Trimming Guide

When you own a Venus flytrap, you know you will encounter dead leaves reasonably often. When you do, you have the option to prune your plant. I would like to share with you a short guide on pruning your Venus flytrap.

Venus flytraps can be pruned. Trimming is not essential to the plant’s survival, but it provides health and aesthetic benefits. Use sharp and thin scissors to cut the dead leaves from the base, and be cautious with the bulb and surrounding healthy leaves.

It is not a requirement to trim your Venus flytrap, but it can bring some benefits. Keep on reading to get more information in the proper trimming technique and considerations.

Venus Flytrap Pruning

The traps of Venus flytraps can only close less than a dozen times before they wither and die. This process is normal.

Venus flytraps are continually producing new leaves while old ones die. When Venus flytrap leaves wither, they turn to a dark black color. It takes several days for a trap to wither completely.

In the wild, the dead leaves tend to stay close to the ground and eventually decompose in the soil.

At home, you might want to consider pruning your Venus flytrap every now and then. The trimming process is entirely harmless when done correctly. After pruning, your plant will look healthier, have more room to grow, and more energy to produce new leaves.

When to Trim Your Venus Flytrap

Venus flytraps generate their food through the photosynthesis process. Even though they consume bugs, their survival depends on photosynthesis.

When a Venus fly trap leaf starts turning black, it might be unable to capture prey. However, it will still be able to help in the photosynthesis process. When the traps wither, they do not blacken all at once. Sometimes the top part of the leaf starts changing color, while the rest of the leaf is still green.

Even when only a fraction of the leaf is still healthy, the plant can still use that part of the leaf during photosynthesis.

Do not cut off traps as soon as they change in color. Instead, wait until they have wholly withered to take action. Once they have dried completely, then you can trim them out and remove them.

Also, during spring, your Venus flytrap will produce flowers. If you let your Venus flytrap flower, those flowers will also wither eventually. You should also trim the flowers. Flower stalks are thick and substantially heavier than the leaves. Removing them will save your plant some energy.

Venus Flytrap Pruning Considerations

Follow this list of considerations to trim your Venus flytrap properly:

  • Do not pull the dead leaves out manually: Never pull the dead leaves! You can severely damage the plant. All of the leaves spur from a delicate center bulb. The black leaves are still attached to the plant. If you pull them, you can rip off the whole plant or a chunk of it. Instead, use small scissors or pruners to cut them out.
  • Cut the black leaves close to the bulb, but without touching it: When you trim your Venus flytrap, do your best removing those dead leaves completely. Do not only cut the trap portion of the trap but the whole branch.
  • Avoid setting up any traps: Venus flytraps employ significant amounts of energy controlling their traps. When you prune your plant, you will be in contact with healthy leaves. Avoid setting any traps with your fingers or tool. When you activate a trap at a random time, your plant will waste energy, and the trap will die sooner.
  • Set up a trimming schedule to avoid stress: I recommend trimming your plant every couple of months or so, depending on the season. When you trim your plant, especially if you are a beginner, you will put some stress on it due to excessive movement and handling. I usually avoid pruning dead leaves too often. Instead, I wait until I see several black leaves. Then, I clean up the plant to avoid constant stress situations.

Venus Flytrap Trimming Benefits

When you prune a plant, you remove dead and dying branches or leaves to incentive growth and prevent pests. Here are some key benefits that arise from grooming your Venus flytrap:

  • Better Aesthetics: Venus flytraps do not always look picture perfect. Most people are not familiar with the idea of black leaves in Venus flytraps. If they spot the dead leaves, they might assume your plant is dying, even though that is not true. When you prune your Venus flytrap, you highlight the traps and remove the excess. Routine grooming can give a positive aesthetic change.
  • Promote growth: The general idea of pruning a plant is simple: remove the dead to encourage growth. Prune your Venus flytrap to promote its growth and development. A well-groomed plant will focus its effort on growing and developing, rather than supporting the dying branches.
  • Prevent Pest and Mold: Sometimes, mold or bacteria can develop in dead leaves, especially when there are large amounts of dead foliage.
  • Avoid Overcrowding: In the wild, dead leaves decompose at a higher rate than at home due to more exposure to microorganisms. In your home or a small plant pot, the dead foliage will take months or up to a year to decompose. Trim your Venus flytrap to give the traps more space to extend over and grow.
Venus flytrap size
Black Leaves in a healthy Venus Flytrap

Pruning During Venus Flytrap Dormancy

Venus flytraps undergo a dormancy period every year during late fall or winter. This process is entirely normal, and it is analogous to animal hibernation. Venus flytrap experience dormancy when they are exposed to cold weather (32F to 45F).

During dormancy, your plant will change dramatically. Several leaves will die all at once. Also, your plant will stop growing and reduce in size. You might only be left with a couple of healthy leaves by the end of dormancy.

During dormancy, you will have several dead leaves to trim at first. Then, the growth rate will slow down significantly. Trim your plant when necessary and consider repotting close to the end of winter.

Remember, the dormancy period is completely normal. So, do not get worried if your plant experiences sudden changes during winter months.

Trimming Frequency: Black Leaf vs Healthy Leaf Ratio

Should you be trimming so many black leaves?

Pro Tip: Always keep an eye on your plant’s dead leaf ratio or cycle. There should always be a new branch spurring from the bulb for every dead leaf. If you notice an increase in black leaves, your plant can be sick.

Natural Causes of Black Leaves

  • Standard Growth Cycle
  • Dormancy: There will be an increase in black leaves during dormancy

Black Leaves Caused by Poor Growing Conditions

  • Large prey: Leaves die when traps consume overly large prey that is difficult to digest.
  • Poor lighting: Venus flytrap require a lot of sunlight. Without enough lighting new and older traps weaken and die
  • Improper water source: Leaves die rapidly when Venus flytraps are watered with tap water. Only water your plant with reverse osmosis, distilled or rainwater.
  • Wrong soil: Venus flytrap needs nutrient-free soil. Your plant will weaken and die if planted in standard soil.
  • Excessive use of fertilizers: Venus flytraps can handle a light mist of fertilizer. But generally, fertilizer can do more harm than good and kill your plant.

Final Thoughts

The process of trimming your Venus flytrap is completely optional. There is no hard requirement that forces you to groom your plant. Dead foliage would definitely not kill your plant!

When trimming or caring for your Venus flytrap always inspect the leaves. Changes in the color of the leaves can indicate healthy or unhealthy conditions. Also, an increase in black leaves can be a warning sign.

Hope you found this article useful. Good luck growing Venus flytrap. Enjoy!

Detect Venus Flytrap Root Rot – How to Save you Plant Today

Venus flytraps require several elements to stay healthy. If your plant is starting to look sick or losing leaves, you might be experiencing root rot. I have grown Venus flytraps for several years. And, along the way, I have made mistakes and learned how to overcome them. With this article, I would like to share a guide to detect Venus flytrap root rot and give you advice on how to save your plant.

Venus flytraps can be affected by root rot when grown in humid environments. The root rot weakens the plant, and if the conditions do not change, root rot can kill the plant. The signs of root rot are abnormal smell, an increase in black leaves, and color and texture changes in the plant’s bulb.

If your plant is suffering from root rot, you can still save it. Do not get discouraged! Instead, read the guide below and follow some easy procedures to save your Venus flytrap.

Venus Flytrap Root Rot Causes

Root rot is caused by overwatering Venus flytrap or exposing them to fungus or bacteria.

Venus flytraps require substantial amounts of water to survive. The general rule is to keep the soil moist at all times. You should never let the soil dry out completely.

Even though Venus flytraps require constant watering, some people can give their plants too much love and accidentally harm them. The soil should be moist, but it shouldn’t be damped.

Over-watered soil promotes the growth of harmful bacteria and fungus. The bacteria and fungus consume your plant’s matter. When the soil is damped, fungus and bacteria start consuming the bulb of you Venus flytrap.

In the wild, Venus flytraps live in humid habitats. However, they are not aquatic plants, and they are not used to swamp-like conditions.

“Venus flytrap occupies distinct longleaf pine habitats in the two regions of the Carolinas – Coastal Plain and the Sandhills. In the Coastal Plain where it is more common, Venus flytrap occurs in wet loamy pine savannas and sand pine savannas. These sites are generally flat with wet or moist soils for much of the year. ”

Venus Flytrap
Under Endangered Species Act review
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Clear Signs of Root Rot

If you believe your plant is experiencing root rot, but are uncertain, you can use the following list to make an accurate diagnosis:

  • Rotting smell: Get close to your plant and try to detect any strange smell. Usually, a trap decomposing a bug might exhibit a bit of a scent, but the plant shouldn’t have a rotting odor.
  • An increase in black leaves: Venus flytraps naturally exchange leaves, older leaves blacken, and new ones spur from the bulb. Even though black leaves are a normal part of the plant’s cycle, an increase in black leaves is a warning sign.
  • Changes in your plant’s bulb: Dramatic changes in the bulb of your plant are clear signs of root rot. The roots and bulb of your Venus flytrap are underground. Therefore, you must remove the plant from the soil to confirm a root rot. A healthy bulb is white and has some pink coloring in the edges. Rotting bulbs have dark spots or areas. Also, a rotting bulb has a squishy and slimy feel.
Venus Flytrap bulb and roots
En example of healthy Venus flytrap bulbs and roots

Remember! Your Venus flytrap can be down for several reasons:

  • Wrong water source
  • Lack of proper sunlight
  • Inappropriate feeding
  • Dormancy

Regardless of having a root rot or not, you should always follow all the Venus flytrap care considerations. You can get the whole overview here:

How to Save your Venus Flytrap from Rotting

When your Venus flytrap has a root rot, you must act quickly. Follow the steps below to save your plant from rotting.

1- Remove your Venus Flytrap from the Soil

Carefully remove your Venus flytrap from the soil. Remove all the big chunks of soil manually and then wash the bulb and the roots with distilled or reverse osmosis water (rainwater is also an option).

2- Remove the Affected Area

Now, you will have to bring out your inner surgeon skills! Use a small pair of scissors to trim the affected area. Remove the rotting part of the bulb and roots attached to it.

At this point, you should also trim any dead leaves. Your plant needs to focus on recovering and producing healthy leaves and roots.

If your plant has been dramatically affected by root rot, you can consider trimming a few unhealthy looking traps (following these instructions) so that your plant can focus on maintaining the healthy ones alive and producing new ones.

3- Repot your Plant in Clean Soil

Discard the old soil. Clean the plant container thoroughly and place new soil inside the pot. Now, carefully plant your Venus flytrap in the new soil. Make sure the roots fit comfortably, and the ground fully covers the bulb.

Choose an appropriate soil mix to prevent rotting in the future. Venus flytrap soil usually consists of a combination of moss, either Long-fibered sphagnum moss or sphagnum peat moss and sand or perlite.

You can also consider using a fungicide spray to prevent any remaining fungal agents from spurring.

4- Water your Plant and Monitor its Condition

Venus flytraps need water. Therefore, you still need to water your plant, but be extra careful. Use your fingers and press the soil after watering. You should feel the moisture in the ground. Yet, your fingers shouldn’t feel water or a swamp-like texture.

Now, it is time to monitor your plant and make sure it recovers. Be especially careful in providing enough sunlight during this period. Your plant needs all the strength it can get to improve.

How to Prevent Root Rot

Soggy ground conditions and exposure to fungus and bacteria can cause root rot. Follow this advice to prevent root rot from happening in the first place.

  • Use the right soil with enough drainage
  • Repot your Venus flytrap every year to prevent soil compression
  • Test the soil humidity after watering

Now, let’s explore each item in detail:

Use the Right Soil with Enough Drainage

Venus flytraps require nutrient free soil with good drainage. Most growers utilize a combination of these components to create a Venus flytrap friendly soil: 

  • Long-fibered sphagnum moss
  • Sphagnum peat moss
  • Sand
  • Perlite

You can find all of these components in any gardening store. The moss holds water to provide the moist environment we need. And the perlite and sand help with drainage and loosen up the soil.

Some growers plant Venus flytrap directly into Long-fibered or peat moss. I prefer to combine moss with sand or perlite. Sand and perlite both help air the soil. These components are vital to preventing excessive moisture and reduce the chances of root rot.

Repot your Venus Flytrap Every Year

When you keep plants in the same soil for long periods, the soil tends to compress. Soil compression slows the plant’s growth as roots have to fight their way through the ground. Also, when the ground is compressed it tends to hold more water.

Repot your plant every year to prevent soil compression. Also, the new soil has less chances of holding fungal or bacterial elements.

Test the Soil Humidity After Watering

Prevent root rots by always watering your plant appropriately. Use your fingers to sense the moisture in the soil after watering. Keep the ground moist, but not wet or damped. Then, wait until the moisture starts drying out before watering again.

Also, you should adjust your watering schedule to the season. I live in Phoenix, Arizona and the summer heat can be brutal. I water my Venus flytraps constantly during the summer. But during the winter, I space the watering a few extra days.

Some people use the water reserve strategy, where they place their Venus flytrap pot on top of a container or plate with water. This practice is common and it is very efficient. But, you must follow these considerations to prevent root rot:

  • Do not fill the whole container with water. Venus flytraps do not grow properly on standing water.
  • Let the water level lower until almost empty.
  • Pour an inch of water in the container when you refill.
Venus Flytrap Humidity
Venus Flytrap with Water Reserve



D’Amato, P. (2013). The Savage Garden. Berkeley, Unites States: Ten Speed Press.

Grow Venus Flytrap in Arizona: 5 Tips to Handle the Heat

I live in Phoenix, Arizona, and at my home, I have grown Venus flytraps for several years. Arizona is a beautiful state, but high heat during the summer can be a challenge when growing Venus flytraps. I would like to share with you some care considerations and tips to grow Venus Flytraps in Arizona and overcome the extreme heat conditions.

Venus flytraps can be grown outdoors in Arizona, where summer temperatures often surpass 110F. However, in this high heat environment, growers must take additional considerations such as placing Venus flytraps under partial shade, using appropriate potting containers and keeping a high humidity environment.

Even though Venus flytraps can be grown outdoors in high-temperature environments (such as Arizona), it is still a challenge. You must be careful about building a setup. Your setup will need some shading and cooling mechanisms to prevent your plant from drying out.

The next sections will guide you through the process on how to ensure your Venus flytrap lives healthy through the hot summer.

Grow Venus Flytrap in Arizona

In the wild, Venus flytraps live through high summer temperatures between 75° F and 95° F. These plants are native to South Carolina and North Carolina in the United States. If you have visited those states, you might be familiar with the hot summer weather.

Venus flytraps require plenty of light. Most care guides suggest a minimum of 8 to 12 hours of sunlight. Sunny weather is a perfect fit for Venus flytraps. However, you must always remember that areas with high sunlight indexes tend to get hot and this can be a problem for your plant.

Optimally, you must keep your Venus flytrap’s habitat between these temperatures:

  • Summer temperature suggested maximum: 95° F (35° C) 
  • Winter temperature suggested minimum: 30° F (-1° C)

Even though Venus flytraps are resilient plants, they can be greatly affected by intense heat. In Arizona or in any other location where temperatures surpass 95° F (35° C), you must use preventative measures to lower the temperature of the plant, its soil, and pot. 

When growing your Venus outdoors, consider placing your plant in a strategic location where it is only exposed to indirect sunlight. Your plant will still need enough lighting, but over 8 hours of indirect sunlight should be enough to keep your plant healthy.

Also, you can consider placing your plant in a hybrid environment. There it can get a few hours of direct sunlight and plenty of indirect sunlight through the rest of the day.

5 Tips to Overcome High-Temperature Environment

The following list includes five different options to keep your Venus flytrap healthy through the summer. All five are alternatives to lower heat exposure.

  • Use a shade cloth to decrease sun intensity
  • Avoid placing your plant behind glass or a glass container.
  • Choose plant containers that insulate.
  • Keep a high humidity index.
  • Consider growing Venus flytraps indoors

Now, lets explain each of them:

Tip 1: Use a Shade Cloth

A Shade Cloth is a loosely woven piece of cloth made of polyester or a similar material. People use them to get protection from the sun. Shade Cloths or Sun Shades are handy for home gardening and greenhouses.

You can employ a Shade Cloth to provide partial shade for your Venus flytrap during the summer.

There are many different degrees of Shade Cloth. When you buy one, you can choose between 5% and 95% density. For your Venus flytrap, I would suggest somewhere between 20% and 50% if it is going to be placed outdoors during the summer. The actual percentage will depend on the specific placement of your plant.

I always suggest trying a higher density when in doubt (so you don’t burn your plant). If the temperature under the shade is appropriate but your plant is weakening, then it is not receiving enough light. Now, you can try a lower density.

You can buy shade cloth in department stores, hardware stores or online. Here is a link if you are buying a shade cloth online: Sun Block Shade Cloth.

Tip 2: Avoid Windows and Glass

Glass can magnify the intensity of the sun and raise the temperature next to it. And this type of heat can certainly dry out your plant very quickly. Generally follow these practices:

  • Do not use a glass pot or container for your Venus flytrap: it will only increase the temperature even more.
  • Do not place Venus flytraps behind an extremely sunny window: monitor the glass’s temperature during a hot day before placing your plant behind glass.
  • Never place Venus flytrap terrariums outside in the summer: the full glass enclosure will raise the container’s temperature and burn your plant.

Tip 3: Chose the Right Pot

The material of your plant container or pot can affect the temperature of your plant and the soil.

As mentioned in the previous Tip 2: “Avoid Windows and Glass”. Glass pots are not recommended. Also, metal containers can raise the temperature of your plant.

The best options for growing Venus flytraps in high temperatures are terra-cotta or ceramic pots. And for one step further, choose light color containers.

Tip 4: Water Reserve Strategy

Humidity can help lower the temperature. Venus flytraps do not require extremely high humidity levels, but they are used to humidity above 50%.

You can raise the humidity level of the environment by using a plate or container full of water.

Like in the image below, you can place your Venus flytrap pot on top of a container. Then, add some water to the container. Since the pot has openings in the bottom, the soil will always be moist, and the humidity will remain high.

Avoid filling the whole outside container with water. Generally, Venus flytraps grow better when there is a small amount of standing water, not large amounts.

Tip 5: Grow Venus Flytrap Indoors

Sometimes people feel like it is too difficult to place Venus flytraps outdoors due to environmental conditions. In that case, there is an easy solution to consider: grow your Venus flytrap indoors.

Venus flytraps can be grow indoors as well as outdoors.

I prefer placing my plants outdoors because they catch their own prey and are exposed to natural lighting, but it is not a requirement. You can set your plant near a sunny window (remember, not to close!). There, they can get enough light while remaining at room temperature.

Also, you can grow your Venus flytrap indoors without natural light. Venus flytraps can grow healthy with artificial lighting.

Plant lights are an excellent option to provide a stable light source. High-output fluorescent lights are optimal for Venus flytraps.

Venus Flytrap Care Considerations

Besides the temperature requirements, you still need to consider several other factors to care for your plant. This list is a short summary of Venus Flytrap care considerations.

Water: Venus flytraps need to be watered very often (here is a guide on watering that can help you use the optimal amount) (here is a guide on watering that can help you use the optimal amount). The soil should always be moist. In Arizona, this can be a challenge. For that reason, I always use the water reserve strategy (Tip 2)

Also, you can’t water Venus flytraps with tap water, instead use rainwater, reverse osmosis water, or distilled water.

Light: Venus flytraps require plenty of sunlight. You must place them in a  spot where they can receive at least 4 hours of sun a day.

If you do not have access to natural light, employ artificial lighting: high output fluorescent lights.

Feeding: Venus flytraps need to consume bugs to grow and develop. Outdoors, Venus flytraps catch their own prey. But, indoors, you will have to do the feeding. Here is a guide if you are unfamiliar with the process: Venus Flytrap Feeding Guide.

Trimming: Routinely, the traps of your plant will wither as new ones grow. When the traps die, they change in color and turn black. You can trim your plant by cutting the dead leaves.

Do not pull the dead leaves, use a small plant pruner or scissors. Also, avoid activating the trap while handling the plant.

Soil: Venus flytraps require nutrient-free soil with good drainage. You can buy a carnivorous plant soul mix of make one yourself. For the DIY strategy, combine long-fibered sphagnum moss or sphagnum peat moss with sand or perlite.

Fertilizer: There is no need to fertilize Venus flytraps.

Final Thoughts

It is possible to grow Venus flytraps anywhere in the world. You can grow them indoors if you live through challenging environmental conditions. Or perhaps, you can grow them outdoors, but adapt to the circumstances.

You must always remember that Venus flytraps need several key elements to survive. Make sure you are fulfilling all the care considerations to let your plant thrive.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Have fun growing Venus flytrap!


  • D’Amato, P. (2013). The Savage Garden. Berkeley, Unites States: Ten Speed Press.

The Giant Venus Flytrap B52: Origin, Facts, and Buying Guide

Most people are familiar with the Venus flytrap. However, very few have heard about the B52 Venus Flytrap. Several different variations of Venus flytraps have been developed. The B52 Venus flytrap is a unique specimen. I have owned standard Venus flytraps and the B52 variety. Both kinds are beautiful, but the B52 can surprise the viewer due to its unique characteristics.

Standard Venus flytraps are small plants with adult traps of just 1 inch long. Over the years, botanists, scientists, and growers have developed different cultivars of this species. For example, they have bred the B52 Giant Venus flytrap.

Did you know you can buy B52 Venus flytraps commercially? Continue reading to find some reliable sources. Also, if you already own one or another type of Venus flytrap, I have included a Care Consideration section below.

The B-52 Giant Venus Flytrap Cultivars

The Venus flytrap or Dionaea muscipula is a specie original from the coastal areas of North Carolina and South Carolina. In the wild, Venus flytraps have lived for centuries in poor soil, and as a result, they have developed a prey trapping mechanism.

The Dionaea B52 is a Venus flytrap clone, which is considered a giant Venus flytrap. Dionaea B52 traps can reach the size of two inches, which is double the size of standard Venus flytraps.

The Dionaea B-52 is “A formidable clone produced by Henning Von Schmeling of the United States. The cultivator doesn’t signify the giant jet bomber but happened to be the code for plants he was needing. Vigorous and impressive, these large specimens also clump, producing a mass of large, yawning traps.”(D’Amato, 2013).

What is a Cultivar?

A cultivar is a cultivated variety of a particular plant. Cultivars do not grow naturally in the wild. Instead, humans develop them under special conditions. The Carnivorous Plant Society (ICPS) website lists many different registered Venus flytrap cultivars.

B52 Venus Flytrap Sizing Comparison

Venus flytraps are not large plants; they grow in the forest floors of the Carolinas. Most Venus flytraps grow five to ten traps at a time.

When they reach maturity, most plants reach the following dimensions: 5 inches in diameter, 1 foot vertically, and a trap size of 1 inch. The B52 Venus flytrap variation exhibits larger traps, which can surpass the 2 inches long.

Standard Venus fly traps have no trouble capturing small prey such as ants, flies, crickets, and spiders. But, the B52 has a lot more capacity to capture prey. Usually, the Venus flytrap aims to capture prey that can be entirely enclosed inside the trap.

The B52 clone can capture larger insects and arachnids, and they might even capture other beings.

Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants, not insectivorous. Their diet is not restricted to bugs; giant Venus flytrap can catch small frogs, rodents, or even birds.

Other Venus Flytrap Cultivars

The B-52 giant Venus flytrap is not the only cultivar out there. There are actually several dozen registered variations of Venus flytraps. Here are a few examples of some unique varieties.

Venus Flytrap Variations

  • Akai Ryu or Red Dragon
  • Dionaea Green Dragon
  • Dionaea Dente
  • King Henry
  • Dionaea Ginormous

Continue reading to get a brief description of each Venus fly trap cultivar.

Akai Ryu or Red Dragon

Red Dragon Venus flytrap
Red Dragon, Photo by Blue Ridge Exotics

Ron Gagliardo developed a completely red Venus flytrap at the Atlanta Botanical garden. This variety of Venus flytrap exhibits a deep red color through the leaves.

We have a full article on the Akai Ryu variation, which includes information about its origin, physical appearance, and care instructions. Follow this link to learn more.

Dionaea Green Dragon

This variation of Venus flytrap is similar to the Red Dragon. It is almost entirely maroon, but the edges of each trap have a green border

Dionaea Dente

The Dionaea Dente produces medium-size plants with unique traps. The teeth within the traps are short and pointy. Some say, their appearance resembles a shark or vampire teeth.

King Henry

Don Elkins of Mesa Exotics bred the Dionaea muscipula ‘King Henry’ cultivar. This variation was selected through size and was given an original name. The variety is named after King Henry from the show The Tudors.

King Henry Venus flytrap grows at a fast pace. They mature quickly and flower within two growing seasons.

Dionaea Ginormous (Another Giant Venus Flytrap)

This cultivar is similar to the B52, but its trap scale is more massive. Yet, the traps are not fully functional. Since the lobes within the trap are massive in size, the traps sometimes malfunction. One flap might close faster than the other. As a result, the prey escapes.

Where can I buy a B52 Venus flytrap?

It is relatively easy to find Venus flytrap stores online. Make sure to include the B52 term when browsing for plants.

I have listed some useful websites to buy a giant Venus flytrap. Also, you can visit a local nursery and ask about these exotic plants. Sometimes nurseries carry not only the B52 variety but also other large Venus flytrap varieties.

Remember that you can also buy B52 Venus flytrap seeds. Growing the plant from seedlings will definitely take longer. But, you will get to experience the whole life cycle.

Specialized Websites


You can find B52 Venus flytraps in Amazon.com. They sell the seeds and the actual plants. I bought plants through Amazon before and was not disappointed. The B52 is worth it; the traps are captivating! Make sure to check for good seller reviews before you make a purchase.

B52 Giant Venus Flytrap Care Considerations

The care for most Venus flytrap variation is standard. The main difference between the Dionaea Muscipula and its B52 clone is the large size of the traps and the short length of the leaf base.

Care Considerations:

Water: Venus flytraps need to be watered very often (here is a guide on watering that can help you) (here is a guide on watering that can help you). The soil should be moist at all times; it can never dry out. Also, you can’t water Venus flytraps with tap water, instead use rainwater, reverse osmosis water, or distilled water.

Light: Venus flytraps require plenty of sunlight. You must place them in a  spot where they can receive at least 4 hours of sun a day. B52 plants exhibit bright red colors inside the traps when exposed to sufficient lighting.

If you do not have access to natural light, you can employ artificial lighting: high output fluorescent plant lights.

Feeding: Venus flytraps need to consume bugs to grow and develop at an optimal rate. Venus flytraps do not need daily food; instead, feed them once every two to six weeks.

Also, the feed must fit entirely inside the trap. A good rule of thumb is to pick an insect or spider that is not larger than 1/3 of the size of the trap. The B52 Venus flytrap has large traps and can consume larger prey. Still, stick to a bug-based diet. Do not experiment with human food.

Trimming: Routinely, the traps of your plant will wither as new ones put from the center of the plant. When the traps die, they change in color and turn black. You can trim your plant by cutting the dead leaves.

Do not pull the leaves, instead use a small plant pruner or scissors. Since the B52 has very short leaf bases, be extra careful when trimming. You should always avoid activating traps.

Soil: Venus flytraps require nutrient-free soil with good drainage. You can buy a carnivorous plant soul mix of make one yourself. For the DIY strategy, combine long-fibered sphagnum moss or sphagnum peat moss with sand or perlite.

Fertilizer: There is no need to fertilize Venus flytraps. Fertilizer can kill your plant.

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Is the B52 Venus flytrap the largest Venus flytrap?

The B52 Venus flytrap while very large, is not the biggest variety of Venus flytraps. The Dionaea Ginormous cultivar exhibits larger traps.

Related Articles

For a complete Venus flytrap care overview, read this article: Complete Care Guide.
