Should You Feed Venus Flytrap During Dormancy?

Venus flytraps usually benefit from consuming bugs. But during dormancy, their feeding and other requirements need to be adjusted.

During dormancy, Venus flytraps do not need to be fed at all. Manually feeding Venus flytraps during dormancy can cause unwanted stress and harm them. Outdoor Venus flytraps will start consuming bugs when they are ready.

In this article, you will learn about feeding and fertilizing during Venus flytrap dormancy. I will give you many tips to keep your plant healthy through dormancy.

Feeding Venus Flytrap During Dormancy

In the winter, Venus flytraps go dormant. The dormancy process is essential and very similar to hibernation.

When temperatures drop, Venus flytraps enter a dormancy stage that lasts several months. When Venus flytraps go dormant, they change substantially. Slowly they start losing leaves and often shrink in size.

Often, Venus flytrap owners believe their plants have died during the winter, but the reality is that their plants are just dormant.

During dormancy, Venus flytraps are a lot more delicate. For that reason, you must carefully take care of the plant.

During dormancy, avoid manually feeding your Venus flytrap. Let your Venus flytraps live without insects unless it captures them on its own. Venus flytraps will start consuming insects when they are ready.

Venus flytraps do not require manual feeding during dormancy. However, sometimes their traps might be active. In that case, your plant might capture a bug during dormancy. If your plant traps and consumes bugs on its own, that is ok and completely safe. You let your plant decide what it needs.

Once your plant exits dormancy, you can start feeding again. However, it is not the main priority. Venus flytraps can live without consuming bugs at all.

So, even if your plant has exited dormancy, there is no rush to feed it. Many other factors are more critical than feedings, such as lighting, watering, and temperature levels.

Venus Flytrap Feeding Tips

When your Venus flytrap is ready to start capturing bugs again, follow these tips to ensure you feed your plant correctly:

  • Do not feed Venus flytraps during dormancy.
  • Generally, there is no need to feed Venus flytraps that grow outdoors. Outdoor plants can capture their own feed and do not require supplemental feeding.
  • Only feed one single trap at a time. Never attempt to feed all the traps of your plant. One single bug can provide nutrition for the whole plant.
  • Avoid overfeeding your Venus flytrap. Only feed your plant once every 2 to 6 weeks.
  • Do not feed any human food to Venus flytraps. Chicken, meat, hamburger, fruit, or candy are not suitable food options. Giving your Venus flytrap human food will cause the trap to rot, stink, and potentially attract pests.
  • Feed your plant with an exclusive bug diet: insects and arachnids are acceptable choices.
  • Employ bugs that are small enough to fit in the trap completely. A good rule of thumb is to select an insect that is 1/3 of the trap’s size.

If you are unsure about the feeding process, do not attempt it. Feeding your Venus flytrap incorrectly can kill leaves and weaken the plant. Before you feed your plant, learn the process. This guide: Venus Flytrap Feeding Guide with Pictures, will teach you exactly how to do it. Also, this article can help you buy or select the right food option for your plant (bug type).

When Do Venus Flytraps Enter and Exit Dormancy?

This section will explain when do Venus flytraps go dormant and when do they exit dormancy. By knowing the status of your Venus flytraps, you can assess if feeding your plant is safe.

Venus flytraps enter dormancy as temperatures start to drop. There is no exact way to determine if your plant is dormant or not, but here are some general rules:

Venus flytraps start dormancy when they are exposed to temperatures below 45F for 2-3 weeks. The plants will start losing leaves and shrinking as dormancy develops. Venus flytraps won’t exit their inactive stage until the temperatures begin to rise in the spring.

Venus flytraps remain dormant for several months. The dormancy period might only last three months or go on for 4 or 5. Venus flytraps will exit dormancy as temperatures rise and light exposure increases.

Venus flytraps exit their dormant state as they are experience temperatures above 45-50F and more prolonged sunlight exposure. Usually, Venus flytraps exit dormancy at the beginning of the spring. In the spring, Venus flytraps start growing and produce flowers.

You will notice your Venus flytrap flourishing when it exists dormancy. When Venus flytraps are dormant, they look very sad, but as spring starts, they finally start producing new growth. Also, they might begin to produce flowers if they are mature plants.

Fertilizing During Venus Flytrap Dormancy

Fertilizing Venus flytraps can be a challenge year-round, but during dormancy, it is never recommended.

Do not fertilize Venus flytraps during dormancy. The nutrients in fertilizers can kill Venus flytraps as they build up in the soil. During dormancy, fertilizing is not beneficial and can harm or kill the plant.

Venus flytraps are very sensitives to nutrients. Nutrients and related components are harmful to Venus flytraps. As a result, they thrive in nutrition-less soil, and they receive pure water.

Fertilizing Venus flytraps is not impossible, but it an advanced practice; never attempt to fertilize your plant if you are a beginner.

The general approach to fertilize Venus flytraps is to use a foliar fertilizer, dilute it with distilled water and apply it to the leaves. Even though fertilizing is possible, skip it altogether during dormancy. It won’t provide any benefit, and it can kill your plant.

Still, there are some alternate options besides fertilizing. When your Venus flytrap is not dormant, you can follow this advice to promote your plant’s growth:

  1. Provide plenty of sunlight: Venus flytraps benefit from long hours of daylight. 12+ hours of light exposure is optimal.
  2. Feed your plant or grow it outdoors: Make sure your Venus flytraps consume one bug a month to encourage growth through a nutrition boost.
  3. Skip the flowering process: Prevent your Venus flytrap from flowering by cutting off the flower stalks as soon as they spur. Skipping the flowering process gives the plant an extra boost of growth.
  4. Employ deep pots with plenty of room: Venus flytraps have long roots, which benefit from long vertical containers that encourage root growth.

Venus Flytrap Dormancy Care Tips

During dormancy, Venus flytraps require extra care. Follow the instructions below to keep your plants healthy during the winter season:

  • Continue to water your plant often, but lower the watering frequency to adapt to less water consumption and colder days.
  • Do not fertilize Venus flytraps. Generally, fertilizing Venus flytraps is challenging and should only be done when you are an experienced grower (and never during dormancy).
  • Avoid feeding your Venus flytrap during dormancy. It can cause leaf loss and stress.
  • Remove dead leaves when necessary. Trimming Venus flytraps during dormancy is safe.
  • Repotting at the end of dormancy is a common and effective practice. You can read this guide to learn about the potting and repotting process.
  • Keep your dormant Venus flytraps at temperatures below 45-50F to keep them dormant.
  • Do not worry about the lighting requirement as much. Fully dormant Venus flytraps require very little light exposure.
  • Avoid letting your Venus flytraps freeze during the colder months. Venus flytraps can handle freezing temperatures, but once the temperature drops below 25F, it can be dangerous for the plants.
  • Preferably grow your Venus flytraps outdoors through the year. With that approach, they can enter and exit dormancy naturally with the season changes.
  • If your plant looks dead, continue to care for it until the end of dormancy. Then, when the spring starts, you can determine if your plant was just dormant or dead.

I hope this article helped you learn more about Venus flytrap care during dormancy. Growing carnivorous plants can be a challenge, but it is a gratifying experience.

For a detailed guide on Venus flytrap care, make sure to read this article: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide (it includes a free downloadable care sheet!). If you are growing your Venus flytraps indoors, this article specializes in indoor growing: Venus Flytrap Indoor Care Guide.

Is Filtered Water Safe Venus Flytraps?

Watering Venus flytraps with the correct water source is an essential task to keep them healthy. Filtered water is safe for humans, but is it safe for Venus flytraps?

Filtered water with a Total Dissolved Solids measurement of less than 50ppm is safe for Venus flytraps. However, not all filtered water has the same quality. Water filters and original water quality can vary substantially.

You must make sure filtered water is safe for your plant before watering it. In this article, I will teach you exactly how to confirm the water is safe. Also, I will share some effective water filters for carnivorous plants.

Venus flytraps are sensitive to minerals and other components. In the wild, they grow in areas with very little access to nutrients, and they have developed an intolerance to them.

When growing Venus flytraps at home, minerals in the water can harm Venus flytraps. Venus flytraps need to be watered with pure water sources with little to no dissolved solids. The water must contain less than 50 parts per million (ppm), a measurement of the number of dissolved solids in the water.

Watering Venus flytraps with high ppm water can weaken them and eventually kill them. So, is filtered water safe?

Is Filtered Water Suitable for Venus Flytraps?

Filtered water varies in quality, but the ppm measurement can help you asses if it is safe for your plants.

Filtered water is safe for Venus flytraps if the total dissolved solids reading is below 50 ppm. Filtered water with 50 to 100 ppm is not optimal but is relatively safe for mature carnivorous plants.

You can measure the amount of total dissolved solids in the water by employing a TDS meter. TDS meters are very inexpensive and easy to use. Here is a link to the one I use; you can check its current price on Amazon.

When I measured the tap water quality in my home, I was surprised to discover the high ppm reading. The picture below shows the reading 570ppm. The extremely high amount of dissolved solids would kill carnivorous plants quickly.

Not all tap water is of the same quality. Water quality varies across states and cities. So, you might have to measure it to find out.

With a TDS meter you can measure the exact ppm of your tap or bottled water quality.

The quality of your filter water will highly depend on the original water quality and the type of water filter. The next section will give you the details on a few very popular and effective water filters for Venus flytraps.

Different Types of Filtered Water for Venus Flytraps

There are many different types of water filters in the market. The vast majority promises to reduce the total dissolved solids in the water substantially. Also, some brands, such as ZeroWater, claim to reduce the ppm reading to zero.

I did a bit of research to find out which water filters might be better for Venus flytraps. I tried a Brita filter I have at home, and it worked quite well. It reduced the ppm reading from 570 to 450. The difference was substantial but not enough to make my tap water safe for my plants.

I also found a video that tests water quality after filtering with different water filters: Brita, PUR, and ZeroWater. The table below shows the results of each filter.

PPM ReadingPercent Change
Original Water542ppm
Brita Filter396ppm-27%
PUR Filter511ppm-11%
ZeroWater Filter0ppm-100%
Source: PUR vs. Brita vs. ZeroWater Filter Comparison — What’s the Best Tasting Water?

In the experiment, they used tap water of similar water quality to mine, which is very poor.

The ZeroWater filter was the only one that reduced the ppm measurement enough to make the water safe for carnivorous plants. If the tap water in your home has a lower TDS measurement, then the Brita and PUR filters might be suitable. But, you will have to verify.

Overall I recommend the ZeroWater filter. Here is a link to buy a ZeroWater pitcher filter and check its specs and current price. The pitcher filter includes a TDS meter and one filter, which is enough to get your money back if you plan on buying distilled water for your Venus flytraps anyway. You can also make distilled water by following this guide.. You can also make distilled water by following this guide..

Filtered water from a ZeroWater filter is suitable for Venus flytraps as it delivers 0 ppm water. ZeroWater filters are suitable solutions to obtain safe water for carnivorous plants.

Measure the water quality of filtered water before you use it for Venus flytraps, to ensure your plants continue thriving.

Water Options for Venus Flytraps

Besides filtered water, there are other water sources you can employ for Venus flytraps.

Distilled water, reverse osmosis water, and rainwater is suitable water for Venus flytraps. All three lack minerals and additives that are harmful to carnivorous plants.

Distilled Water: Pure distilled water is sold at most grocery stores, gas stations, and pharmacies. A gallon of distilled water costs less than a dollar and lasts several weeks if you only have a couple of plants. Also, distilled water has 0 ppm. I personally use distilled water for my plants as it is inexpensive and easy to find. When you buy it, make sure the label estates distilled water and don’t include additives.

Reverse Osmosis Water: You can purchase this water in water stores or make it if you have a reverse osmosis system. It characterizes by having 0 ppm.

Rainwater: Collecting rainwater is not always an option, but if you have the opportunity of collecting it, you can use it to water your Venus flytrap. The ppm measurement of rainwater can vary depending on the area, but its range is within the acceptable limits for Venus flytraps.

These three options are the safest for carnivorous plants. There is no better or worst, just pick what works best for you.

Do Not Employ These Water Sources for Venus Flytraps

In the previous section, you learned what water to use for Venus flytraps. Now, I will give you a list of water to avoid for your plants:

Tap Water: Never water your plants with tap water as it can be very harmful. Use a TDS meter to verify its quality before employing it.

Boiled Tap Water: Boiling tap water increases the number of dissolved solids in the liquid, making it less suited for carnivorous plants. The process f boiling water is beneficial to kill bacteria, but it won’t remove dissolved solids.

Bottled Water: Bottled water is sometimes safe for Venus flytraps. But, the ppm reading varies across brands. Most brands act electrolytes and minerals for taste. Those components are helpful for humans but very harmful for Venus flytraps.

Spring Water: The definition of spring water varies across brands. Not all spring water is completely pure; some have additives for taste.

Venus Flytrap Watering Instructions

The list below includes some key instructions to water your Venus flytraps. Make sure to follow the instructions to keep your plant healthy:

  • Only water your plant with pure water sources (less than 50 ppm)
    • Distilled water, reverse osmosis water, and rainwater are safe bets.
  • Consider buying a humidifier or misting your plant to keep the moisture level above 50%
  • Water your plant often. Keep the soil moist at all times, but do not flood. Flooding the ground can cause root rot and mold issues.
  • Use the water tray method to ensure the soil remains at the proper humidity level.
  • Adjust the water frequency through the seasons. During dormancy, Venus flytraps lower their watering requirement substantially.
  • Reduce watering if mold or algae appear in the soil.

For more information on the water process, you can read this guide: Venus Flytrap Watering Instruction Guide. It includes all the details you need to know about water your plant the right amount to keep it thriving. Also, it gives you instructions on how to save your plant if you have used the incorrect water in the past.

With this article, you have learned about the Venus flytrap watering process. But, there are many other factors to consider if you want to keep your Venus flytraps alive and healthy. This article covers all you need to know about growing Venus flytraps: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide. If you are growing your Venus flytraps indoors, this article specializes in that approach: Venus Flytrap Indoor Care Guide.

Venus Flytrap Seedling Care Guide (6 Major Considerations)

Growing seedlings or baby Venus flytraps can be a big challenge. I have learned the hard way and killed plants along the way by making silly mistakes. For that reason, I’m writing this post today to prevent you from making any of those mistakes, so you can keep your baby Venus flytraps alive and healthy.

Venus flytrap seedlings need exposure to plenty of sun and water to live. They need at least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight. Also, they must be planted in carnivorous plant soil, which must be humid, but not damped at all times. Other considerations are humidity, dormancy, feeding, and containers.

In this article, I will cover six major care considerations to account for when growing seedlings or baby Venus flytraps: watering, lighting, soil, feeding, dormancy, and potting containers.

I have been growing 4 Venus flytrap seedlings over the past six months. The larger one is about six months old since I divided it. I got it through rhizome divisions. And, the other three spurred a few months ago through leaf pulling propagation.

Baby Venus Flytrap
3 Venus Flytrap Seedlings (Leaf Pullings)

Venus Flytrap Seedling Care

Venus Flytrap Watering Instructions

Venus flytraps need a consistent water supply of pure water.

Never water your Venus flytrap with tap water or bottled water. Instead, employ distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater. The water source cannot contain additives, such as minerals. Minerals or nutrients in the water can build-up in the soil and kill Venus flytraps.

Older Venus flytraps might be able to survive if you use the wrong water source once or twice, but young seedlings can be very affected by the minerals in tap water or bottled water. Always use pure water sources to keep your plants alive.

In terms of frequency, you must water your Venus flytrap often (here is a guide on watering that can help you use the optimal amount) (here is a guide on watering that can help you use the optimal amount). I use the water tray method, as you can see in the picture below.

Venus Flytrap Humidity

I place the pot of my plants on top of a tray of water, and I let it sit there until it dries out, and then I refill it.

The main goal is straightforward: you want to keep the soil always humid, always moist, but never flooded. If it’s flooded, we can have root rot issues, and for that reason, you want to always keep it at high humidity but not at extreme moisture. Also, consider misting your Venus flytraps by using a manual mister or even employ a humidifier.

Lighting Requirements

In terms of lighting, young seedlings benefit from strong lighting, and you can see a huge difference between seedlings that have been exposed to long hours of sunlight versus very short periods of sunlight.

For best results, I recommend growing Venus flytraps outdoors where they can have six or more direct sunlight hours.

If you grow seedlings indoors, you can still do so, but it is challenging. You need to find a very sunny spot or use artificial lighting.

For my seedlings, I have been using a led plant light. If you need to buy artificial light for your plants, here is a link to the plant light I use. Because artificial lighting is not as efficient and as powerful as sunlight, I always use a timer of 12 hours. Then, my plants are exposed to 12 hours of artificial light to make sure that they remain healthy.

Carnivorous Plant Soil

For your soil choice, you must always use carnivorous plant soil. If you are unfamiliar with carnivorous plant soil, you can follow this link to learn more:

Carnivorous Plant Soil Guide:

Carnivorous plants need to grow in potting media that lacks nutrients and minerals, as those substances are harmful to them. For Venus flytraps, most people employ a mixture between moss and sand or perlite. The moss can be long-fibered sphagnum moss or peat moss. All the elements in the additive have to be pure (no fertilizers).

I make my own soil mix for my Venus flytrap seedlings. It is about 20 % perlite and the rest peat moss.
Those elements are completely pure. They can’t have any minerals or fertilizers, which can be harmful to Venus flytraps. This is of crucial importance, as young Venus flytraps are resilient, but they can also be quite delicate to exposure to minerals. Always make sure to use the correct soil type.

Venus Flytrap Seedling Feeding

Now let’s cover the next element, feeding.

The traps of baby Venus flytraps work. Even though they are very young and tiny, they are ready to capture bugs.
The best recommendation for feeding young Venus flytraps is to grow them outdoors. In the outdoors, they can capture their own bugs. They might be able to consume a tiny gnat, a really small fly, or mosquito.

It is also possible to manually feed your Venus flytraps, but because they are so tiny, it tends to be very difficult. I will anyway share this link to a video that shows you how to feed baby Venus flytraps. Then, you can make your own decision if you want to go through the process. But I think it’s a little bit complicated, especially when your plant is at such an early stage. If you want to encourage your plant’s growth, the best thing you can do is to provide more lighting. High light exposure has the same effects as feeding.

Venus Flytrap Dormancy

During the winter months, Venus flytraps go into a hibernation state known as dormancy. Venus flytraps should undergo dormancy every year. Skipping dormancy many years in a row kills Venus flytraps. Still, it is possible to skip dormancy in some cases, especially for seedlings.

When growing seedlings for the first time, I recommend skipping the first dormancy. Before going through the dormancy process, you must make sure your plant is healthy and well adapted to the environment.
Skipping the first dormancy won’t kill the plant. But, the following year, your plants MUST go dormant.

Potting Containers

This final care consideration is often overlooked.

Pots can leach minerals to the ground and slowly kill Venus flytraps. Since young Venus flytraps are very sensitive to minerals, avoid terracotta or clay pots. Instead, choose plastic, glass, glazed ceramic, or Styrofoam containers; those materials are safe for carnivorous plants.

Venus Flytrap Seedling Care Summary

Follow these instructions to keep your baby Venus flytraps healthy and thriving:

  • Provide plenty of light for your seedlings: If you grow them outdoors, provide at least 6 hours of sunlight.
  • Avoid exposing Venus flytrap seedlings to temperatures above 95 F as they can dry out.
  • Do not let your seedlings dry out: Venus flytrap seedlings need high humidity to survive. They can die very quickly if the soil dries out.
  • Consider using the water tray method for watering: By letting the plants sit in water, you ensure the soil is humid but not overwatered.
  • Only water with distilled, reverse osmosis, or rainwater: Tap water or standard bottled water can kill Venus flytraps.
  • Employ carnivorous plant soil as potting media.
  • Keep your plants in a high humidity environment: Mist them often or use a humidifier.
  • Avoid terracotta or clay pots.
  • Choose pots with drainage to avoid root rot.
  • Grow your seedlings outdoors so that they can access insects: Baby Venus flytraps can capture their food and benefit from the added nutrition.
  • Please do not feed your Venus flytrap manually until you have done enough research: Some people make big mistakes when feeding their Venus flytraps. Avoid harming your plant by learning about the feeding process (here is some information.)
  • Let your seedlings go dormant during the winter only if you are familiar with the process.
  • Get your seedlings adjusted to the environment before their first dormancy.
  • Do not fertilize your plants: The nutrients in fertilizers are harmful to Venus flytraps; they can kill seedlings quickly.

How to Get Venus Flytrap Seedlings

If you would like to learn how to propagate Venus flytraps, I have two articles that will be perfect for you. You can learn about leaf pulling propagation, flower stalk propagation, growing Venus flytraps from seeds, and much more:

For more information on Venus flytrap care, make sure to download this free care sheet.

Do Venus Fly Trap Need Light During Dormancy?

When Venus flytraps go dormant, their needs change. They require less water, they do not need to capture bugs, and their light exposure requirement becomes more lenient.

Dormant Venus flytraps living at close to freezing temperatures do not require light, but they are commonly exposed to it. Outdoor plants have exposure to natural sunlight, which guides them through entering and exiting dormancy. For indoor plants, it is recommended to provide light during dormancy.

In this short article, I will teach you how much light do dormant Venus flytraps need depending on each particular situation.

Indoor vs. Outdoor Light Requirements During Dormancy

Outdoor Venus flytraps undergoing dormancy can continue to receive natural light. The sunlight during the winter won’t harm them. On the contrary, light exposure will help them stay dormant and eventually exit dormancy as the climate warms up and the days become longer.

Dormant Venus flytraps living under freezing temperatures (30F range) do not need light to survive. At such low temperatures, Venus flytraps are entirely inactive. Their growth is stagnant, and they are in hibernation mode. Still, there is no harm for Venus flytraps to receive sunlight during dormancy. Many areas have cold winters, which characterize by bright days.

Indoor Venus flytraps should also experience dormancy. Most people place them in an unheated porch, garage, or basement to make them go dormant in the winter. Even though dormant Venus flytraps do not require lighting when they remain at temperatures close to freezing, providing lighting for indoor Venus flytraps is a safer alternative.

Temperature changes in indoor locations can bring Venus flytraps out of dormancy. If Venus flytraps are starting to exit dormancy or exit dormancy completely, they need plenty of light to remain healthy.

In most cases, it is not safe to place a Venus flytrap in a cold and dark indoor location during dormancy unless there are no significant temperature fluctuations.

I recommend using artificial lighting to ensure Venus flytraps remain healthy. You can employ fluorescent or LED grow light. Both types of grow lights are inexpensive and practical options. When choosing fluorescent bulbs, pick cool colors that promote growth. I have used this small LED plant light (which costs less than $30) to grow some of my Venus flytraps, and they are thriving.

When employing artificial lights for dormant Venus flytraps, you must ensure their light exposure is appropriate. During the growing season, 12-14 hours of light exposure are optimal. But, during dormancy, such extended periods of light can confuse plants and force them to exit dormancy. Set the daily light exposure to a shorter daily light interval, such as 8-10 hours.

How to Reintroduce Venus Flytraps to Lighting

In the outdoors, Venus flytraps enter and exit dormancy naturally. As the temperatures drop, they enter dormancy, and by the end of winter, they exit dormancy.

If your Venus flytrap lives outdoors, the process of entering and exiting dormancy won’t require much planning. As long as low temperatures drop below 45F for a couple of months, your Venus flytrap will experience dormancy.

When the temperatures start to rise and days get longer at the end of winter, Venus flytrap will exit dormancy. Let outdoor plants exit dormancy naturally. Avoid changing their location until they have exited dormancy to avoid any type of shock.

Indoor Venus flytraps with access to sunlight can also exit dormancy naturally.

Indoor flytraps exposed to artificial lighting will require a little extra planning. Those plants need to be reintroduced to warmer weather and more lighting slowly.

You can increase the number of hours the artificial light is powered on to mimic the outdoors. For example, you can add an extra daily hour or two of light a week (up to 14-16) until your Venus flytrap exits dormancy. Then, your Venus flytrap can be moved outdoors or remain indoors, as long as it has access to enough lighting for the growing season.

Growing Venus flytraps indoors is possible, but it is much more challenging than growing them outdoors. This guide can help you grow Venus flytraps indoors with great success: Venus Flytrap Indoor Care Guide with Downloadable Care Sheet.

Other Care Considerations for Dormant Venus Flytraps

The list below outlines the most important care considerations for Venus flytraps during dormancy. Make sure to review these items before your plant’s first dormancy.

  • Continue to water your plant often, but be ready to lower the watering frequency. Dormant Venus flytraps consume less water.
  • Do not fertilize Venus flytraps.
  • Avoid feeding your Venus flytrap during this period. If it catches a bug on its own, that is ok. But, do not feed it manually.
  • Carefully trim and remove dead leaves as they wither.
  • Repotting at the end of dormancy is a common and useful practice.

I hope this article helped you learn about Venus flytraps and their dormancy period. For more information on Venus flytrap care, I would like to share this article with you: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide – Free Care Sheet Included.

Step-by-Step Guide to Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation

Propagating Venus flytraps through flower stalk propagation is one of the simplest methods to produce Venus flytrap clones.

The process of propagating Venus flytraps through flower stalk cuttings is uncomplicated. First, cut flower stalks after they grow 2-4 inches. Then, plant the flower stalks in carnivorous plant soil. Finally, provide water and lighting. Flower stalks exhibit growth within 2-5 months.

This article will teach you the exact steps you need to follow to complete a successful flower stalk propagation. Also, I will share some tips with you to increase your chances of success.

Are you looking for information on carnivorous plant care? Read this Venus flytrap care guide. In the guide I share all I know on how to grow healthy Venus flytraps.

This article contains step-by-step instructions, plus you can watch my video on this:

Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation

Materials for Propagation

You will need the following materials for flower stalk propagation:

  • Carnivorous plant soil: You must employ the correct soil type. If you are unfamiliar with how to make or where to buy carnivorous plant soil, you can read this article: The Best Soil Options for Venus Flytrap.
    • You can buy carnivorous plant soil online, like this one I use. Follow the link to confirm the price on (it usually costs less than 10 dollars for a quart.)
  • Pure water: Do not employ tap water or bottled water. Instead, only employ: Distilled, reverse osmosis or rainwater.
  • Pot with drainage: These pots are some good examples of suitable containers for Venus flytraps. Follow the link below to check their specs and their current price on Amazon.
  • Water tray
  • Scissors: The scissors must be sharp and clean.
  • A Venus flytrap that is flowering: Remember that Venus flytraps flower in the spring a few weeks after exiting dormancy. Also, in some rare cases.
flower stalks venus flytrap

Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation Process

Follow the steps below to obtain flower stalk cutting and set them in the right environment for growth.

1.- Prepare a Pot With the Appropriate Soil

In this step, you need to prepare the growing pot for the flower stalk cutting.

First, moisten the carnivorous plant soil with pure water until it is completely saturated with it. I like using a large bowl to mix the soil and the water to ensure the media is humid all around.

Once the soil is moistened, insert it into the pot. Use your fingers to press the ground slightly until the pot is full of soil. Finally, put the pot aside until you get the flower stalk cuttings.

2.- Cut the Flower Stalks Within the Right Timing

Venus flytraps produce flower stalks in the spring. The flower stalks take a few weeks to grow and flower. To increase your chances of success in flower stalk propagation, you must obtain the cuttings before the stalks flower. For best results, obtain the cuttings as soon as the flower stalks reach a length of 2-4 inches.

To extract the flower stalk, cut them with a sharp pair of scissors. Make the cut as close to the base as possible, but avoid harming the bulb or any leaf.

If you need additional information on how to cut the stalks and would like to watch a video, this article has that information: Easy Guide To Remove Venus Fly Trap Flowers.

venus flytrap flower stalk

3.- Divide the Flower Stalks in Smaller Pieces

After you extracted the flower stalk, you can cut it into smaller pieces. The number of pieces will depend on the length of the stalk. The general rule is to divide the flower stalk into segments of at least 2 inches in length.

Use your scissors to divide the full flower stalk into multiple pieces (if applicable).

Pro tip: When cutting the flower stalk into smaller pieces, cut at an angle rather than making a straight cut. This will increase your chances of successfully propagating your plant. Cutting at an angle produces a larger surface area for water intake and root growth.

venus flytrap flower stalk
Flower Stalk Cuttings

4.- Plant the Flower Stalks

Now, it is time to set the flower stalk cutting in their growing media.

Stick the flower stalks into the soil vertically. Most of the flower cuttings should remain out of the soil. Only 0.5 an inch of the cutting should go underground. If you made a cut at an angle, make sure that side is set underground.

After planting the flower stalks, you are all set. If you provide appropriate care (info below), you should observe some growth within the next 2-5 months.

flower stalk propagation

Pro tip: For best results, employ a plastic, graced ceramic or Styrofoam container. Those materials do not leach harmful minerals to the soil that can harm Venus fly traps. I like using Styrofoam cups for propagations and young Venus flytraps. Styrofoam cups are inexpensive and you can add drainage holes in the bottom.

How to Care for Venus Flytrap Flower Stalks

Once your flower stalk cuttings are set on their pot, it is of crucial importance to keep them healthy. Follow these instructions to ensure proper care:

  • The potting media should remain humid at all times. Employ the water tray method to ensure a proper humidity level:
    • Place the pot on top of the water tray.
    • Fill up the tray with water up to 1 inch in depth.
    • Continue to refill the tray as the water level lowers.
  • The biggest mistake people make when caring for flower stalk cuttings is letting them dry out. To avoid this, use a mister and spray the leaf cuttings as often as you can.
  • Place your cuttings under sunlight or artificial lighting for at least 6 hours a day. The cuttings should be exposed to the same lighting your Venus flytrap plants receive.
    • I use this LED plant light for some of the Venus flytraps I own and my plants are healthy. The plant light has the appropriate lumen level and color spectrum. Also, it comes with a built-in timer to turn on/off automatically.
  • Always water with distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater. This article gives you all the details on how to water Venus flytraps.
  • Do not apply any fertilizers to the soil or the stalk cuttings. Even a small amount of minerals or nutrients can kill any growth coming from the cuttings.
  • Avoid moving the cuttings or removing them from the soil. Stress can damage roots developing from the cutting.

Venus flytrap flower stalk propagation is not a complicated process. But, it can take several months to show any progress. Also, this process is not always effective. Leaf cuttings or reproduction via seeds tend to be more effective methods.

If you are interested in propagating Venus flytraps through other methods, make sure to read this article: 4 Propagation Methods for Venus Flytraps. It explains propagation steps through flower pollination, rhizome divisions, leaf-cutting, and flower stalk cutting.

Is Cutting Venus Flytrap Flower Stalks Necessary?

Venus flytraps spend substantial amounts of energy producing flowers. The production of flowers in a Venus flytrap won’t kill the plant, but it will slow its growth.

Many opt for cutting flower stalks off Venus flytraps before they flower to prevent energy drainage. Skipping the flowering process gives the plant more energy to focus on growing and dividing through the season.

When people are inexperienced at growing Venus flytraps, it is recommended to skip the flowering process. If a Venus flytrap is growing in unsuitable conditions, it can die after flowering due to the energy drainage. The plant does not die due to the flowering process, but it perishes because of the poor growing conditions.

I have made the decision diagram below to help you assess whether it is safe to let your plant flower.

Personally, I almost always skip the flowering process. The flowers are not impressive. And, unless I plan to obtain seeds, flowering is unnecessary.

Without flowers, you will be unable to collect seeds. But, cutting the flower stalks allows you to experiment with another reproduction method: flower stalk propagation. And, as you have learned in this article, the flower stalk propagation process is uncomplicated.

For a more in-depth analysis of the flowering process and to help you make a decision on removing those flower stalks early on, read this article on Venus flytrap flowers.

With this article, you have learned about the Venus flytrap flower stalk propagation process. But, there is much more to learn about Venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants. For more information, I suggest these comprehensive articles:

Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants

Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:

How Often Should You Water a Venus Flytrap to Keep It Alive?

Watering Venus flytraps appropriately can be a challenge as Venus flytraps need precise watering and humidity levels to remain healthy.

Venus flytraps need to be watered every 2 to 4 days, depending on the season. The soil must be humid at all times but not flooded or soggy.

One way to water your Venus fly trap perfectly every time is by using the water tray method. Place the plant pot in a tray and fill up the tray with 1-2 inches of water. Let the plant consume the water and refill as soon as the tray dries out.

Important Note: Never employ tap water or bottled water as these can be very harmful for Venus fly traps. Always water your plant with pure water, such as distilled, reverse osmosis, or rainwater.

For many, it is a challenge to find the perfect balance of how much water do Venus flytraps need. This article will teach you how much to water a Venus flytrap to avoid overwatering and underwatering.

How Much Water Does a Venus Flytrap Need?

Venus flytraps are native to South Carolina and North Carolina in the United States. In the wild, they are exposed to high humidity levels year-round and plenty of rainfall. When growing Venus flytraps at home, you must try to replicate its native habitat, including the watering frequency.

Venus flytraps require an above average amount of water. They must be water often and thoroughly until the soil is moist all around. Then, there is no need to water until the soil is slightly less humid.

After watering a Venus flytrap, you should be able to press the soil and sense the humidity throughout without it being soaked.

The specific watering frequency varies greatly with different environmental conditions. For that reason, testing the humidity in the soil by pressing on it is a better strategy.

I live in an area with extremely hot summers (110 F+). During the summer months, I water my plants almost every day. But, in more mild weather or indoors, you might only need to water your plant a couple of times a week.

Overwatering and underwatering Venus flytraps is dangerous for the health of the plant as they cause root rot or even death.

  • Signs of overwatering: Presence of algae or white mold in the soil
  • Signs of underwatering: Droopy and dried up leaves

Besides water your fly trap correctly, it is key that you employ suitable soil. Here is a guide that lists the best soil options.

The Water Tray Method

The water tray method is extremely useful for watering carnivorous plants. It allows you to water your plant the exact right amount and keep your Venus flytraps healthy.

The water tray method is optimal for Venus flytraps. Here is how it works:

  • Obtain a shallow plastic or glazed ceramic tray
  • Place your plant’s pot inside the water tray
  • Fill the water tray with pure water (distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater) until it reaches 1-2 inches in depth
  • Refill the water as soon as the tray dries up.
Venus Flytrap Humidity
Water Tray Method

Employing the water tray method will ensure the soil for your Venus flytrap remains humid but never exceeds the required humidity. Also, it is advantageous to hold a small water reserve, which gives you more flexibility.

I refill the trays for my Venus flytraps once or twice a week. If I am out of town for a few days, it is safe to leave them with a tray full of water.

This method requires a pot with drainage. Consider repotting your plant if their pot lack drainage. It is challenging to grow Venus flytraps without drainage holes.

Watering From the Bottom vs Top

With the water tray method, plants are watered from the bottom rather than the top. Watering from the top is the most common practice, and it is suitable for Venus flytraps. However, it tends to be more challenging as it is difficult to find the perfect balance.

Watering from the bottom is a popular strategy among carnivorous plant owners as it prevents overwatering and promotes root growth. The roots of the plant are encouraged to grow and have easier access to the tray water.

There are some variations of the water tray method depending on the type of soil employed and your plant’s life stage. The next sections will expand on these subjects.

Watering Different Types of Soil

Different soil composition requires changes in the watering frequency. Some Venus flytrap owners employ pure moss, either peat or long-fibered sphagnum moss. Others use a mixture of moss with a drainage and aeration agent, such as sand and perlite.

There is no exact rule of how much water to employ for each soil type, but here is some advice:

  • When employing potting media of pure moss, pay close attention to the watering levels to avoid overwatering. Pure moss tends to retain water and does not offer optimal drainage.
  • A combination of moss and sand or perlite is optimal for Venus flytraps. Still, always test the soil after watering. Make sure it is always humid but not muddy. The sand or perlite will help keep excessive moisture away from the roots.

Watering Level Changes Through Venus Flytrap Life Stages

As Venus flytraps develop, their watering requirements change. Also, you will need to adjust the watering frequency for different seasons.

The list below includes specific considerations for watering Venus flytraps at a particular growth cycle.

  • Seeds: Venus flytraps need very high humidity to germinate. They sometimes require a closed container with plenty of water and a high humidity index. When watering seeds, do not drown them. But, add a higher amount of water than usual. The soil must be saturated with water. A dry environment can kill them, and since seeds do not have roots yet, there is no risk of root rot from overwatering.
  • Leaf-cutting or pullings: Propagating Venus flytraps requires a very humid environment. Just like seeds, make sure the soil remains very humid. Overwatering is preferred from underwatering. The ground can be soggy during this stage.
  • Seedlings: Once a Venus flytrap has developed from seeds or leaf cuttings, it does not need excessive moisture. It requires humid but not soggy environments.
  • Young/ Adult Venus flytraps: Keep the soil humid at all times, but avoid flooding it and letting it dry out.

Throughout the year, Venus flytraps might consume more or less water. For example, during the growing season, Venus flytraps increase their water consumption. Also, the hot weather tends to evaporate some of the water.

When Venus flytraps go dormant, their watering consumption will lower noticeably. This is not an issue, but just a seasonal change.

Overwatering vs Underwatering a Venus Flytrap

Both overwatering and underwatering are harmful to Venus flytraps. They can weaken the plant and eventually kill it.

Underwatering a Venus flytrap will weaken it substantially. The plant will start looking down or droopy (read article on how to fix droopy Venus Flytraps). And the leaves will begin drying up. If the soil dries up completely, the plant can dry up with it and die. A plant won’t recover if the bulb dries up.

Overwatering a Venus flytrap is also very harmful. A few signs can help us determine if a plan has been overwatered. First, they might develop a layer of white mold in the soil. The mold won’t kill the plant, but it is a sign of excessive moisture. Also, algae developing on the water tray is a sign of excessive humidity without enough sunlight.

Venus flytrap mold
White Mold in Venus Flytrap

You can eliminate white mold from your plant by following the instructions in this article.

Venus flytraps can develop root rot when they are overwatered. Root rot is a serious condition; it eats up the plant roots and ultimately kills it. Luckily, it is possible to save a Venus flytrap suffering from root rot (here is how you solve it). The video below outlines the steps:

As you learned, there are adverse effects for both underwatering and overwatering. Adjust the watering frequency for your Venus flytrap accordingly. To ensure success, employ a pot with drainage and preferably choose a soil with enough aeration and drainage (Venus Flytrap Soil Guide).

Generally, underwatering can kill Venus flytraps a lot faster than overwatering. For that reason, when in doubt, I would recommend more water rather than less.

The watering process for Venus flytraps is critical to keep them thriving. But, many other factors can greatly affect these beautiful and unique plants. For all additional Venus flytrap care information, you can read this article: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide – Free Care Sheet Included.

You have learned how often to water a Venus flytrap, but other factors also affect the watering process. For your reference, this article contains a complete guide!

Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants

Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:

Best of luck growing Venus flytraps and have fun!

Is SmartWater Good for Venus Fly Traps?

To keep Venus flytraps healthy, they should only be watered with pure water sources. But, how pure does the water need to be? Is SmartWater acceptable for Venus flytraps?

SmartWater contains 20 to 27 parts per million (ppm), which is below the maximum level (50 ppm) recommended for Venus flytraps. SmartWater is acceptable for Venus flytraps; but, distilled water, reverse osmosis water, and rainwater are optimal for carnivorous plants.

This article will give you an overview of which water works best for Venus flytraps. The recommendations below will help you keep your plant healthy and thriving.

Is SmartWater Safe for Venus Fly Traps?

In the wild, Venus flytraps have little to no exposure to nutrients in the soil or water. As a result, they have developed an intolerance to minerals and nutrients. Electrolytes in standard bottled water and other additives can be harmful to Venus flytraps.

Venus flytraps should only be water with pure water sources. But, what is pure? The general recommendation is to employ water with less than 50 parts per million (50 ppm). Such measurement is an indicator of how many dissolved solids are in the water. Lower measurements are very beneficial for Venus flytraps.

A Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter can measure the ppm in different water sources. The measuring process is straightforward (dip the tool in the water and see the result), and you can buy a TDS meter for less than 20 dollars. Here is a link to the one I use so that you can check the current price and specs on

I used a TDS meter to assess if SmartWater is safe for Venus flytraps. The picture below shows my simple setup and the reading of 21 ppm.

SmartWater contains 20-27 ppm, which is within the acceptable range for Venus flytraps. However, the best water sources for Venus flytraps contain zero (or close to 0) ppm. Pure distilled water and reverse osmosis water have 0 ppm.

Is SmartWater distilled water?

SmartWater is purified through a distillation process. It also contains additives for flavor, which are beneficial for humans but harmful for Venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants.

Personally, I would feel confident employing SmartWater if I do not have many options. Due to its cost and mineral content, using a cheaper and purer option is the best approach.

In the next section, you will learn the best and worst water sources for Venus flytraps.

Water for Venus Flytraps: SmartWater vs Others

SmartWater does not contain a large number of dissolved solids. With many different water options out there, there are many better options and many much worst. In this section, we will compare it to other water sources.

The Best Water for Venus Flytraps

These three water types contain zero or close to zero 0 ppm. They are pure water, which is completely safe for Venus flytraps.

  • Distilled water
  • Reverse osmosis water
  • Rainwater

Pure distilled water and reverse osmosis water contain 0 ppm. They are relatively cheap and easy to find in most grocery stores. Both options are equally suitable for venus flytraps. However, most venus flytrap owners tend to use distilled water more often.

Distilled water is more readily available and cheaper than reverse osmosis water. I buy distilled water in water and ice stores for 20 cents a gallon. Also, you can find them for a dollar a gallon in most food stores.

Rainwater usually contains 0 ppm or a very low number. In the wild, Venus flytraps rely on rainwater almost exclusively. Collecting rainwater usually requires building a setup, but rainwater is optimal water for Venus flytraps if you have one in place.

The Worst Water for Venus Flytraps

  • Tap water
  • Boiled water
  • Filtered water

Tap water quality varies across cities and even neighborhoods. Generally, tap water can be extremely harmful to Venus flytraps as it might contain over 100 ppm.

I measured the tap water quality in my home with a TDS meter and measured results of over 500 ppm consistently over several days. Such a high amount of solids would definitely kill a Venus flytrap over time.

Tap water ppm measurement

Not all tap water quality is the same. Due to the variability, you shouldn’t risk your plant by employing tap water blindly. Measure the water composition with a TDS meter or buy distilled water to be safe.

Boiling tap water kills bacteria but does not help extract minerals and additives in the water. On the contrary, it can make water less suitable for carnivorous plants as it retains the soils, but you end up with fewer liquids.

Filtering tap water can eliminate some particles in the water, but it is usually not enough. Only employ this method if you have a TDS meter, and you can verify the filter is helping substantially.

Minerals in the water do not kill Venus flytraps immediately, but they weaken the plant. Then, they start building up in the soil and can eventually kill the plant. For this reason, employing the incorrect water source can be extremely dangerous.

SmartWater vs Others

Distilled water, reverse osmosis, or rainwater are optimal for Venus flytraps. SmartWater has an acceptable composition but is substantially worst (0 ppm vs. 20-30 ppm). Tap water, filtered water, and boiled water usually contain many harmful minerals for Venus flytraps.

How to Water Venus Flytraps

Now that you learned what water is best for Venus flytraps, we can cover an overview of how to water a Venus flytrap.

The process of watering Venus flytraps is critical. Venus flytraps require consistently humid environments year-round. The soil must be moist at all times but not flooded. The water tray method is a common strategy to achieve a high humidity environment.

When water a Venus flytrap, water until the soil is moist all around, but it is not muddy. Venus flytraps thrive in humid places, but they do not require swamp-like conditions. An environment with unnecessary moisture can actually cause issues, such as root rot (more on root rot prevention and fixes here).

The water tray method is effective at keeping the soil humid, but not excessively. This is how you do it:

  • Place your Venus flytrap pot in a tray
  • Fill up the tray with pure water, up to 1 inch in depth
  • wait until the water in the tray dries up and refill
Venus Flytrap Humidity
Water Tray Method- Venus Flytrap

Finally, here are some ninja tips for watering Venus flytraps and keeping them thriving:

  • Reduce the watering frequency during dormancy. When Venus flytraps are dormant, they consume less water.
  • If you make a mistake and employ the wrong water for your Venus flytrap, follow the instructions in this article to save it.
  • Preferably water your plant from the bottom with the tray method. Watering from the bottom promotes root growth and prevents overwatering.
  • A combination of proper watering and suitable soil is critical to keeping Venus flytraps healthy. This article can help you choose the right soil for your plant: The Best Soil Options for Venus Flytrap (Plus Potting Tips)
  • Employ pots with drainage. It is challenging to water Venus flytraps appropriately when set in a pot with no drainage holes.

With this article, you have learned critical details on the Venus flytrap watering process. But, there are many other care considerations needed to keep Venus flytraps alive. For a complete overview, this article covers all you need to know about growing Venus flytraps: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide.

Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Rollie Pollies?

When feeding Venus flytraps, there are many different options. Rollie pollies are common insects in most gardens, but are they suitable food for Venus flytraps?

Rollie pollies (pill bugs) are an acceptable food alternative for Venus flytraps. Venus flytraps can consume rollie pollies small enough to fit entirely inside their traps. Still, employing rollie pollies can sometimes cause black leaves due to their hard shell.

This article will teach all the tips and tricks of how to feed roly polys to your Venus flytrap. Also, I will give you some alternatives for other food sources.

Can Venus Fly Traps Consume Rollie Pollies?

Venus flytraps feed on insects and arachnids to acquire key nutrients. Even though Venus flytraps don’t need bugs to survive, they benefit from having a meal every now and then.

Roly-poly bugs can be a good food source for Venus flytraps, as long as some basic considerations are followed:

  • The bug must be no larger than 1/3 of the side of the trap. When Venus flytraps struggle to consume a bug, they lose leaves. A general recommendation is always to choose smaller bugs that fit entirely inside a trap when it closes.
  • Only employ one bug and feed a single trap of the plant. Then, wait a few weeks before feeding another trap. Feed Venus flytrap only once every 2 to 6 weeks.
  • Skip a feeding if a leaf is still consuming a bug.
  • Do not feed your Venus flytrap during dormancy. During this resting period, the plant does not need any feeding at all.

Employing roly-poly to feed Venus flytraps have some pros and cons:

Pros for Roly-Poly as Venus Flytrap Food

  • Availability: They are available in most gardens.
  • Price: they are free; there is no need to purchase these bugs.
  • Appropriate size: An adult size roly-poly (5/18 inch) fits inside most traps (1-1.5 inches) of mature Venus flytraps.

Cons for Roly-Poly as Venus Flytrap Food

  • Hardshell: Roly-poly bugs have a hard shell, which can be difficult to diggest.

Roly-poly are readily available and of a suitable size to feed Venus flytraps. However, their hard shell can be a challenge. Venus flytraps have difficulties digesting insects with shells. When a plant struggles to consume a bug, it sometimes gives up. Then, the leaf consuming the bug dries up, blackens, and dies.

Employing roly-poly to feed Venus flytraps won’t kill the plant, but it might cause black leaves. When employing insects with shells, monitor the leaves and consider using another bug if the leaves wither.

Depending on your plant’s size and health, you might have a different rate of success employing roly-poly as feed. If you decide to employ them, monitor your plant and verify your Venus flytrap is not struggling to digest the bugs.

The following sections give you an overview of the Venus flytrap feeding process and some alternate food options for Venus flytraps.

The Venus Flytrap Feeding Process

There are two different approaches when feeding roly-poly to Venus flytraps: employing live feed or dead bugs. The processes are quite similar, but the latter includes some additional steps. You can follow the same steps below for other bugs too.

Employing Live Feed

  • Select a bug of the right size to feed inside a trap.
  • Grab the bug with tweezers or your fingers, and make sure to have full control.
  • Drop the roly-poly inside the trap. Aim for the center to activate the trap by touching the trigger hairs in the lobe.

This picture shows the trigger hairs inside a Venus flytrap leaf. There are three thin filaments arranged in a triangular pattern inside each lobe. Those are the trigger hairs that prompt the trap to close due to contact. The trap closes when a bug touches the trigger hairs twice within a few seconds.

  • The insect might try to escape, but the motion inside the trap should prompt the lobes to close and trap the prey.
  • Continue to observe the bug and the trap. If the bug escapes, you should be ready to capture it and try again.
  • Once the bug is inside the trap and is unable to escape, the lobes will close shut. This process might take a few seconds or even a couple of minutes. But eventually, the trap will close completely, and the plant will start secreting digestive enzymes.
  • Venus flytraps take several days and up to three weeks digesting a single bug. Do not be surprised if the plant does not reopen until a few weeks later.

Employ Dead Bugs

The process of feeding dead bugs is similar to live bugs but slightly more involved.

  • Select a right-sized bug for a Venus flytrap leaf. Consider that when a bug is dead, it is easy to break it up and employ a small piece rather than the whole thing.
  • Grab the bug with tweezers or your fingers.
  • Identify the trigger hairs inside the leaf.
  • Aim for the center and drop the dead roly-poly inside the trap.
  • Use your finger or a small tool (paintbrush, tweezer, chopstick…) and touch the trigger hairs inside the trap. Two taps will prompt the lobes to close.
  • Once the leaf is closed, you need to provide further stimuli.
  • Employ your hands or a soft tool to press both sides of the trap. Tap both sides until the lobes are sealed. It usually takes about 50 taps or a minute of stimulation.
  • After stimulating the closed trap, observe it and verify it does not reopen. Sometimes traps reopen when they do not receive enough stimuli.
Stimulating the Trap

The video below shows the process of feeding dead bugs to a Venus flytrap. It includes a step to rehydrate the bug, which is only necessary for freeze-dried bugs. I hope this video helps you get a clear idea of how the feeding process works.

For a complete overview of Venus flytrap feeding, make sure to read this article: How to Feed a Venus Flytrap – A Complete Guide with Pictures. The pictures are handy to guide you through the process without making common mistakes.

Alternate Food Options Besides Roly Poly

Besides roly-poly, there are many different bugs Venus flytraps can consume. Generally, Venus flytraps can consume almost any spider or insect out there. Still, there are some very popular food options available for free or for a low price.

Most pet stores carry live or dried up mealworms, bloodworms, or crickets. These three food options are inexpensive and extremely nutritious. I prefer to buy dried up insects because they can be stored for a long time. I can buy a container with hundreds of mealworms for less than 12 dollars, and it can last for years. In terms of nutrition, live bugs do not provide many added benefits. Choose between live or dead bugs depending on your feeding process preference. For example, some people hate handling live bugs and prefer the dried up options.

Freeze-dried Mealworms for my Venus flytrap

Gnats, flies, and ants are also common food options for Venus flytraps. These three bugs hoover around most homes and gardens. They are commonly small enough to fit inside most Venus flytraps. However, they do not provide much nutritional value compare to bloodworms and cricket. The soft tissue for a small fly, ant, or gnat is tiny. Personally, I try to place my venus flytraps in windowsills or outdoors. There, they capture plenty of bugs on their own. Flies and ant are very common prey that is easily digestible and provides enough nutrition to the plant’s growth.

When Venus flytraps capture bugs on their own, there is no need to feed them. They are successful predators that capture enough bugs to absorb the nutrients they need. But, the access to bugs depends on the location of the plant.

The food options mentioned in this article are just a few examples. This article contains a detailed list of many more food alternatives for Venus flytraps.

When selecting a bug to feed your plant, you can experiment. Just make sure you employ a bug of the right size and only feed when necessary. Then, monitor your plant and assess how successful the feeding was.

Can You Skip Venus Flytrap Dormancy? (Best Strategies)

A vital care consideration for Venus flytraps is their dormancy period. Dormancy comes naturally for wild Venus flytraps, but at home, many growers wonder if skipping dormancy is a suitable approach.

Venus flytraps should not skip dormancy, as they need it to grow. Cutting dormancy 2 to 3 years in a row usually causes the plant to perish. Still, skipping dormancy in particular circumstances such as growing seedlings is a common practice.

In this article, I will cover all you need to know about skipping dormancy. I will give you specific examples of when you can skip dormancy.

Is Skipping Venus Fly Trap Dormancy an Option?

Wild Venus flytraps are exposed to cold winter weather. During that time, they experience dormancy. Dormancy is essential for the plant’s development.

Venus flytraps achieve dormancy after been exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for several weeks. Then, they must remain in cold weather for 2-3 months. In the spring, as temperatures start to rise, Venus flytraps exit dormancy.

Venus flytrap dormancy is an essential process that allows the plant to rest and remain strong in the growing season. Optimally, Venus flytraps should go dormant every year. But, for growers, it is not always possible to provide an appropriate environment for dormancy. In those cases, Venus flytrap owners often consider skipping dormancy regardless of the negative effects.

When Venus flytraps skip dormancy, their growth becomes stagnant compared to other Venus flytraps growing rapidly after dormancy (here is more information about each growth stage). Without dormancy, Venus flytraps are also less likely to propagate. Venus flytraps that skip 2-3 yearly dormancy periods in a row weaken and eventually die.

Skipping dormancy is never recommended, as the plant experiences many harmful effects due to the lack of dormancy. The most dangerous side effect is the deaf of the plant. Fortunately, the plant will only die if it skips several consecutive dormancy periods.

Venus flytraps can skip dormancy as long as it is not a recurring practice. The plant will exhibit a slow growth rate but will eventually recover as it goes dormant in the years to come.

Skipping dormancy is a suitable choice in some specific circumstances, such as:

  • When growing seedlings or leaf cuttings/ pullings
  • When you just got a new plant
  • When you are a short-term Venus flytrap owner

The following sections explain in detail each of the scenarios.

Growing Venus Flytraps Seedlings

In their natural habitat, Venus flytraps go dormant when they are seedlings or baby Venus flytraps. Seedlings can definitely go dormant in the appropriate climate. But, at their young age, it is possible to skip dormancy for the first year.

When you grow Venus flytraps seedlings, they are incredibly delicate. Caring for them is a difficult task. If you do not have much experience growing Venus flytraps and with the dormancy process, I recommend skipping dormancy for the first year.

In the case of leaf pullings and leaf cuttings, I have the same advice. Venus flytraps growing from leaf pullings grow quicker than Venus flytraps growing from seeds, but they are still tiny during the first year.

It is safe to skip the first year dormancy for Venus flytrap seedlings or leaf pullings. The plants will develop properly as long as they experience dormancy during the second year and continue to undergo a yearly dormancy.

seedling leaf pulling
Tiny Venus Flytrap Seedlings (Leaf Pullings)

New Venus Flytrap Plant

Some vendors indicate when was the last time a Venus flytrap went dormant. Then, when you buy the plant, you can determine if the plant should go dormant this year or not. Venus flytraps only require one dormancy period a year. If the plant already went through dormancy, it does not need another dormancy that same year.

In some other cases, Venus flytrap owners are not so lucky. When you do not have any information about your plant’s previous dormancy, it is hard to decide. Generally. I suggest one of these two approaches:

  • Make your plant go dormant if you have had it for a few months (3-4) and it has acclimated to the new environment.
  • Skip this dormancy period if the plant is still getting adjusted.

Dormancy won’t harm your plant if it is healthy, but weak Venus flytraps can die of shock due to the changes in the environment.

In the case you decide to skip dormancy, remember you need to make sure your plant experiences dormancy the following year (more tips below).

Short-Term Owner

It is estimated that Venus flytraps can live for more than 20 years. When plants experience a traditional growth cycle, they can live an extensive life. However, when Venus flytraps skip dormancy consistently, their lifespan shortens substantially.

Sometimes Venus flytrap owners decide to skip dormancy due to its difficulty. You can employ many methods to make your plant go dormant, but the easiest is to place the plant outside. However, the method is not effective without a cold winter.

Depending on your location, you can consider skipping dormancy if you are not planning to keep the plant for more than 2-3 years. Missing dormancy will kill the plant eventually, but in some circumstances, it is the only choice.

Is a Short Dormancy Acceptable for Venus Flytraps?

Optimally, Venus flytraps should go dormant for 2-3 months to experience the benefits of dormancy. However, such a long dormancy is not always possible. Some locations experience cold winter, but they only last a few weeks or barely two months.

There is no exact science of how long Venus flytrap dormancy needs to be. There is common knowledge that dormancy should take at least 2-3 months. In their natural habitat (North Carolina and South Carolina), Venus flytraps commonly experience more than 3-4 months of temperatures below 50 F.

The safest method to make your Venus flytraps go dormant is to place them outside in cold weather. Venus flytraps can experience full dormancy as long as they are exposed to cold temperatures for at least two months and a half (it takes a few weeks for the plant to enter dormancy).

Venus flytraps growing in locations with extremely short or non-existent winters should undergo dormancy with an alternate method: refrigerator dormancy.

Methods to Achieve Venus Flytrap Dormancy

There are two main methods to make your Venus flytrap go dormant: place them outside in cold winter weather or place them in the fridge for a few months.

The first option is the safest and easiest if you live in a suitable location. Venus flytraps need to be exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for 3-4 months to complete a full dormancy. When the plants undergo dormancy, they exhibit significant changes. They lose leaves and shrink in size to go into a hibernation state. During dormancy, Venus flytraps need slightly different care considerations.

  • Temperature: Plants should remain at the following temperature range: 32F – 45F.
  • Feeding: There is no need to feed Venus flytraps during dormancy.
  • Lighting: The lighting requirements decrease. Still, it is not harmful to provide lighting.
  • Trimming: Trim dead leaves when necessary.
  • Repotting: Repotting at the end of dormancy is a common and useful practice.
  • Watering: Venus flytraps need less water during dormancy

Make sure to learn about Venus flytrap care and dormancy ahead of time. This article gives covers all about growing Venus flytraps, including dormancy. Make sure to read it and download the free care sheet.

Refrigerator dormancy is more challenging as it has a higher probability of failure and requires a methodic approach. The video below explains the whole process.

Can Venus Flytraps Achieve Dormancy Indoors?

Venus flytraps can achieve dormancy only when exposed to cold weather. They won’t experience dormancy indoors if the environment is heated. However, some cold indoor locations are suitable for hibernation.

Venus flytraps can go dormant indoors in cold garages, basements, or a porch. Unheated locations with temperatures below 45 F are appropriate. Also, refrigerator dormancy is an alternate option.

For more information on growing Venus flytraps indoors, make sure to read this Guide. It covers all the care considerations for Venus flytraps growing indoors. In most cases, it is a challenge to grow Venus flytraps indoors, but it is completely possible to grow healthy plants. The Guide will help you succeed.

How to Save a Venus Flytrap After Watering With Tap Water

Employing the wrong water for a Venus flytrap is a common mistake. If you have used tap water for your Venus flytrap, do not over stress. By acting quickly and following some simple steps, you can save your plant.

You can save a Venus flytrap after it has received tap water by draining the excess water, employing the correct water source, or repotting. Depending on the plant’s state, you can consider an aggressive approach such as repotting or just switching water types.

Employing tap water for your Venus flytrap can kill the plant. Follow the instructions below to save your plant.

Why is Tap Water Harmful to Venus Flytraps?

In their natural habitat, Venus flytraps have little to no exposure to nutrients from the ground or water. Such an environment led them to develop a carnivorous nature to supplement their diet by consuming insects. It has also made them intolerant to high concentrations of minerals or other nutrients, such as fertilizers.

Water for Venus flytraps must be pure. The presence of any additive can be harmful. For that reason, most tap water is unsuitable. Tap water contains dissolved solids that are harmless to most plants, but unsuitable for Venus flytraps.

Tap water quality can vary through different areas. In some locations, tap water is pure and contains less than 50 parts per million (ppm). Such tap water would work for Venus flytrap. However, it is not recommended to employ tap water unless you know its composition.

 It is possible to measure the ppm in the tap water at your home by employing a Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) meter. You can buy one online for less than $15 (link to some examples on If you employ a TDS meter and the measurement is below 50 ppm, you can employ it for Venus Flytraps. In any other case, do not employ tap water.

Minerals in tap water accumulate in the carnivorous plant soil. Tap water does not kill Venus flytraps immediately, but it weakens them and creates yellow leaves. Eventually, Venus flytraps can die from drinking tap water.

Since tap water is almost always unsuitable for Venus flytrap, it is best to employ any of these three pure water sources:

  • Distilled water
  • Reverse osmosis water
  • Rainwater

Ensure your plant stays healthy by employing the correct water.

Venus flytrap
Healthy Venus Flytrap

Step by Step Guide: Save a Venus Flytrap After Watering With Tap Water

If you have used tap water for your Venus flytrap, follow the steps in this section to save your plant.

Assess the Damage on Your Plant

Some Venus flytraps are more resilient towards dissolved solids in tap water. Depending on the size, age, variety, and state of a Venus flytrap, your plant might respond differently to tap water. In this section, you must determine the state of your plant.

When assessing the damage, remember that black leaves are not necessarily a sign of poor health. It is normal to have a couple of dried up leaves every now and then. Still, if a plant is losing leaves without growing new ones, it a discouraging sign. Yellow leaves are a common sign of unhealthy conditions. Yellow leaves arise from mineral burns (due to employing tap water, for example)

Now, you must to classify your Venus flytrap into one of these categories:

  • No Changes: You have used tap water for your plant but haven’t observed any differences yet. The plant is still healthy. It exhibits healthy leaves and new growth.
  • Minor Damage: The plant looks down lightly, either by having one or two yellow leaves.
  • Medium Damage: The plant exhibits multiple yellow leaves.
  • Major Damage: Almost all leaves are compromised. You are afraid the plant might run out of traps.

Do your best to determine the state of your plant based on the categories. If you are in between two categories, I recommend selecting the one with greater damage to be safe.

Implement the Action Plan to Save Your Venus Flytrap

Depending on the state of your plant, there are different action steps you can take. Read the step-by-step guide that matches the observed damage in your Venus flytrap, and follow the instructions carefully.

Your Venus Flytrap Exhibits No Changes:

You used tap water for your Venus flytraps. And even though it is not recommended, your plant appears to be fine. Right now, you can’t notice any damage. That is great news!

If you are in this category, you do not need to do much, focus on these two items:

  1. Go to the grocery store and buy distilled water (you can also use reverse osmosis water or rainwater, but they are harder to obtain)
  2. Drain any excess water from your plant. If there is any water in the plant tray, toss it.
  3. Water your plant only with distilled water from now on.
  4. Continue to monitor in the next weeks. If it starts exhibiting some minor damage, follow the actions steps for minor damage (next section)
  5. Read the last section of this article and make sure you are taking good care of your plant during the recovery process

Your Venus Flytrap Exhibits Some Minor Damage

It is a good sign that a Venus flytrap only exhibits minor damages. You do not need to take an aggressive approach. Still, it critical that you complete the following steps:

  1. Extract as much water as possible: Let your plant drain any excess water by tossing any water in the tray and squeezing the pot lightly (if possible).
  2. Buy distilled water or obtain reverse osmosis water or rainwater.
  3. Water your Venus flytrap from the top until water comes out of the drainage hole. Repeat this process a few times to drain some of the old water and potentially clean up the soil from mineral buildup.
  4. Continue to water with pure water; avoid tap water at all costs.
  5. Continue to monitor in the next weeks. If the plant gets worst, follow the actions steps for medium to major damage (below)
  6. Read the very last section of this article. And make sure you are providing the best care to accelerate the recovery process.

Code Red: Medium to Major Damage on Venus Flytrap

Unfortunately, your plant is not looking very good at this time. But there is hope. Venus flytraps are resilient plants; they can recover from unsuitable growing conditions. You will need an aggressive approach to save your plant: you will repot the plant in new soil. Also, you will need the following items:

  • Carnivorous plant soil (This article can help learn where to buy this special soil or how to DIY)
  • Pure water (distilled, reverse osmosis, or rainwater)

Now, follow these instructions to repot your plant:

  1. Remove your Venus flytrap from its pot and soil.
  2. Use pure water to clean the roots of the plant and remove all the soil.
  3. Toss the old soil away
  4. Add fresh new soil to the plant pot. It you need to upsize or change your pot, this guide has recommendations.
  5. Pot your Venus flytrap in the new soil
  6. Water the plant with pure water until the soil is humid all around.
  7. Continue to care for the plant and monitor its health. You should observe new growth within the next 1-2 weeks. New leaves spurring out is a great sign!
  8. Follow the care advice in the last section to accelerate the healing process.

Potting and repotting a Venus flytrap can be a delicate process. If you have never done this before, I recommend reading this guide: Venus Flytrap Repotting Guide. It has pictures and instructions to ensure the repotting goes smoothly.

Care During Venus Flytrap Health Recovery Process

You have taken the necessary steps to save your Venus flytrap. Now, it is time to be patient and wait for your plant to get better.

 I do not recommend making any major changes during the recovery process besides the ones you already implemented. Still, this care advice can help you increase the chances of recovery

  • Avoid feeding the plant: Let your plant focus on healing rather than capturing bugs.
  • Do not fertilize: Do not attempt to fertilize to speed up the process. Fertilizers can also kill Venus flytraps.
  • Continue to water as usual: Make sure the soil is always moist. Venus flytraps thrive in humid environments.
  • Trim dead leaves: Consider trimming any dead leaves to encourage growth.
  • Do not play with the leaves and avoid any extra stress.
  • Always use carnivorous plant soil: Here is a guide that lists the best soil options.

Making mistakes when growing Venus flytraps is normal. Carnivorous plants have particular needs! To ensure your plant remains healthy, I recommend downloading the Venus flytrap care sheet. You can download it from this article: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide.

Also, if you grow Venus flytraps indoors, this growing guide can help you perfect your setup: Venus Fly Trap Indoor Guide.