Owning a Venus flytrap is an enjoyable experience, especially if it is your first time. The scientific name of a Venus flytrap is Dionaea Muscipula. But, you might want to give your plant a creative, funny, or cute name. In this short article, I will share with you some great name options for your Venus flytrap.
I like to name my plants not only because I like them, but due to practicality. All Venus flytraps are the same species, and at no surprise, the plants look very similar one from the other. It is hard to differentiate them and remember when it is time to repot, feed, or propagate them, for example. In my home, each plant has a name that I make sure to write down in the pot or a pot marker with some dates that indicate important information.
Explore the list of names below. I hope you can find the perfect name for your plant. Some names are more feminine; others are more masculine. But since Venus flytraps do not have a specific gender, any should work.
Venus Flytrap Name Ideas
Piranha Plant
Snap Trap
Carnivine (for the Pokémon fans)
Baby Shark
Alien (some people believe carnivorous plants look like out of this world)
Shrek (Venus flytraps and Shrek are both green and they can eat)
Little Plant
Little Green
Blushy (the red coloring is just beautiful)
Colorado (another reference to the red color)
Risky Business
Bug Catcher
Bug controller
Al or Ali
Gator or Gator Plant
Carolina or Carolinas (We should not forget about its origin)
Southern Beauty
Pet Flytrap
Green Doe
Green goblin
I hope you found a name of your liking on the list or maybe just inspiration. Owning a Venus flytrap is many people’s childhoods dream and choosing a name for your plant is fun, but it is just the beginning. Now, you must learn how to take care of your plant.
As a parent, you can consider naming your Venus flytrap, especially if kids are involved in caring for the plant. Small children tend to get more attached and exhibit a greater interest when they connect with an activity. A simple name for a Venus flytrap can encourage children to learn more about the science behind these unusual plants and potentially work on some projects such as feeding the plant, building a terrarium, pollinating flowers, etc.
Carnivorous Plant Name Ideas
Here are some bonus options for Venus Fly Traps and other carnivorous plants:
Truly killer
Savage leaf
Danger bloom
Flora fright
Bug killer
Danger stalk
Venom bloom
Leaf fang
Venus Flytrap Care for Beginners
Commonly, Venus flytraps are sold without proper care instructions. Novice Venus flytrap owners struggle to keep their plants alive due to a lack of knowledge and guidance. The section below is a summary of the most crucial care instructions for Venus flytraps. Make sure to review the list entirely and implement it. Then, your plant will be healthy. Also, you can download a Venus flytrap care sheet by visiting this article. The care sheet is a printable PDF document.
Light: Venus flytraps need exposure to plenty of light. Optimally they should receive 12 hours of sunlight, and the minimum is 6 hours of light. The light source might be natural light or artificial lighting (here is an example of a good plant light)
Water type: Venus flytraps must be watered with pure water only, such as rainwater, distilled water, and reverse osmosis water. Tap water and bottled water kill carnivorous plants. You can also use filtered water, but only when removing all minerals with ZeroWater filter.
Watering frequency: the soil of the plant must always remain moist. Always keep the ground humid, but do not flood. Venus flytraps do not grow in swamps.
Soil: Employ nutrient-free soil like this for carnivorous plants. Never employ enriched soil, full of fertilizers. This article covers many soil options for Venus flytraps.
Feeding: Venus flytraps do not need to capture insects to survive, but they benefit from them greatly. Place Venus flytraps outdoors, and they will have plenty of access to food. Also, consider feeding your plant to provide extra nutrients.
Suitable pots: Do not place Venus flytraps in enclosed containers. Venus flytraps prefer standard plant pots with drainage holes (here is a good example). The best pot materials for carnivorous plants are glazed ceramic pots and plastic. Depending on the plant’s size, choose a container that is about 2-6 inches in diameter. Also, preferably employ a tall container. Venus flytraps have long roots.
Repotting: repot the plat once a year to avoid soil compression, fungus, and mold(this is how you can get rid mold).
Trimming: When leaves in a Venus flytrap dry up, they turn black. Black leaves are normal as the plant is continually producing new leaves. Still, you can use a pair of scissors and remove the dead foliage. It is not necessary but beneficial.
Fertilizers: Do not fertilize Venus flytraps. The chemicals in the fertilizers can hurt the plant.
Humidity: Venus flytraps prefer humid climates but can adapt to dry environments. If you live in an arid environment, consider employing a humidifier.
Terrariums: It is possible to grow Venus flytraps in a terrarium. Still, it is very challenging due to the lack of drainage and restrictions with lighting. As a new Venus flytrap owner, avoid terrariums.
Flowers: After reaching maturity, Venus flytraps start producing flowers every spring. In the first year, you own a Venus flytrap, skip the flowering process. Cut off the flower stalks when they appear and prevent the flowers from developing. The flowering process causes strain to the plant. Skipping it allows for further growth and development.
Stress: Do not play with the traps of your plant. Activating those traps for just fun cost the plant a lot of energy. Venus flytraps lose leaves when they undergo stress.
Dormancy: In their natural habitat, Venus flytraps undergo a dormancy period for 2-3 months during the winter. Venus flytraps must go dormant every winter to remain healthy and live for many years. Ensure your plant will experience this resting period by placing them in a cold location. For example, outdoors, in a cold garage, or porch. Venus flytraps go dormant after been exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for several weeks. They exit dormancy as the climate warms up 2-3 months later.
Are you thinking about growing your Venus flytraps indoors? This guide: Venus Flytrap Indoor Care explains the requirements for lighting, watering, dormancy, and much more…
Fun Projects With Your Venus Flytrap
Feeding: Feeding a Venus flytrap is a unique experience. As a Venus flytrap owner, I encourage fellow carnivorous plants enthusiast to feed their plants. Outdoors plants do not need to be fed, but feeding them won’t harm them. Indoor plants can survive without the bugs, but they will benefit from the extra nutrients. This article can teach you the step by step process of how to feed your plant. Have fun!
Fun pots: Just by browsing around Etsy or other online stores, you can find some unique pots for your plant. When repotting, consider buying a unique plant pot. Are you ready to own a piranha plant? This plant pot I found online is perfect for a Venus fly trap. It resembles the green pipes from Mario games!
Propagation: Are you ready to have multiple plants? You can propagate your plant through many different methods, such as stalk cuttings, seeds, and bulb divisions. This article contains the instructions and methods to propagate your plant: How Do Venus Flytrap Reproduce? – 4 Propagation Methods.
Terrariums: Building a terrarium for Venus flytrap is not a beginner project. Venus flytraps thrive outdoors when they can have plenty of access to light and water. Still, some types of terrariums are optimal for carnivorous plants. For example, Green House type terrariums are great candidates. These terrariums are not sealed; they can be easily open and closed. Each plant inside the container remains in its pot. The plants do not require constant watering as most water remains in the terrarium, and the environment is humid.
Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants
Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:
In pictures, most Venus flytrap appear standing upwards, like chasing the sun. However, sometimes, Venus flytraps grow close to the ground or appear droopy. I have grown Venus flytraps for several years, and sometimes I buy plants that look droopy as I know it is just a quick fix. In this article, I will teach you some tricks to stop your plant’s wilting appearance.
Some Venus flytrap varieties tend to grow close to the ground; other Venus flytraps look droopy due to improper growing conditions. For example, plants that do not receive enough sunlight or water start wilting. Venus flytraps require plenty of sunlight and humid soil. Unsuitable growing conditions weaken the plant and endanger its health.
In this article, you will learn how much water and light Venus flytraps need. After implementing a few easy changes when caring for your plant, you will notice a considerable difference in their health.
Why Is My Venus Flytraps Not Standing Up?
In this section, you will determine why your Venus flytrap is looking down. Generally, there are two main reasons: nature or improper growing conditions.
Not all Venus flytraps stand up tall. Some varieties of Venus flytraps characterize by growing close to the ground. There is only one Venus flytrap specie. However, different variations of cultivars have been developed. Some varieties have unique characteristics such as vibrant colors, bigger traps, or wider petioles. It is common for some Venus flytraps to grow close to the ground and never stand up. Some people call these plants “ground huggers.” This behavior will not affect their health; they are still effective predators.
The picture below shows one of my Venus flytraps. The plant is healthy. It exhibits healthy colors, and it propagated multiple times last summer. As you can notice, the plant does not stand up. It takes a substantial horizontal area due to its growth pattern.
Medium Ground-Hugger Flytrap
If you own one of those “ground hugger” Venus flytrap, do not worry. Not all Venus flytraps look the same. Still, to make sure your plant is healthy all around, make sure to download this free Venus flytrap care sheet. You can go over each item on the list and confirm you are providing a suitable home for your plant.
Improper Conditions
Sometimes Venus flytraps do not stand up due to improper growth conditions. For example, Venus flytraps are often left in store shelves for weeks before someone buys them. In those conditions, the plants do not receive any lighting or water for weeks.
There are 3 main reasons why a Venus flytrap is not standing up:
Not enough water
Improper lighting
Unwanted stress
Venus flytraps require particular conditions to remain healthy. The three items in the list above are not exclusive. Those three factors, either separately or as a combination, can affect Venus flytraps and make them look droopy.
The two pictures below show the before and after of one for one of my Venus flytraps. I bought it in the gardening sections of a hardware store. The plant was still healthy, but the leaves were all droopy due to stress, lack of water, and lighting.
How to Fix a Droopy Venus Flytrap
When a Venus flytrap usually stands up, but suddenly is looking down, there are a few ways to resolve it. Make a few adjustments in the lighting, watering, and placement of your plant, and it will be standing up in no time.
Consistent Watering
Now, let’s learn how to water a Venus flytrap appropriately.
First, you can only water Venus flytraps with pure, nutrient-free water. Do not employ tap water or bottled water. Instead, use distilled water, rainwater, or reverse osmosis water. Venus flytraps are unable to process minerals or nutrients through their roots. The improper water source can kill them very quickly. In some places where tap water is pure, tap water might be suitable for Venus flytraps. Still, you will need to measure the number of Total Dissolves Solids (TDS) in the water with a TDS meter. A measurement below 50 ppm indicates an acceptable water source.
Venus flytraps require humid environments to thrive. The soil of the plant must always remain moist without exceptions. Venus flytraps suffer when the ground dries up. Water the plant often to keep the soil moist. But please, do not flood the ground (it shouldn’t look like mud or a swamp), but make sure it is watered all the way through. Press the soil with your finger to confirm it is humid. The tip of your fingers should feel the humidity in the ground without getting soaked.
After watering the soil, wait until it is less humid before watering. But do not let the potting media to dry up.
Some plants struggle when watered too often, and Venus flytraps are not an exception. Venus flytraps are prone to root rot when overwatered. Still, it is unlikely due to the plant’s high humidity requirements.
Not enough access to water can hurt Venus flytraps significantly. The plant won’t die instantly, but it will start to weaken, droop, and ultimately dry out. Dry soil is a big no-no for Venus flytraps and most carnivorous plants.
Water Tray Method
The water tray method ensures Venus flytraps are always watered the correct amount. Not too little and not too much. Follow these instructions:
Find a shallow container to serve as a water tray. Preferably, choose a tray that is made up of plastic or glazed ceramic.
Place your plant pot on top of the water tray.
Fill out the water tray with distilled (or rain or reverse osmosis) water. The height of the water should be between half an inch to an inch.
Let your plant absorb the water from the tray. The soil will remain moist, but not damped.
After the tray dries out, refill it.
The water tray method is an effective alternative from only watering from the top. Watering from the bottom prevents overwatering and promotes root growth.
Proper Lighting
A Venus flytrap can start looking down or droopy when it does not receive enough light. Venus flytraps require many hours of sunlight to be healthy. Optimally, Venus flytraps should receive 12 hours of sunlight during the growing season. As a minimum, the plant must be exposed to at least six daily hours of light.
The easiest way to provide adequate lighting for your plant is to place them outdoors. Direct sunlight is optimal for Venus flytraps. Venus flytraps can also live healthy under indirect sunlight if they receive extended periods of light.
Venus flytraps are strong and resilient plants; they can withstand temperatures between 32 F to 95 F. Place your plant in a strategic location where they can receive enough sunlight but without the risk of burning or freezing solid.
It is also possible to provide appropriate lighting indoors. Sunny windowsills are perfect spots for Venus flytraps. They appreciate the light and might even capture some bugs when the windows are open. Besides natural lighting, artificial lighting is an alternative for indoor locations.
High output fluorescent lights or LEDs work well for Venus flytraps. For example, you can employ LED plant lights like this one to grow Venus flytraps. LEDs do not heat up, and they consume little electricity.
After exposing a Venus flytrap to adequate lighting, you will notice a big difference. The plant will stand up (if it usually does), the traps will exhibit bright red colors in the inside section of the lobes. And the traps will grow big and strong. Plants that suffer from light starvation are unable to develop large traps.
Unwanted Stress
Venus flytraps tend to droop or lose leaves when they undergo stress. For example, plants tend to look down for a few weeks after been shipped to a new location. Also, a change in its environment can produce stress.
Follow the advice below to avoid causing unnecessary stress to your plant:
Do not play with the traps of the plant. The trapping mechanism is very complex. The plant spends a lot of energy controlling the traps, and generally, the plant must save as much energy as possible to focus on growing and developing.
Avoid moving the plant to different locations. Venus flytraps prefer step by step transitions to new environments. Only move the plant when necessary.
Keep curious beings such as cats or dogs away from the plant. The bright colors of the plant, together with interesting shapes, attract pets, which might not be very gentle.
Final Thoughts
A droopy Venus flytrap can be a warning sign of poor growing conditions. Still, if the plant is healthy in all other aspects, recovery will be quick. Focus on providing enough light and water to your plant. Also, avoid exerting unwanted stress. After only a couple of weeks under optimal growing conditions, the plant will recover.
Venus flytraps have evolved to be successful predators. In this article, I would like to answer a common question about these amazing plants: How do Venus fly trap work? I have grown carnivorous plants for a few years and enjoy learning about their adaptations. This article describes the predatory and reproductive mechanisms of these plants.
Venus flytraps lure prey inside their traps by producing sweet nectar. If the victim comes in contact with the trigger hairs inside the trap, the lobes close. The victim can try to escape, but the movement provokes the plant’s enzyme production. The enzymes digest the insect, and the leaf absorbs valuable nutrients.
Now, let’s explore the inner working mechanisms of the Venus flytrap to capture and digest prey. In the next sections, you can also learn about reproduction and the origin of carnivorous plants.
How Venus Flytrap Capture and Digest Prey
Venus flytraps are native to only one region in the world. They grow natively in South Carolina and North Carolina in the United States. They only live in those two states, and they are present in wetlands and sandhills.
In their natural habitat, Venus flytrap have plenty of access to sunlight and water, but the soil they grow in is very poor. The ground in nutrient less. Venus flytraps have evolved to adapt to this environment. They produce food through photosynthesis but are unable to gather key nutrients (usually found in the soil) to supplement their diet. As a result, Venus flytraps have evolved to capture insects. The prey they capture provides elements such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Potassium.
Venus flytrap can consume many different types of prey. Their diet is not restricted to only flies. Venus fly traps often capture slugs, ants, gnats, beetles, grasshoppers, crickets, caterpillars, spiders, and many other arthropods. But Venus flytraps are not insectivorous plants, they are carnivorous plants.
Venus flytraps can consume meat. On rare occasions, large Venus flytraps capture tiny frogs, very small rodents of birds and the plant is able to absorb nutrients from those victims too. Still, these occurrences are rather rare.
Venus flytraps are small plants; mature Venus flytraps reach an average trap size of one inch. At that scale, capturing bugs is much more appropriate. Venus flytraps evolved to capture prey. But they did not grow enormously large traps to capture large animals. They kept a small scale, as they can extract all the necessary nutrients from small insects and spiders.
How Venus Flytrap Attract Their Prey
Venus flytraps have modified leaves which act as trapping mechanisms. Each leaf has a petiole section connects to the jaw like structures we call traps. The trap is made up of two lobes.
The colors and scents of the plant are critical to lure potential prey. Venus flytraps exhibit bright green and red colors. Some specific varieties are completely green or completely red. However, those specimens were created in a controlled setting. The standard Venus flytrap is it its majority green. But, the interior of its trap is bright red.
The red color inside the traps mimics the scheme of a flower. Besides the color, Venus flytraps produce sweet nectar inside those traps. Insects get lured to the nectar with a sense of safety, as it resembles a harmless flower.
The Venus Flytrap Trapping Mechanism
Each lobe in a Venus flytrap leaf contains three trigger hairs. Those trigger hairs are arranged in a triangular pattern close to the center of the trap.
When a bug arrives at the trap, it starts consuming sweet nectar. As it moves inside the trap, it might come in contact with those trigger hairs. If the bug stimulates those trigger hairs twice within a short period, then the plant closes. This mechanism is called the double stimuli.
Double Stimuli
The Venus flytrap developed the double stimuli mechanism to avoid closing without reasonable cause. In the wild, Venus flytraps are in contact with the environment. They withstand challenging conditions such as storms, snowfall, and gusty winds. Sometimes rainwater, a twig, a leaf, or any inanimate object can come in contact with those trigger hairs. But, for the plant’s benefits, the traps should not close unless there is a potential victim.
Venus flytraps employ large amounts of energy, activating their traps. The double stimuli mechanism is critical to saving the plant’s energy and livelihood. Each leaf requires two consecutive stimuli to close.
Closing in Two Stages
After the appropriate stimuli, a trap closes in a snap of a second, hopefully (for the plant) capturing the victim. The lobes come together while the cilia in intertwined, but the leaf if not wholly shut at first. The traps close in two stages:
First, the lobes come together, but they do not close completely. The victim can see the exterior or maybe scape if it is small enough to scape in between the cilia, which look like prison bars. At this point, the plant is waiting for further stimuli. Further stimuli take the plant to stage two of its trapping mechanism. Venus flytraps do not consume dead bugs. Their objective is to capture a suitable living victim. Without further stimuli, the plant abandons the effect to consume a bug and reopens.
After receiving further stimuli, the trap closes completely. The cilia continuos to be intertwined, but this time the lobes are sealed airtight. The airtight enclose it critical to keep bacteria out of the digestion process.
Scientists hypothesize Venus flytraps select their prey based on size. They believe one of the reasons why Venus flytraps close in two stages is to release tiny bugs. When a victim is too small, it might not be worth going through the whole digestion process. Even though prey selection is not a proven concept for Venus flytraps, some experiments indicate some promising evidence.
“Among carnivorous plants, the Venus flytrap is of particular interest for the rapid movement of its snap-traps and hypothesized prey selection, where small prey are allowed to escape from the traps (…) ” Understanding the Venus flytrap through mathematical modeling, Sami Lehtinen
Fast Motion
How do Venus flytraps close so fast? The Venus flytrap exhibits one of the fastest motions of the plant kingdom. It is only possible to observe the trapping mechanism in detail with a slow-motion camera.
Initially, while resting, the lobes in the traps are in a convex position (like a hill). Then, once the leaf receives specific electrical signals, the lobes go from convex to concave (a valley). The trap can close at such a high speed due to its shape. In simple terms, the leaves can achieve such fast motion because they work like this kids toy: the rubber poppers (here are some pictures just in case you are unfamiliar with it).
Flytrap Digestion Explained
After a trap has closed completely, the digestion can start. At this point, the victim is still alive, but not for long. The lobes of the trap contain special glands that produce enzymes; the enzymes are meant to break up the insect. As the insect continues to generate stimuli, the special glands produce enzymes.
The enzymes start pumping into the leaves until the trap is filled complexly. The bug eventually dies drowned in the enzymes and the plant starts breaking up the body and absorbing nutrients. The enzymes are able to break up all the soft parts, of the insect, but it takes a long time.
Venus flytraps take one to two weeks to digest one single insect. The traps act as external stomachs. They break up the prey with enzymes and absorb the nutrients. Then, after the plant has finished, the trap reopens. In most cases, you can observe some of the remains of the victim. The enzymes in the leaves can break up the soft tissue of the bug, but it is unable to consume the exoskeleton. In the wild, the bug pieces wash off or get blown up by the rain or wind.
Feeding and Photosynthesis
The feeding process is important for the plant’s development but is it not critical. Venus flytraps capture bugs and absorb key nutrients to supplement their diet. However, Venus fly traps exist due to photosynthesis. Like other plants, carnivorous plants also produce their own food. They do not need to capture bugs to survive as they can live happily producing their own food through photosynthesis.
Consuming bugs boost the plant’s diet and encourages growth but is not a necessity. Also, Venus flytraps do not need to consume large amounts of bugs to exhibit positive effects. Consuming a single bug once a month or once every few months is enough for the plant.
Curious Color Changes
Venus flytraps have a unique characteristic; they change color based on their necessity. Most Venus flytraps you see in photos characterize by bright green and burgundy colors. However, this coloring scheme can change. For example, the red coloring in the traps can fade.
One of the main requirements for growing Venus flytraps is access to plenty of sunlight. In optimal conditions, Venus flytraps should receive 12 hours of sunlight every day. These plants require light to produce fuel through photosynthesis. Without appropriate lighting, Venus flytraps are unable to develop correctly. When Venus flytraps are not receiving enough lighting, they lose the red color inside the trap. The red might fade or disappear altogether. The changes are more apparent in new leaves.
The increase in green coloring is the plant’s defense mechanism. Without the red lobes, the plant has a larger green section focused on photosynthesis. But the color changes are not permanents. When the plant starts receiving appropriate lighting, the lobes will start regaining the red pigment.
Venus Flytrap exhibiting bright red pigments
Bright red lobes are a sign of health. The plant has plenty of access to light, and it is ready to focus on its second priority: capturing bugs.
The color changes described in this section are commonly observed on Venus flytraps. However, some specific varieties of Venus flytraps do not experience any color change. Some types are already entirely green, and others are entirely red. Besides, some Venus flytrap varieties are known for exhibiting very bright colors, especially in the lobes. Others have more soft colors.
Venus Flytrap Reproduction Mechanisms
Venus flytraps reproduce through multiple methods.
Venus flytrap can propagate through flower pollination, bulb divisions, leaf cuttings, and stalk cuttings. The first two methods occur in the wild without any help from humans.
This section will cover two of these methods: flower pollination and bulb divisions. The other two methods are explained in this article: How Do Venus Flytrap Reproduce? – 4 Propagation Methods. Make sure to read it if you are interested in Venus flytrap propagation.
Flower Pollination
In the spring, mature Venus flytrap produce flowers for reproduction. Like other plants, they rely on pollinators to fertilize the flowers and produce seeds.
Have you ever wondered how do Venus flytrap flowers get pollinated? What happens if the Venus flytrap eats the pollinating insects instead? Wind and rain also fulfill the role of pollinators. But what about insects. Is it safe for them to pollinate those flowers?
The flowers of Venus flytraps do get pollinated by insects. The plant had adapted to provide a welcoming environment for potential pollinators. Generally, the plant avoids consuming pollinators.
Observing a Venus flytrap during the flowering process is unique. You do not only have the majestic traps but now you also have pretty flowers. The flowers and the leaves give a fantastic look, but they are not close together. The traps stay close to the ground. The flower stalks, on the other hand, grow tall way above the traps, as shown in the picture below.
Rhizome Division
Venus flytraps also propagate through rhizome division, which is a type of vegetative reproduction. In the spring or early summer, a mature plant can extend its roots and create a bulb root that eventually separates from the parent and becomes a new plant. The new plants arising from rhizome divisions are exact clones from the parents. A single Venus flytrap can propagate multiple times every season, creating dozens of clones after just a few years.
Generally, Venus flytraps have 3 to 7 healthy leaves at a time. A plant that exhibits more than seven leaves might not be a single plant anymore. It can easily be two or a full set of Venus flytraps.
Venus flytrap owners can separate the plants and let them grow independently. The short video below shows a few clips from a Venus flytrap I own. The plant had propagated multiple times. Since the pot was not big enough to hold all the divisions, I decided to divide them and ended up with seven independent plants.
In the wild, Venus flytraps propagate through rhizome divisions, and they produce multiple clones. Even though their roots are independent, most clones end up growing very close to the parent.
The Dormancy Period
Many carnivorous plants require a dormancy period every year. Venus flytraps are one of them. During the winter, Venus flytraps go dormant for 2 to 4 months.
The dormancy period is a resting period similar to hibernation. During dormancy, Venus flytraps change substantially. They lose several leaves, and the plant shrinks in size. Also, their growth stops completely as their main focus is not on growing overground. Instead, the plants focused on strengthening the root system.
In the wild, Venus flytraps enter dormancy in late October or November as the temperatures drop. The plants enter dormancy when exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for a few weeks. The plant remains dormancy for the next couple of months until the temperatures start rising. Once the temperatures rise in late January of February, the plant exits dormancy.
In the spring, right out of dormancy, the plant will start proliferating. The plant is recharged and ready to start producing new leaves and reproduce.
The dormancy period is essential for Venus flytraps. In their natural habitat, they do not have any issues entering and exiting dormancy. However, in other locations, Venus flytraps need exposure to cool temperatures to experience dormancy every year.
Venus flytraps must go dormant every year. A plant can skip dormancy, and it will be ok. But, skipping dormancy several years in a row will shorten the plant’s life expectancy. Venus flytraps can live for over 20 years with proper dormancy. Without it, they perish after only a couple of years.
How Venus flytrap Work at Home
The Venus flytrap is the best known carnivorous plant. People all over the world own them and research their unique characteristics. In this section, I will explain how Venus flytraps grow at home.
Technically Venus flytraps can be grown outdoors or indoors as long as they have access to some essential elements:
Lighting: At least 6 hours of sunlight (or artificial light)
Soil: Carnivorous plant soil to grow
Water: The plant must be continuously watered with rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water to keep a moist environment.
Comfortable temperature between 32 F and 95 F (0 C and 35 C)
Cold winters for dormancy: Temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for at least a couple of months
To grow a healthy Venus flytrap, owners must attempt to mimic the natural habitat of the plant at home. First, Venus flytraps are unable to handle minerals or nutrients in the ground or water. It is essential to employ nutrient-free carnivorous plant soil and only employ pure water such as distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater. Venus flytraps can adapt to a wide range of temperatures and humidity levels. However, they prefer high humidity environments.
Growing Venus flytraps outdoors is much easier as they can have plenty of access to sunlight and possibly reasonable amounts of water through rainfall. Also, in the outdoors, Venus flytraps capture their prey which, as we learned, is not a requirement but can boost the plant’s growth substantially.
It is possible to grow Venus flytraps indoors. However, it is a challenge. The indoor location must have access to natural light, or the owner must build a plant light setup. Also, inside a temperature-controlled environment, the plant won’t achieve dormancy during the winter. Venus flytraps can achieve dormancy indoors, but they need exposure to cool temperatures. Therefore, most people usually place them in a cold basement, porch, or garage.
If you are interested in growing Venus flytraps, make sure you learn about the care considerations for these plants. You can download a complete Venus flytrap care sheet and read an article about it HERE.
Venus flytraps capture bugs outdoors and indoors; it all depends on the insect availability.
Indoors or in greenhouses, carnivorous plants can act as a bug controller. However, Venus flytraps are not the most effective candidates. Venus flytraps only have 3 to 7 healthy traps at a time. They can only capture a maximum of half a dozen bugs at a time. Then, the plant takes a few weeks to digest the insects. Venus flytraps can lower the bug population at home, but they won’t get rid of a plague. Pitcher plants and sticky trap carnivorous plants are more effective in controlling bug plagues.
Large Pitcher plants can hold large amounts of bugs in a single pitcher and act as a bug controller. Carnivorous plants with adhesive traps are also highly effective. For example, the Butterworts and Sundews can capture dozens of bugs at a time.
Sticky trap example: Sundew (Drosera)
Are Venus Flytraps Dangerous?
Venus flytraps pose no harm to humans. They are not poisonous, and they are even edible. Not sure who will eat them, but they are safe. In terms of their jaw-like leaves, the traps in Venus flytraps are too small and weak to harm humans. You can stick your finger inside a Venus flytrap to feel the pressure, but you won’t be very impressed. The trap closes, and you will feel it, but the pressure is not enough to keep you stuck to the plant. Technically, Venus flytraps can consume human flesh. But, due to their size, they can’t consume large animals.
Venus flytraps are not toxic to cats or dogs either. They can get indigestion after eating a Venus flytrap, but nothing else. As a recommendation, place Venus flytrap away from pets. Cats and dogs are sometimes curious about them and might eat them or harm them.
Humans shouldn’t be concern about Venus flytraps being dangerous. On the other hand, humans pose a significant danger to Venus flytraps. They are an endangered species. Their natural habitat has changed substantially over the past decades, and unfortunately, the native population is in decline. Also, Venus flytraps are endangered due to poachers. People in the area remove Venus flytraps from the wild to profit from selling them. Many nurseries and shops grow Venus flytraps in a responsible matter. But, unfortunately, poachers have excessively remove Venus flytraps from the wild, and the population is soaring.
Origins of the Carnivorous Nature
Venus flytraps are only native to a particular area. They grow in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina. There they only grow in two regions: the coastal plain and sandhills. Their natural habitat characterizes by inferior soil. Consistent rainfall and sandy grounds drain the nutrients in the earth.
Species of carnivorous plants have developed independently all over the world. They grow in areas that are characterized by a lack of nutrients. Scientists hypothesis carnivorous plants settled in nutrition-less environments due to the lack of competition. In those environments, carnivorous plants had the space to develop and thrive. However, they have evolved to survive. Instead of extracting nutrients from the soil, carnivorous plants, like Venus flytraps, capture bugs. The insects they consume provide all the nutrients lacking in the ground.
Venus flytraps are not the only plants that develop a carnivorous behavior. The Pitcher plant, Sundew, Sarracenia, and Butterwort are also carnivorous plants.
Related Questions
Why is a trap not closing after receiving stimuli?
The traps should close after receiving stimuli. However, two factors can prevent it from closing: The trap is dying or dormancy. The leaves open and close only a certain number of times before they wither. At some point, they will start to dry out. Sometimes it is not apparent than the leaf is drying, but eventually, it will start turning black.
Sometimes traps do not function during dormancy. Venus flytraps have a resting period during dormancy. During this time, the plant is not focused on capturing bugs. The plant loses part of its leaves and the remaining ones might not work for a few months.
Why is a trap closed? And when will it reopen?
A trap closes when it receives the appropriate stimuli. Once closed, the trap might be digesting a bug, or maybe it was unsuccessful at capturing prey, and it is empty. When a Venus flytrap captures prey, it will digest it. It will take several days or even weeks to consume the bug. During digestion, the trap will remain closed at all times. It will only reopen when it is finished.
Sometimes Venus flytraps close, but they will reopen without digesting anything. Maybe the bug scape, or perhaps the trap closed due to an inanimate object activating the lobes. In these scenarios, the plant won’t proceed to digest anything. Instead, it will reopen. There is no exact time, but usually, within 24-48 hours, the plant reopens.
How many times can a trap close?
The traps have a life expectancy limitation. Once a trap has been activated a certain number of times (between 5 and 10), it will reach its life expectancy. Then, the trap withers. This process is normal. Every time a trap withers, a new leaf should be growing from the center of the bulb as a replacement.
For this reason, it is crucial to avoid triggering the traps of the plant unless it is for feeding. Playing with the lobes speeds up the withering process and causes the plant to lose leaves.
Can Venus flytrap consume dead bugs?
In the wild, Venus flytraps do not consume dead bugs, but humans can successfully feed dead insects to Venus flytraps. The problem with dead feed it’s the lack of movement. Venus flytraps reject prey that does not cause any stimuli. However, a method has been developed to feed dead bugs to these plants.
People all other the world own Venus flytraps, and growing them indoors is a common option. Employing dead bugs to feed a Venus flytrap is a practical solution. Also, life and dead prey provide almost the same amount of nutrients; they are both suitable options from a health standpoint.
To feed dead bugs to Venus flytraps, the owner must introduce the bug in the trap and activate the lobes by touching the trigger hairs. The trap will close, but it can lose interest without further stimuli. A way to go around it is to use your fingers or a tool to press the sides of the trap multiple times. Eventually, the plant will close entirely and start producing enzymes as it has been tricked into consuming a dead bug.
Feeding Venus flytraps improperly can harm the plant. This guide can teach you how to feed a Venus flytrap, step by step:
Venus flytraps do not have teeth; they do not bite. The cilia surrounding the traps of Venus flytraps are not teeth or anything meant to chew the victim. Instead, they play a crucial role in locking the lobes. Venus flytraps consume their prey by trapping them inside their leaves. Then, they produce digestive enzymes to break up the bug.
If you stick your finger inside a trap and it closes, you could say the plant bit you. But, in reality, the leaves are more of a stomach than a mouth.
Can Venus flytrap eat human food?
Venus flytraps can digest complex organisms. However, they are not designed to consume human food. It is a big misconception that Venus flytraps can be fed with any food. In the wild, their diet is solely based on bugs. You can introduce human food in a trap and start the digestion process. However, it won’t provide much benefit. The plant will struggle to digest the food. The leaf will likely begin to wither due to the strain, and the food will rot inside a dried-up leaf. And this can cause problems. Rotting food can attract bacteria and mold.
Always abstain from feeding human food to Venus flytraps; do not feed them fruit, candy, chicken, ground beef, hamburger, bread. Instead, stick to an insect-based diet.
Carnivorous plants are fascinating, but they require a particular environment to survive. This article will cover all the details on how to care for carnivorous plants. It includes details about Pitcher plants, Drosera, Venus flytrap, Cobra plants, and more.
Carnivorous plants thrive in humid and nutrition-less environments with plenty of water, sunlight, and access to feed. Temperate carnivorous plants require a dormancy period and tropical carnivorous plants prefer a stable temperature year-round.
Here is a summary of the most critical care tips for carnivorous plants. Continue reading the next sections of the article to get a more in-depth view of each item.
Employ pure water sources for carnivorous plants: distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater.
Expose carnivorous plants to plenty of sunlight.
Water often and keep the soil moist at all times.
Do not overwater. Carnivorous plants are prone to root rot.
Standard potting soil can kill your plant. Only use nutrient-free mineral-free soil.
Place carnivorous plants outside so they can capture bugs or feed them yourself!
Never feed carnivorous plants with human food!
Humid environments are beneficial but not necessary.
Do not fertilize carnivorous plants.
Extreme temperatures can kill your plant. Do not burn them, and do not let them freeze in the winter.
Some carnivorous plants require a dormancy period.
Trimming is optional. Carnivorous plants will lose leaves as they grow. You can trim the dead leaves as they appear.
Avoid terracotta, unglazed ceramic, glass, and metal pots.
Do not plant carnivorous plants in a closed terrarium.
Avoid unwanted stress and motion.
Keep an eye for pests and fungus. Carnivorous plants are prone to the usual suspects!
Now that you read over the primary care tips, you need to learn the in-depth aspects of caring for carnivorous plants. Growing carnivorous plants is not difficult, but small mistakes can accidentally kill these plants.
Carnivorous Plant Care Instructions
1.- Employ pure water sources for carnivorous plants: distilled water, reverse osmosis water, or rainwater.
Carnivorous plants live in nutrition-less environments. They are not used to receiving nutrients through the soil or water. Do not water carnivorous plants with tap water or bottled water. They contain too many nutrients or minerals. Instead, employ pure water sources: distilled water, reverse osmosis water, and rainwater.
Technically, you can water carnivorous plants with tap water. It is only safe to do it if the water has less than 50 parts per million (ppm). This measurement refers to the number of dissolved solids in the liquid. You can employ a TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) meter to confirm the ppm readings. However, do not be surprised if the tap water in your home exhibits high levels of minerals or other components.
2.- Expose carnivorous plants to plenty of sunlight.
All carnivorous plants benefit from access to sunlight. They require plenty of light, either indirect or direct. Never place them under complete shade; they will suffer greatly. They must receive at least 4-6 daily hours of light.
Carnivorous plants can be grown outdoors and indoors. However, it is easier to grow them outside as they can have access to sunlight. The only challenge when placing them outdoors is heat exposure due to direct sunlight. You must place these plants under sunlight, but they shouldn’t heat up until they burn. When growing indoors, ensure the plants live on a sunny porch or windowsill. The alternate option besides sunlight is artificial light. High output fluorescent lights and LED plant lights are suitable candidates.
The lighting requirements for Venus flytraps and North American Pitcher plants lower during the winter while they are dormant You will learn all about dormancy in the 10th item.
3.- Water often and keep the soil moist at all times.
Carnivorous plants thrive in humid environments. Keep the soil moist at all times to keep them healthy.
Most carnivorous plants prefer a humid environment, where the soil is moist but not soggy, like, for example, the Venus flytrap. Other carnivorous plants like the Pitcher plant or Sundew prefer more soggy conditions.
An effective way to water your carnivorous plants appropriately is to use the water tray strategy. Place the plant pot on top of a water tray. Then, add about half an inch of water to the tray. Let your plant absorb the water and refill once the container has just dried up. The roots of the plant will “drink” the water, and the soil remains moist at all times. Also, the water in the plate increases the humidity in the environment.
4.- Do not overwater. Carnivorous plants are prone to root rot.
Carnivorous plants benefit from humid environments. But excessive watering can also harm the plant. Carnivorous plants do not like to sit on standing water for long periods. They need water, but it should be flowing at all times.
Since carnivorous plants are prone to root rot, you must always water appropriately. The water tray method is a great option to prevent overwatering. Also, always employ pots with a drainage hole and soil with good drainage. Besides, consider repotting your plant every year to avoid soil compression, which slows down the drainage process.
5.- Standard potting soil can kill your plant. Only use nutrient-free mineral-free soil.
Before you buy potting media for your carnivorous plants, you must forget all you knew about potting soil. In the wild, they grow in inferior soil. Carnivorous plants can not be potted in standard potting soil as they have grown intolerant to fertilizers and minerals from the ground. Instead, you must employ nutrient-free carnivorous plant soil. Nutrients or components in the earth harms them.
You can buy carnivorous plant soil online or make it yourself. Several sellers in Etsy and Amazon offer good quality carnivorous plant soil. It is practical to buy the soil online, but it is expensive compared to the DIY option. Here is how you make carnivorous plant soil:
First, you need one type of moss, either long-fibered sphagnum moss or peat moss, and a draining agent: sand or perlite. The materials you choose must be pure and unenriched. For example, when buying peat moss, avoid Mineral Grow options. Those bags of peat moss are enriched and filled with fertilizers (which kill carnivorous plants. Most nurseries offer nutrient-free moss, perlite, and sand. Just make sure to specify you are looking for nutrient-less media for carnivorous plants.
Here are a few recipes to make carnivorous plant soil:
4 part peat moss and 1 part perlite
3 part sphagnum moss and 1 part sand
1 part peat and 1 part sand
1 part sphagnum and 1 part perlite
1 part peat, 1 part sphagnum, and 1 part sand
It is possible to grow carnivorous plants in pure peat moss or pure sphagnum moss. However, those potting mediums are not optimal. Without a draining agent, water does not flow properly.
4:1 peat moss and perlite before and after mixing and watering
6.- Place carnivorous plants outside so they can capture bugs or feed them yourself!
Carnivorous plants obtain most of their nutrients through photosynthesis. As a way to supplement their diet, they have developed trapping mechanisms to capture and digest bugs. The insects they consume boost their diet and stimulate growth.
Carnivorous plants can capture their own prey when placed outdoors. The mechanisms they developed to lure bugs are very effective. You do not need to feed outdoor plants, as they have plenty of access to bugs.
Indoors, carnivorous plants need some help from their owners to capture prey. Depending on the access to insects, carnivorous plants might catch bugs indoors, but it is improbable. Consider feeding indoor plants to boost their growth. Carnivorous plants consume various types of insects, such as flies, ants, beetles, crickets, gnats, and slugs. You can buy live or dead feed in most pest stores.
Some examples of suitable carnivorous plant food: bloodworms, mealworms, and crickets.
7.- Never feed carnivorous plants with human food!
There is some misinformation online about feeding human food to carnivorous plants. Carnivorous plants are designed to consume insects and spiders. But, they do not have the capabilities of consuming human food such as fruit, hamburger, candy, and chicken.
Technically, carnivorous plants can digest meat. On rare occasions, large Pitcher plants or Venus flytrap capture a tiny frog or a very young rodent, and they can extract nutrients from them. However, you should never attempt to feed your plant with anything other than bugs. The plant might not be able to digest it. If that happens, the leaves containing the food will wither, and the food will start to rot. It will not only cause unwanted odors, but it can attract bacteria and mold ( this is how you can get rid mold)..
8.-Humid environments are beneficial but not necessary.
In the wild, carnivorous plants live in humid conditions. They are exposed to humidity levels between 50-90% year-round. But they are adaptable to less humid environments.
Carnivorous plants thrive in humid environments, but the humidity is not a decisive factor for all plants. For example, Venus flytraps can adapt to arid environments as long as they are adequately watered. Pitcher plants, on the other hand, might struggle to develop pitchers in dry climates.
If you live in a humid location, then you are all set to grow carnivorous plants. But, if you live in a dry area, I have some solutions for you:
Consider using a humidifier. As long as it runs for consistent amounts of time, the environment will hold more water.
Place the plant pots on top of a water tray.
Mist the plants.
9.- Do not fertilize carnivorous plants.
Novice growers should never fertilize carnivorous plants. The nutrients and minerals in fertilizers can harm the plants and cause mineral burns. Instead of fertilizing, consider feeding the plant. It will have the same effect. However, feeding does not poss the same risk as fertilizing.
Never attempt to fertilize carnivorous plants if you are unsure of the procedure or if the plant is not at optimum health. A safe option to fertilize carnivorous plants is to employ foliar fertilizers. These are the instructions:
Dissolve the foliar fertilizer to decrease its intensity to 10-25%.
Spray the leaves lightly with the dissolved fertilizer.
Do not fertilize carnivorous plants during dormancy.
10.- Extreme temperatures can kill your plant. Do not burn them, and do not let them freeze in the winter.
Carnivorous plants can classify into two types; temperate and tropical. Temperate plants can withstand more extreme temperatures, and they require a dormancy period. Tropical plants are used to a consistent temperature year-round, and they do not require a dormancy period.
Venus fly traps, North American pitcher plants, Cobra plants, and some Sundews are temperate plants. They require dormancy and can withstand colder weather. Generally, follow this advice:
During summer and spring, do not let the plants be exposed to temperatures above 95 F (35 C).
During winter, do not let the plants freeze.
Asian pitcher plants, Sun pitchers, West Australian pitcher plant, some Butterworts, and some Sundews are tropical plants. They do not require dormancy, and they prefer temperate climates.
11.- Some carnivorous plants require a dormancy period.
Now, it is time to talk about dormancy. Some carnivorous plants require dormancy, like for example:
Venus fly traps
North American pitcher plants
Cobra plants
Sundews (some varieties)
Dormancy is crucial for these plants. During this period, the plant rests and prepares to start the growing season. Dormancy is critical for these plants as they will die if they skip dormancy a few years in a row.
Carnivorous plants go dormant when they are exposed to chilly temperatures (45 F / 7 C) at the start of the winter. Then, they should remain dormant for several months. Venus flytraps experience a dormancy that lasts an average of three months. Some drosera species expect 6 or up to 9 months of dormancy. Research about a specific specie of carnivorous plants and learn about their dormancy requirements. They are of crucial importance.
12.- Trimming is optional.
Carnivorous plants will lose leaves as they grow. When leaves start to wither, let them dry up completely. Once they have entirely withered, trim them. Employ scissors and chop them off. There is no risk of removing dead leaves. In the wild, foliage decomposes a lot faster due to the number of microorganisms in the soil. At home, it will take years for the foliage to decompose on its own. It is better to trim it off and provide more space for your plant.
Do not be alarmed when a pitcher starts to wither, or a leaf begins to blacken in your carnivorous plant. As one leaf withers, a new one will begin growing. Only get alarmed an investigate if you notice your plant is losing leaves without growing new ones.
13.- Avoid terracotta, unglazed ceramic, glass, and metal pots.
Some pots are unsuitable for carnivorous plants. Do not employ pots made out of:
Unglazed ceramic
Terracotta and unglazed ceramic pots leach minerals to the soil, and those minerals are harmful to the plant. Also, both of those materials tend to absorb water and dry up the environment, defeating the purpose of continually watering to provide a humid medium.
Glass and metal pots do not leak elements to the ground, but they are terrible insulating materials. It is dangerous to pot carnivorous plants in these materials and expose them to direct sunlight. The pots can overheat and boil the plants. Similarly, the materials are dangerous during the winter, as they do not provide insulation against cold weather. Only employ these materials in mild weather.
The best pot materials for carnivorous plants are glazed ceramic and plastic. Both of those materials do not leach any components to the sale, they do not absorb the moisture, and they provide insulation. Also, Styrofoam containers are an alternate option. They offer the same benefits and are inexpensive.
Besides the material choice, make sure the pot you choose has a drainage hole. Without a drainage hole, growing carnivorous plants is exceptionally challenging.
14.- Do not plant carnivorous plants in a closed terrarium.
Growing carnivorous plants in a terrarium is a dream aesthetically, but it can be tough. Carnivorous plants thrive outdoors. When they are placed in an indoor terrarium, they suffer. The only benefit of putting them in a closed terrarium is the high humidity. But, for a single benefit, there are many disadvantages.
Inside a closed terrarium, it isn’t easy to provide enough lighting. The glass acts as a barrier. Also, if placed under direct sunlight, the terrarium heats up and kills the plants inside. Besides, carnivorous plants do not have any access to feed in a terrarium. The humidity in the terrarium is beneficial, but improper drainage and water flow can increase the chances of root rot.
Terrariums are especially harmful to temperate carnivorous plants. Inside a terrarium, carnivorous plants can’t achieve dormancy in the winter. Therefore, they will end up dying after just a few years.
Avoid closed terrariums, especially if you are a beginner carnivorous plant owner. Instead, consider building a greenhouse type terrarium. These terrariums are usually made of large fish tanks. They close, but they can open easily. Each plant has its individual pot and container, so temperate plants can leave the terrarium during the winter and go dormant. If the greenhouse terrarium is big enough, you can place LED lights inside the terrarium to fulfill the plants’ lighting requirements.
15.- Avoid unwanted stress and motion.
Plant lovers consider their plants to be pets. But in reality, most plants do not like to be petted. Constant touching or handling can cause strain on the leaves and bruise them or damage them. Carnivorous plants are no different.
You can touch the plant without harming it. However, it would help if you abstained from playing with the bug-catching mechanisms. Please do not poke the traps in Venus flytraps to close and do not poke Sundews to make them react and fold. Carnivorous plants can’t harm you. They are too small to produce any damage to a human. However, the added stress you impose on the plant can harm it. If you want to observe their carnivorous nature, feed them. Then the plant can obtain nutrients, and you can watch the process.
Place the carnivorous plant in a strategic location where they won’t undergo too much movement. For example, cats, dogs, and small children tend to be amazed by the unique colors and shapes of carnivorous plants, and they can be too rough interacting with the plants.
16.- Keep an eye for pests and fungus. Carnivorous plants are prone to the usual suspects!
Pests and fungus affect carnivorous plants without prejudice. Many different pests can affect carnivorous plants, including some specific for certain species.
Routinely inspect your plant for unusual changes, such as deformities, decoloration, color spots. The solution will vary depending on the problem. Fungus infections can be eradicated with a sulfur-based fungicide; miticide is the answer to eliminate mites. Consult your local nursery for specific fungicides or insecticides.
How to Choose the Right Carnivorous Plant
Before choosing a carnivorous plant, you must analyze your environment. The first factor to consider is dormancy. Choose a temperate carnivorous plant only if you can fulfill the dormancy requirement. Otherwise, consider only tropical plants. Technically, you can grow tropical plants almost anywhere as you can grow them indoors and provide a humid/ warm climate.
These plants are considered to be beginner plants for carnivorous plant growers:
Venus flytrap
The Sarracenia and Venus flytrap both require dormancy and the requirements of Drosera vary. In terms of availability. Venus flytraps are one of the best starter plants as they are sold commercially at a low price. If you choose Venus flytrap, make sure to read this article and learn more about them. The article includes a downloadable care sheet.
After choosing a carnivorous plant, it is time to make another decision: is it better to buy seeds or a plant?
Growing carnivorous plants from seeds is a unique experience as you can ultimately observe the whole growth cycle. However, sowing seeds it risky. The seeds are prone to fungal attacks. Also, the seeds will take a few weeks to germinate. Then, the plants will be tiny, and they will take years to reach a mature size. Only attempt to grow carnivorous plants from seeds if you are patient and very meticulous. The plants will be tiny for a long time.
As a beginner, growing plants is much more appropriate. You can buy a young or mature plant and perfection your setup. After mastering how to care for your plant, then it is time to consider growing them from seeds or through propagation. Mature carnivorous plants produce flowers. The flowers are an opportunity to pollinate them and harvest seeds.
Where to Buy Carnivorous Plants
You can buy carnivorous plants in the following locations:
Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, and other big-box stores
Local nurseries
Online nurseries
Big box stores carry carnivorous plants seasonally. They usually only offer Venus flytraps and Pitcher plants. The prices are reasonable, and the quality varies. Some of the plants are excellent specimens but have been forgotten for weeks in a dark self. The positive side of buying your plant in these stores is convenience and transparency. You can see the plant right there and inspect its state.
Forgotten Venus flytrap in Walmart
Local nurseries tend to offer more varieties and better quality plants. However, that is not always the case. As you have learned in this article, caring for carnivorous plants is challenging. They require particular environments. Most nurseries do not specialize in carnivorous plants, and some do not provide proper care.
Amazon and Etsy are suitable options to buy carnivorous plants online. But, between the two, I would suggest Etsy. Amazon does have some options, but there are so many scam sellers, many of them offering fake seeds. I had nothing but good experiences with Etsy. Do a quick search in Etsy for carnivorous plants, and you will find plenty of vendors with thousands of reviews. Do not get too concerned about the shipping; just make sure to be home when the plants arrive. The sellers are experts in the matter, and they know how to ship the plants.
Online nurseries are the final option. When ordering carnivorous plants online, the best strategy is to pick a carnivorous plant nursery. Those businesses are specialized in these plants and can give you all the details and care instructions for your carnivorous plant.
Here are a few good options of carnivorous plant nurseries:
Venus flytraps reproduce through multiple methods. They can propagate in the wild or in a controlled environment. In this article, you will learn the 4 methods to propagate Venus flytraps.
Venus flytraps reproduce sexually through flower pollination and asexually through rhizome division. Growers can also propagate Venus flytraps by employing leaf cuttings and flower stalks.
Venus flytraps reproduce in different ways. Keep on reading this article to get the step by step process of how to propagate your plant. You can end up having dozens of them in no time! Now, let’s cover the four reproduction methods:
Sexual propagation through flower pollination
Rhizome divisions
Flower stalk cutting
Venus Flytrap Sexual Reproduction
Flower Pollination
Venus flytraps can reproduce sexually. Every spring, after achieving maturity, Venus flytraps produce flowers. The plant produces multiple flower stalks. And those flower stalks end in flower bunches.
In general, Venus flytraps grow very fast. And, the flower stalks also grow quickly. Within a few days, the flower stalks surpass the height of the plant and continue to grow. Finally, the flower buds flourish and produce white flowers with green veins.
In outdoor locations, pollinators are attracted to the flowers and fertilize them. Venus flytraps use an intelligent mechanism for consuming the pollinators. The leaves of a Venus flytrap do not extend too far from the ground as they are usually about 5 inches (adults). But, the flowers grow up taller than the traps. With this method, venus flytraps separate prey from pollinators.
Once a flower is fertilized, it will start to wither. The plant dries up and leaves behind multiple tiny seeds.
Venus flytraps are self-pollinating; a flower within the plant can be fertilized with its own pollen or with the pollen of other flower in the plant. The seeds obtain through self-pollination will produce very similar plants to the parent. However, the new plants won’t be exact clones.
The other option besides self-pollination is cross-pollination. In cross-pollination, a flower is pollinated by pollen from a flower in another plant.
Self-pollination vs Cross-pollination
Venus flytraps can both self-pollinate and cross-pollinate. However, some benefits come from each option. Self-pollination allows for more uniform plants. Also, self-pollination capabilities increase the chances of reproduction. However, cross-pollination, due to the genetic variety, produces more vigorous offspring.
How to Pollinate a Venus Flytrap and Harvest Seeds
Now, it is time to learn step by step, how to pollinate a Venus flytrap. Venus flytraps living outdoors might have access to pollinators. But, if you are serious about harvesting seeds, you must pollinate the flowers yourself and ensure your plant reproduces. Here are the step by step instructions:
Let your plant flower.
Gather a suitable tool to pollinate the flowers. Some good options are soft paintbrushes or Q-tips.
Examine one flower and identify the two parts: the anther and the stigma. The anther holds pollen and is located at the end of thin filaments. The stigma is located in the center and is where pollen germinates. The diagram below can serve you as a guide.
Utilize the paintbrush or Q-tip and brush the anther to collect the pollen.
Transfer the pollen from your tool to the stigma. You can transfer it to the stigma of a flower in the same plant or choose another plant for cross-pollination.
Do not stop after pollinating a single flower. Continue to pollinate the rest. The more fertilized flowers, the more seeds you will obtain.
Wait a couple of days to confirm the flowers were pollinated. Fertilized flowers will wither and leave seeds behind.
Examine the remains of the dried up flower and look for the seeds. Each flower produces a few dozens of seeds.
Once you located the seeds is time to extract them. Since Venus flytrap seeds are very tiny, do not attempt to harvest the seeds outdoors on a windy day. The seeds can easily be carried away. Instead, continue the operation indoors. I like to enclose all the remains of the flower in a Ziploc bag. Then, while still in the bugs, I remove the dead tissue and separate the seeds.
Many online shops offer Venus flytrap seeds. It is possible to buy seeds online, but it can be risky. The best way to obtain the seeds is to harvest them yourself. But the cycle does not end with just collecting seeds. It is time to sow them and wait for them to germinate. First, Venus flytrap seeds do not need further preparation before planting. You can grow them directly by following the instructions below.
Light source: You can employ natural light or fluorescent LED plant lights
Sulfur-based fungicide (optional).
Spray bottle
Sowing Instructions
Grab the potting media and moisten it thoroughly. Only use distilled or rainwater. In the end, the medium should be humid all around.
Add the soil to the potting container.
Place the potting container on top of its water tray. Then, add about half an inch of distilled water to the water tray.
Optional: add small amounts of fungicide to the soil.
Sprinkle the seeds in the potting media. Try to spread them out, but do not be too worried about separating all of them. Seedlings will be tiny and will barely take up any space.
Gently press the seeds toward the grounds.
Fill the spray bottle with distilled water and mist your plants from the top.
Place the trays in a spot where they can receive indirect sunlight for more than 4 hours.
During the next few weeks, ensure the soil is always humid. Also, they should remain within this temperature range: 78 F – 90 F.
In 3 to 6 weeks, you will start seeing tiny Venus flytraps germinating from those seeds.
After harvesting seeds, it is normal to wait a few weeks to sow the seeds. However, if you plan on storing the seeds for extended amounts of time, you must place them under refrigeration. Then, they can last for months.
Baby Venus Flytrap
A Debate About the Venus Flytrap Flowers
Often, there is a debate between Venus flytrap owners. Some believe flowers must be cut off to prevent flowering. Others just let their plant flourish. The reasoning behind the first point of view is simple. Venus flytraps focus on reproduction during the spring. They spend substantial amounts of energy generating flowers and hoping they get pollinated. As a novice grower, it is recommended to skip the flowering process. Then, if the plant is not receiving optimal care, it will overcome the challenges.
Venus flytraps do not self destruct when producing flowers. It is entirely safe to let plants undergo the reproductive season. However, you must be confident in your setup. Here is a diagram that can help you decide between letting your plant flower or not.
If you are interested in harvesting seeds and producing seedlings, you should focus on making sure the plant is under proper care. Pollinating Venus flytraps and harvesting their seeds is not a complicated process, but it is gratifying.
Venus Flytrap Rhizome Divisions
The Venus Flytrap also reproduces via rhizome division (vegetative propagation). Venus flytraps usually exhibit 3 to 7 healthy leaves at a time. When you see a Venus flytrap with multiple heads, like, for example, 15 or 20, then that is not a single plant. The original plant has propagated and created clones of itself.
At first, the roots are connected between the parent plant and the clone. But, then the roots divide, and the clone develops an independent root system.
After a Venus flytrap has propagated via rhizome, you can easily separate the plant and pot each plant independently.
I bought this plant in the picture below. As soon as I saw it, I knew there had to be at least four independent Venus flytraps in that small space. It needed to be repotted, and it could be easily divided.
After splitting the plant, I got six young Venus flytraps and one baby one. They are growing strong in the appropriate pots.
To obtain multiple plants from a single one, you must wait until the parent plant divides naturally. It is not completely necessary to separate them. But as shown in the photo example above, some plants grow out of their containers and need more space. There are two best times to divide a Venus flytrap:
At the end of dormancy: the plant will exit dormancy in a new medium and grow.
During the start or mid-summer: the plant will have time to adapt to its new environment before entering dormancy.
You can learn how to divide your plant by following these instructions:
Remove the plant from its pot. You can moisten the soil beforehand to make the operation easier.
Carefully remove the soil in the roots of the plants. Start by removing the outer layer. Then, you will be left with a core. The last pieces of dirt are the hardest to remove. Do not get frustrated. Just continue to remove the soil. You can employ a spray bottled to break up solidified pieces.
Inspect the roots and bulbs of the plant. The bulb should be white and of firm consistency. The roots are long and dark. As you observe the plant, you will notice some separations in the bulb.
Without harming the rhizomes, separate each plant, making sure each of them has its own independent roots.
Place the bare-root plants on top of a paper towel or a container.
Trim the plants. Now, it is the best time to prune the Venus flytraps. When they are bare root you can remove those black leaves altogether. Also, at this point, you can extract leaf cuttings (more information in the next section.)
Prepare independent pots for each. Or a container for multiple. Placing multiple plants in a single pot is possible, but make sure there is enough space.
Plant all the Venus flytrap.
Continue to provide proper care and focus on water and humidity levels. Venus flytraps weaken after repotting. Ensure the potting medium is always moist.
Venus Flytrap Leaf-cutting
It is possible to extract a Venus flytrap leaf attached to part of the rhizome and produce a new plant. This process is called leaf cuttings. The best time to pull leaf cuttings is during the spring or summer. Do not attempt this method during dormancy. Here is how it works, step by step.
Place a bare root Venus flytrap on top of a surface.
Identify a healthy leaf on the outer layer of leaves in the rhizome.
Grab the leaf from the top and gently but firmly pull in downwards. The leaf should have a small portion of the rhizome in its base.
Collect a couple of leaf cuttings to increase your chances of propagating the plant.
Place the leaf cuttings in a container with humid carnivorous plant soil by laying them on their side.
Cover the base of the leaf-cutting with some of the soil.
For the next weeks, provide the standard Venus flytrap care to this leaf cuttings. They should have access to sunlight, a humid environment, and adequate amounts of nutrient-free water.
Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Cutting
You can also propagate Venus flytraps through flower stalk cuttings. If you decide to cut the flower stalks off your plant, do not throw them away. You can plant them and propagate your plant. This section will teach you how to multiply your plants through flower stalk cuttings.
First, collect the basic ingredients:
Plastic or glazed ceramic pot with a drainage hole
Water tray for your selected pot
Distilled water
Carnivorous plant soil
Wait until your plant has produced flower stalks. The stalks should be at least 5 inches long to continue this procedure. For best results, wait until the plant has produced flower buds. Then, you will have a better chance of producing baby Venus flytrap.
Follow these instructions for flower stalk propagation:
Add distilled water to the carnivorous plant soil until it is humid all around.
Introduce the soil inside the pot
Place the pot on top of the water tray. And fill the tray with about half an inch of distilled water.
Employ the scissors to cut the flower stalks as close to the rhizome as possible. Cut all the flower stalks in the plant.
Cut each flower stalk into smaller pieces at about 2-3 inches in length.
Grab half of the stalks and vertically insert them in the soil. Bury about a quarter of an inch underground. Then, push some soil around the stalks to set them securely in place.
Place the second half of flower stalks and place them horizontally to the ground. Then, press them gently towards the soil, until half of the stem is underground. After, push some of the soil in the edges and cover the tips of the stalk.
There are two commonly used methods: placing the stalks vertically and horizontally. For better results, I recommend to give them a 50-50 try. Once you completed the instructions, you are all set. Make sure the flower stalks remain in moist soil at all times. Also, they need exposure to sunlight. After 4-6 weeks, the stalks will start generating roots. Best of luck!
Final Thoughts
I hope you are successful at propagating your plant. Growing Venus flytraps from seeds or through divisions is a rewarding experience. Regardless of the propagation method, you employ, make sure the plant is healthy. This downloadable care sheet contains all the information you need to care for Venus flytraps. No need to sign up; just download it from this page:
If you own a Venus flytrap, you might be interested in feeding it. This article goes into great detail on how to feed a Venus flytrap.
When feeding a Venus flytrap, employ bugs that can fit inside a trap and drop the insect in between the trap’s lobes. Venus flytraps are not designed to digest human food; they prefer insects and arachnids. They can consume dead of live prey.
Venus flytraps growing outdoors often capture their own food, whereas Venus flytraps growing indoors often struggle to capture bugs.
The feeding process is not hard, but you must follow the instructions below to avoid harming your plant. For example, many people often overfeed their Venus flytrap which can cause harm.
As a general rule, feed your Venus flytrap once every two to six weeks. Use a single bug and feed only one trap of the entire plant. The insect must be small enough to fit inside the trap. It can be dead or alive, however, the feeding instructions vary depending on this factor.
Consuming insects is essential to your plant’s health, therefore ensuring they capture bugs is important. Keep on reading to get the full instruction on how to feed your plant.
What Venus Fly trap eat
Flies, ants, beetles, crickets, worms, spiders, gnats, and other insects
What you shouldn’t feed a Venus Fly trap
Human food such as fruit, meat, vegetables, and candy
Feeding frequency
Feed once every 2-6 weeks
Feeding quantity
One insect at a time that is small enough to fit inside a trap
Quick summary on Venus Fly trap feeding
The Venus Flytrap Feeding Process
In the wild, Venus flytraps live in inferior growing conditions. The soil in the area is very poor. As a result, they are unable to gather critical nutrients from the ground, like Nitrogen, Potassium, and Phosphorus.
Venus flytraps produce most of their food through the photosynthesis process. They can live just through photosynthesis thanks to the abundance of light and water. However, their diet is not complete without consuming bugs.
Venus flytraps capture and digest bugs inside of their leaves. Through digestion, they extract essential nutrients to boost their diet. Even though consuming those insects is not required, Venus flytraps with access to feed tend to grow faster and appear to be a lot healthier.
In the outdoors, Venus flytraps can capture their own prey. But indoors or in highly urbanized areas, it can be difficult for the plant to obtain vital nutrients from their victims. In those cases, the owner can choose to feed their plant. In the next section, I will explain the process.
The following list contains a summary of best practices when feeding Venus flytraps:
Outdoor Venus flytraps do not require feeding
Feed your plant once every 2 to 6 weeks
Only feed insects or spiders to your Venus Flytrap
The insects must fit inside the trap
Do not feed your plant during dormancy
Baby Venus flytraps do not need to be fed
How to Feed a Venus Flytrap
The following steps describe how to feed a Venus flytrap. Read them carefully:
1.- Get the food ready: Start by finding a proper insect or spider to feed your plant. It can be dead or alive. There is a whole list of options below. But for now, focus on getting an insect that is small enough to fit inside one of the traps of your plant.
2.-Prepare the prey: Once you have the bug, you must get it ready. Dried-up bugs must be rehydrated. Just add a few drops of water to the dead bug and let it absorb the water. Live bugs do not need any preparation. But, since it is a live bug, you should get comfortable handling it. You can use your hands, or perhaps you are more comfortable employing tweezers or chopsticks.
3.- Locate the trigger hairs: Observe the inside of the trap you are about to feed and locate the three trigger hairs in each lobe. They can be hard to identify. The filaments are very thin, and they are located in the center of the lobe. The picture below shows their location.
When feeding a Venus flytrap, you must stimulate the trigger hairs. Something must touch them twice within a few seconds for them to close.
4.-Insert the bug: Grab the insect and place it inside the lobes of your selected trap. Live insects will make contact with the trigger hairs right away, and the trap will close on them. With dead prey, you must stimulate the trigger hairs yourself. When I employ dead prey, like in the picture below, I follow this effective strategy. I grab the bug with chopsticks and place it inside the traps with a brushing motion. At that time, I make sure I have touched the trigger hairs at least two times. Then, I quickly remove the tool out of the leaf, leaving the bug behind.
5.-Continue to stimulate: Now, the trap should have closed. However, Venus flytraps take their time to close their leaves completely. First, they go into a semi-closed state. Like in the picture below, the lobes have intertwined, but they are not fully closed. During this stage, the plant is sensing for further stimuli to start the digestion process. The presence of stimuli indicates the plant has caught live prey.
When you employ a live insect, the bug will try to fight for its life. But, its attempt to space will only make things harder, as the traps will close entirely after a few seconds.
For dead bugs, you must complete an additional action: stimulate the leaves. Use your fingers or a tool to press the sides of the trap. Press them gentle multiple times. Do it slowly but consistently for about 30 seconds. Then, the trap will close completely. If it does not close, continue to stimulate for another 30 seconds or until the trap is sealed shut.
6.-Monitor the leaf: You made it! You have fed your Venus flytrap. Now, it is time to verify the feeding was successful. Leave your plant alone for the next few days, but occasionally observe the closed trap. The digestion process will take several days or even weeks, so do not expect it to reopen soon. Just keep an eye on the leaf and verify it didn’t wither.
The main reasons why a leaf withers after a feeding are two:
The insect was too big for the Venus flytrap, and the plant was unable to process it completely.
The leaf was going to die due to maturity, and it was ready to wither.
Keep on reading to learn how often to feed a Venus flytrap and the prey sizing considerations. Then, you will avoid making mistakes when feeding your plant.
Feeding Frequency
Venus flytraps take a long time to digest one single insect. As a result, they do not need to be fed too often. Generally, you want to follow these rules:
Only feed one single trap of the whole plant. The nutrients from one bug will be enough for the plant.
Allow 2-6 weeks between feedings. It is better to let the plant rest between feedings and do not risk overfeeding the plant.
Wait until the plant has thoroughly digested the previous bug before feeding it again.
Stop feeding the plant during dormancy
Which Bug Size Is Appropriate for Venus Flytraps?
Choosing the correct prey size is essential for the plant’s health. When bugs are too large for the plant, the Venus flytrap fails to digest it in an acceptable time frame. Then, the plant gives up in the process and lets the trap containing the insect wither. Your plant won’t die from losing a single leaf, but it can weaken. Also, if incorrect feeding practices continue, the plant can lose multiple leaves.
As a general rule, choose insects that can fit inside the trap. Generally, it is best to select bugs that are no larger than 1/3 of the size of the trap. When Venus fly traps are young, it is challenging to find such a small insect (besides ants). But, remember, you can break a bug and feed your plant a small enough piece.
How to Feed Baby Venus Flytraps
It is possible to feed baby Venus flytrap. But it can be very challenging. To feed a baby Venus flytrap, you need a dead bug (preferably freeze-dried), distilled water, a toothpick, and a herb grinder or a mortar and pestle. After you gather all the components, follow the instructions below:
Take the dried up bugs and grind them until they have a powder-like consistency.
Add a few droplets of distilled water to the powder and mix. Continue to add water and mix until the product looks like a paste.
Drain any excess of water
Grab the toothpick (or tweezers) and pick up a tiny little ball of the food you made. You can use your hands to shape the paste-like a small pebble.
Carefully place the food inside the trap of the young Venus flytrap. And make sure to activate the trap.
It is not crucial to feed baby Venus flytraps. But, it is beneficial to provide additional nutrients. You will be able to feed a baby Venus flytrap if it has at least reached a minimum size. The picture below shows a seedling. With that size, it isn’t easy to feed it without harming it. In that case, it is better to wait until it grows larger.
The Best Venus Flytrap Food Options
The previous section mentioned some information about what to feed your Venus flytrap. But, now we can go into more details on the feeding menu.
It is a common misconception that Venus flytraps only consume flies. Venus flytraps consume a variety of insects and spiders. They can even consume larger prey. Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants, they can consume meat. As a result, in the wild, they are sometimes able to capture tiny mice or frogs. But, in your home, you want to stick to an insect-only and spider-only diet. This article I wrote contains a complete list of what to feed and not to feed a Venus flytrap.
Live Prey
Venus flytraps can consume a variety of bugs like, for example, ants, flies, crickets, spiders, beetles, slugs, and caterpillar. They can consume any type of insect as long as they can fit inside the trap, and the plant can capture them.
Even though you can employ almost any type of insect, some are better suited than others. For example, beetles tend to try to fight their way out of the traps, and they can be quite strong. Slugs or caterpillars can attempt to eat their way out of their enclosure. Flying insects are difficult to handle, and they can escape easier.
Outdoors or in an external window sill, Venus flytrap might capture a variety of insects. In that case, let your plant trap its own food. It will know how to select its prey.
When using live feed, I like to buy live crickets. You can capture your own live bugs if you have a garden or go to the part. But buying them is just as easy. Small crickets are not too difficult to handle and they are not strong enough to fight their way out of the traps.
When choosing live prey to feed your Venus flytrap, remember you will have to follow the instructions in the previous section. Suppose you do not feel comfortable holding a bug. Or perhaps, the process is too gruesome for you, then go to the next section and choose to employ dead bugs.
Dead Insects
You can also employ dead bugs to feed your Venus flytrap. From a nutritional standpoint, dead bugs can also provide large amounts of nutrients.
It is possible to employ dead bugs you find in your home, as long as they are fresh, and they do not have any mold. Also, consider buying the feed in a pet store. Here are a few options you can find in almost any pet store: freeze-dried bloodworms, mealworms, and crickets. All three options are highly nutritious and economical. You can buy the whole container for less than $10. And it can serve you to feed multiple plants for many years. I buy dried-up bugs in amazon to feed my carnivorous plants, here is a link to buy: https://amzn.to/34QEnKv.
I do not have a preference between the three, but I try to alternate the food source every once in a while. All of these bugs are dried up and must be rehydrated before using them. You can employ a whole bug and add some droplets of water, or you can grind the bug and then add some water. Grinding the bug ensures the hydration process, but it is not always necessary.
Finally, another pro of using dead bugs is that it is easy to break up. With live feed, you must find small enough insects that fit inside a trap. With dead bugs, you do not have that problem. You can break up the dried up worm of cricket into a tiny piece and feed it to a young plant.
Can You Skip the Flytrap Feeding Process?
You can altogether skip the feeding process, but it is not recommended. Venus flytraps do not need to consume bugs for their survival. However, they develop at a faster and healthier rate when having access to feed. Consuming a single bug every two months can make a huge difference in the plant’s health.
Some people might be intimated by the process of feeding a carnivorous plant, and that is understandable. However, not feeding the plant at all might not be the best solution. Instead, consider placing the plant outdoors. Then, it can capture bugs on its own.
Many Venus flytrap owners are constantly asking about fertilizing their plant. Even though it is possible to fertilize a Venus flytrap successfully, generally, the recommendation is to skip the fertilizer. Venus can’t process the highly concentrated compounds in fertilizers. Also, fertilizing the plant is not necessary, as Venus flytraps can obtain the same benefits from capturing prey.
When NOT to Feed a Venus Flytrap
It is not always appropriate to feed a Venus flytrap. In some cases, it is more beneficial to wait before you feed the plant. Here are some concrete examples:
Young age: When Venus flytraps are tiny seedlings or young Venus flytraps, it is a challenge to feed them. You can attempt to do it. But do not force it on small plants. They might suffer as their leaves are not fully developed. Instead, focus on providing adequate lighting and a humid environment.
Not enough research: Do not attempt to feed a Venus flytrap if you haven’t read the instructions in this article or other guide. Without some basic knowledge, like the appropriate food portions and options, you can end up harming the plant.
Adjusting to a new environment: Venus flytraps, like any other plant, take some time to adapt to a new environment. Avoid feeding your plant when it has been exposed to some changes. For example, wait a few weeks before feeding a plant that has just been repotted or has just been shipped to a new location.
Recovering stage: Venus flytraps are prone to pests, fungus, root rot, and other related issues. Here are some solutions for root rot.. Here are some solutions for root rot.. Avoid feeding a Venus flytrap when it is sick or in the recovery stage. Do not risk losing leaves or applying unwanted stress to a plant in a delicate state.
Venus Flytrap Care Considerations: Light vs Food
Venus flytraps require good lighting and access, among other things, to stay healthy. But what is more important? The lighting requirement is the most critical for Venus flytrap. These plants need at least 6 hours of sunlight to stay healthy.
The light exposure requirement is more critical due to photosynthesis. It is a crucial process that provides the vast majority of substance for the plant. Still, consuming bugs provides a nutrient boost.
More Food vs More Light Signal
Have you ever wondered if your plant is receiving enough light or enough food? It is normal to doubt your setup. Venus flytraps have unique requirements.
Luckily, Venus flytrapS gives us meaningful signals about their health. Usually, Venus flytraps exhibit bright red and burgundy colors. The burgundy is inside the traps, and the rest is green. When a Venus flytrap is not receiving enough light, the interior of the lobes loses the red coloring. The lobes turn to be almost only green. The reason is simple. The plant is not receiving enough light; therefore, it must focus solely on photosynthesis.
The red coloring will reappear when the plant is exposed to proper lighting. Then, the new burgundy interior will help attract victims to consume.
Before you get started feeding your plant, confirm your whole setup is proper. Like you just learned, adequate lighting is a necessary element for the plant’s wellbeing. Also, here is a link to a very detailed article on Venus flytrap care. You can use it as a checklist to confirm your plant has all it needs.
Indoor Venus flytraps will occasionally catch a bug. But it all depends on the availability of insects rooming around. If no bugs are available, the plant won’t have access to feed. In that case, the owner can feed the plant directly.
Can Venus flytrap consume human food?
Venus flytraps are not designed to consume human food. They are small plants that have evolved to capture small insects and spiders. Also, feeding human food to a Venus flytrap can harm it. Do not feed fruit, candy, meat, chicken, or any human food to your plant. The traps might close when you insert the food in them, but the plant won’t be capable of digesting it. The leaf will end up withering, and the food inside of it will rot.
Can Venus flytraps eat meat?
Venus flytraps are carnivorous plants. They can consume meat. Some carnivorous plant growers feed their large plants with small rodents or frogs. Big enough plants can capture them and consume them. However, it is only possible with tiny prey.
How does a Venus flytrap eat?
Some believe Venus flytraps chew their prey due to caricature adaptations of these plants. But, Venus flytraps use a unique method to consume their prey. Once a bug is trapped inside the leaf of a Venus flytrap. The plant will start producing enzymes inside the enclosure. The bugs will then stop fighting and drown in the digestive fluid. Then, the enzymes will continue to dissolve the body while the plant absorbs the nutrients. The Venus flytrap digests its prey by using an external “stomach” located in its leaves. Amazing!
How do Venus flytrap eat in a terrariums?
Venus flytraps do not have access to feed in close a close terrarium. That is one of the reasons why many people are discouraged about placing Venus flytraps in terrariums. However, there is a simple solution. Do not plant Venus flytraps in a closed terrarium. Instead, grow them in semi-close enclosures or greenhouse-type terrariums. Venus flytraps benefit from the humidity of terrariums, but they have other requirements besides that one.
Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants
Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:
Is your Venus flytrap flowering? This article will give you all the details you need to know about the Venus flytrap flowering process.
After reaching maturity, Venus flytraps flower every spring. They produce flower stalks that turn into flower bunches with white petals and green veins. The flowering process drains energy from the plant to focus on reproduction.
The flowering process of Venus flytraps is entirely normal. However, as a new Venus flytrap grower, you should decide if proceeding with the flowering cycle is the right choice. Also, you might be interested in propagating your plant with seeds or through flower stalks. Keep on reading for more information.
Once a Venus flytrap has reached maturity, usually at about 2-4 years old, it will start producing flowers. Venus flytraps produce flowers during the spring. Usually not too far apart from exiting dormancy.
Venus flytraps produce thick cylindrical structures that are flower stalks. The flower stalks extend to be a lot taller than the traps and eventually turn into flower bunches.
The flowers are not particularly impressive, but they are pretty. They are white and have green veins running through the petals. Observing a Venus flytrap during flowering is unique. Usually most people are just looking to see the traps. Many are impressed when they discover Venus flytraps also produce flowers.
When a Venus flytrap flowers, it produces several flower stalks. Not all at the same time, but through the same period.
Special Care During Flowering
Some Venus flytrap owners have the misconception that Venus flytrap need special care during the flowering process. During the flowering season, there are no additional care instructions. Just continue to care for your plant as you have been doing. The plant might slow down its growth to focus on reproduction, but it should not show signs of struggle.
Should I Cut the Venus Flytrap Flowers Off?
It is a general suggestion to cut the flower stalks off your plant before they grow completely to prevent the flowering process. In this section, I will give you some background information to help you decide if you should cut the flowers off your Venus fly trap. Also, this decision tree can help you:
Does the Flowering Process Kill Venus Flytrap?
Novice growers sometimes believe the flowering process can kill Venus flytraps. However, this assumption is not true.
When a Venus flytrap produces flowers, it spends substantial amounts of energy to focus on reproduction. The flowering process does not kill or harm Venus flytraps. It just drains energy that can be used for other purposes, such as general growth.
When to Stop the Flowering Process
You should cut off the flower stalks before flowering is complete if your plant is weak. Weak or sick Venus flytraps might not withstand going through the whole flowering process. For example, if your plant is recovering from a pest infestation or root rot, it might not be the best time to undergo flowering.
Healthy Venus flytraps produce flowers during the spring, and they continue to thrive through the later seasons. There is no need to skip the flowering process if you are confident your plant is in a good state. When you have kept a plant alive for 1 (or even 2+ years), you have already passed the test. Many people buy carnivorous plants without doing any research, and they end up killing them within weeks.
Suppose you are still unsure of the state of your plant. Read this article and review the care considerations. It will help you assess if you are following proper instructions when caring for your Venus flytrap.
Sometimes it doesn’t make sense to remove the flower stalks anymore. As most of the process is complete and the plant has already used most of the energy allocated for reproduction. When the flower stalk has already produced a flower bud, it is too late. You can still cut it off and avoid some of the energy drainages of the flowering process. But it won’t make too much of a difference. Or, just let the buds flower and get some fantastic views and pictures of your plant with the flowers.
How to Cut the Venus Flytrap Flowers Off
Do you believe stopping the flowering process is necessary? If the answer is yes, then continue reading to learn how to remove the flowers.
The sooner you remove the flower stalks, the better. Do not wait until they grow tall. Instead, chop them off as quickly as possible. It is easy to identify the flower stalks within the plant due to their shape.
Once you have identified the flower stalk, use a pair of scissors to chop off the stalks from the very bottom. Remove as much of the stem as possible without harming the surrounding leaves of the center bulb. Then, dispose of the flower stalks or attempt to propagate your plant through stalk propagation.
Read the later section for more information on flower stalk propagation!
Venus flytraps produce multiple flower stalks through the season. Keep an eye on your plant for a couple of weeks. Some new flower stalks might start spurring.
What to Do With Venus Flytrap Flowers
Observing a Venus flytrap flower for the first time is exciting. But beyond just watching the flowers, you have the opportunity to propagate your plant. Through the methods below, you will be able to get more Venus flytraps with just a little bit of work.
Harvest Flytrap Seeds
You can harvest seeds from Venus flytraps, even when you have a single plant. In the wild, pollinators play a crucial role in seed production. To harvest seeds from your plant, you will act as a pollinator.
Pollination Instructions
Let the Venus flytrap flower. The more flower bunches, the better.
Gather a suitable tool for pollinators. Small paintbrushes or q-tips are appropriate.
Observe a flower and identify the anther and the stigma. The anther holds the pollen. And the stigma is where the pollen germinates.
Employ the q-tip or paintbrush to transfer the pollen from the anther to the stigma.
After pollinating one flower, continue with the rest. It will increase your chances of success.
Wait a few days to confirm the pollination was successful.
After pollinating, the fertilized flower will exhibit some changes. In the first couple of days, nothing might happen. But after, the flowers will start to dry up and die. This is normal! Just let it wither. Once the flower has dried up, it will leave capsules full of seeds. And you can get multiple seeds from each fertilized flower.
Now, it is time to collect the seeds. Carefully remove the flower remains and open it up to collect the seeds. Preferably, do it indoors. The seeds for Venus flytraps are tiny. Some light breeze can make you lose those seeds. Also, some people use a small Ziploc bag to support the area and prevent any seeds from getting lost or flying away.
The process of pollinating a plant with its own pollen is called self-pollination. Such an approach will produce good seeds. However, cross-pollination tends to make better specimens. Suppose you have more than one Venus flytrap in your home. Consider pollinating one with the pollen of the other.
The Seeds: Storage and Sowing
Now that you have the seeds, you can go ahead and start producing Venus flytrap seedlings. The process is simple:
Gather a spacious container with drainage. Also, get a tray to go under the container.
Sow the seeds in the carnivorous plant soil. Sprinkle them around and separate them if possible.
Press the seeds lightly towards the ground.
Fill out the tray with distilled water to keep the environment moist.
Keep the seeds at room temperature with access to sunlight and a humid medium.
Venus flytrap seeds germinate in 6-8 weeks after sowing.
Also, you do not have to sow the seeds right away. You can wait to sow them in the next week or month. However, if you plan on storing them for a few months, place them under refrigeration.
Venus Flytrap Flower Stalk Propagation
Besides growing Venus flytraps from seeds, you can propagate these plants through stalk propagation. It is possible to attempt this method even if the plant has not flowered. But, the flower stalks have to grow to be successful at stalk propagation.
These are the instructions for Venus flytrap stalk propagation:
Find a plastic or glazed ceramic pot with drainage. Also, gather a tray or plate to place under the pot.
Make some carnivorous plant soil with proper aeration and drainage. For example, a 2:1 ratio of peat moss and perlite is a common and effective choice.
Add distilled water to the soil until it has completely saturated with water.
Place the humid soil in the pot.
Add distilled water to the water plate and place the pot right on top. We will be watering this pot from the bottom and keeping a constantly humid environment.
Wait until the stalks have grown a reasonable size. You can wait until then produce flower buds or when they are midway through growing.
Use sharp scissors and cut the flower stalk. Cut the stems from as close to the bulb as possible. And cut off the flower bud (if applicable)
Grab the flower stalk and cut it into smaller sections. For example, a 3-inch stalk cutting is a reasonable size.
Now, you have two options. Place the cutting vertically and burry half an inch of the stalk underground with the rest sticking out. Or place the stalk cuttings horizontal to the ground and press it against the ground without burying it. Then, push some of the soil to cover the ends of the stalk.
You are all set. Continue to keep the environment humid and place under sunlight. The stalks cuttings start generating roots after a few weeks. Be patient and monitor the progression.
Curious Fact About The Flowers in Venus Flytraps
The Venus flytrap is a unique plant. Its trapping mechanism is one of the most complex ones observed in the plant kingdom. Also, the closing motion of its traps is swift compared to other plant motion. But, not all of its adaptations are focused on the leaves or the trapping mechanism. The flowers have also adapted to provide maximum efficiency.
Have you ever wondered how do Venus flytrap flowers get pollinated? Venus flytrap capture and consume bugs, which are usually the most successful pollinator. Do they rely solely on the wind or rain for pollination? Here is the distinctive explanation:
When you observe a Venus flytrap during the flowering process, you will notice that the traps grow 4-5 inches in length, but the flowers surpass the traps by a considerable height difference. The flowers sit on top, and the leaves stay close to the ground.
The Venus flytrap has evolved to separate its flowers from its leaves to avoid consuming pollinators. The plant keeps pollinators and food at two different levels. This is just another fascinating adaptation of the Venus flytrap.
Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants
Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:
Venus flytraps usually flower in the spring. However, they can bloom in any season when the conditions are not similar to their natural habitat. For example, when grown indoors without dormancy, some Venus flytrap flower during the winter. Follow this link to learn more about the dormant period.. Follow this link to learn more about the dormant period.. Also, some plants might produce flowers in unusual times due to sudden changes. For example, when a plant is transported to a different hemisphere, its seasonal clock might be off by a few months.
What do the flowers mean in Venus flytraps?
Venus flytraps only produce flowers when they have reached maturity. It takes the plant 3-4 years to achieve maturity. Then, they produce flowers every single year. The flowers are not a sign of health but a signal the plant is ready to start reproductive functions.
Why do Venus flytrap flowers turn black?
Venus flytrap flowers wither due to two reasons: successful pollination or age. However, the fertilized flower leave seeds behind as they turn black.
Growing a Venus flytrap indoors is a challenging but rewarding experience. This article will guide you through all the indoor care considerations you need to master to keep your plant alive and thriving.
Venus flytraps can grow in indoor environments as long as they have access to over 6 hours of light (sunlight or artificial), high amounts of pure water, and insects for consumption. The plant should be potted in carnivorous plant soilwithout fertilizers or added nutrients.
The following list includes a summary of the care considerations for growing Venus flytraps.
Light: Expose the plant to at least 6 hours of light a day. Optimally, they should receive 12 hours of light. The light source can be sunlight or artificial lighting for indoor locations.
Soil: Do not employ standard potting soil. Instead, make or buy nutrient-free carnivorous plant soil. Only utilize nutrient-free ground for Venus flytraps.
Watering: Only water with pure water sources, such as rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water. Water frequently to keep the soil humid at all times but do not flood it.
Feeding: Venus flytraps do not need bugs to survive, but access to feed promotes their growth.
Dormancy: Venus flytraps must undergo dormancy every year. They need to be exposed to temperatures below 45 F to achieve the dormancy state.
Unwanted Stress: Avoid exerting stress on your plant. Do not trigger the traps with your fingers. Also, place the plant in a tranquil location without too much contact with humans.
Pot Characteristics: The best pots for Venus flytraps are tall, provide good insulation, and they do not leach any components to the ground.
Trimming: Black leaves are not harmful to the plant, but you can remove them by cutting them from the base.
Fertilizers: Do not fertilize Venus flytraps.
Temperature: Venus flytraps are resilient plants. They can withstand temperatures between 32 F and 95 F.
Humidity: A humid environment is optimal for Venus flytraps. Still, these plants can adapt to dry climates.
Flowers: Venus flytraps produce flowers during the spring. You can let your plant flower or prevent it from flowering and promote the plant’s growth.
Terrariums: It is a challenge to grow Venus flytraps in a terrarium as enclosed structures tend to be restrictive. However, it is possible as long as you ensure proper drainage and access to suitable lighting.
After you have reviewed the list above, make sure to download the printable care instructions for growing Venus flytraps indoors. Also, check the next sections. They explain in detail how to build a proper indoor setup for your Venus flytrap.
Venus flytraps require plenty of lighting to be healthy. In an indoor setting, you have three options: find a sunny window, employ artificial lighting, or do both. The objective overall is to expose your plant to at least 6 hours of light a day (and optimally 12). Now, let’s explore each option:
Sunny window: Find a bright window or screen door that provides several hours of direct/indirect sunlight. South-facing windows are usually the brightest, but it depends on your location. Also, monitor the temperature in the window sill before you place your plant. Sometimes windows can act as a magnifying glass and dangerously heat up your plant.
Artificial lighting: Thanks to artificial lighting, you can grow Venus flytraps in almost any home (even basements with no windows). Do not employ standard light bulbs; they produce too much heat and can burn your plant. Instead, employ a plant light to fulfill your plant’s lighting requirements. You have two options:
High output fluorescent lights
LED plant lights
Both are inexpensive and practical options. When choosing a fluorescent light, pick cool colors that promote growth. For LED lights, choose 40-50 Watt LED lights. I have used this small LEDplant light (which costs less than $30) to grow some of my Venus flytraps, and they are thriving.
Also, make sure to buy a plant light that has an automatic timer functionality. The timer will turn the lamp on automatically for 3, 6, or 12 hours daily. I always set them to 12 hours to make sure the plants get enough light. The automatic timer functionality is a lifesaver when you go on vacation and can’t be turning on and off the lamp every day.
These are the grow lights I use to grow Venus flytraps. sundews, and pitcher plants indoors:
Sunny window and artificial lighting: Are you unsure the lighting is enough? You can employ a combination method and use artificial lighting while placing your Venus flytrap in a sunny window. However, I do recommend to do it by parts. Start by first introducing your plant to the window sill. Then, after a week, add artificial lighting. Start with only a few hours of artificial lighting and increase as you see necessary.
Venus fly trap in window sill plus LED light
How to know if the lighting is enough?
Your plant will indicate if it is receiving enough light. Venus flytraps usually exhibit lime green and bright red coloring. However, when the plant does not receive enough light, the red pigment inside the lobes is lost. Red colors inside the traps are an indication of appropriate light exposure.
Disclaimer: not all varieties of Venus flytrap exhibit the same coloring scheme. Some characterize with intense red coloring in the lobes; others do not develop any color besides green.
Employ carnivorous plant soil
Venus flytrap and carnivorous plants, in general, require a particular potting medium to survive: Nutrient-free, mineral-free soil. Standard potting soil from familiar brands such as Miracle Grow can kill Venus flytraps. Those potting soil are loaded with minerals and fertilizers that kill Venus flytraps.
Employ a combination of these components to make suitable carnivorous plant soil: long-fibered sphagnum moss, peat moss, silica sand, and perlite. Some common combinations are one type of moss and silica sand or perlite. Or, both kinds of moss and silica sand or perlite. Here are a few commonly used recipes:
3 parts peat moss and 1 part perlite
2 parts peat moss, 2 parts sphagnum moss, and 1 part sand
When planted indoors, Venus flytraps are not exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, you must ensure the plant is set in soil with good drainage that prevents rotting. Always employ soil that contains at least one draining agent: perlite or silica sand. These components break up the ground, provide aeration and drainage.
Where to Get the Soil
You can buy some of the ingredients above and make your own carnivorous plant soil. When you buy the ingredients, make sure the components are pure. They shouldn’t have any minerals or fertilizers.
Also, you can buy ready-made carnivorous plant soil. Amazon and Etsy are great places to find good quality soil in a small or medium-size quantity. Just search for carnivorous plant soil, and you will find many options.
carnivorous plant soil 3 parts peat moss 1 part perlite
Water frequently with distilled water or rainwater
First, never employ tap water or bottled water for your Venus flytrap. Always utilize pure water sources, such as:
Distilled water
Reverse osmosis water
Stick to the water in the list and your plant will be healthy.
The water consumption of Venus flytraps varies through the seasons. However, when placed indoors, the variations will be minimal since the temperatures remain stable.
Indoors, Venus flytraps have higher risks of developing root rot due to overwatering. Luckily is is possible to save a Venus flytrap with root rot (here is how you solve it). You must be careful watering your plant. After you poured the water, use your fingers to touch the ground. The ground should be humid, yet not damped or flooded. Venus flytraps do not grow in swamps; also, they are not aquatic plants. But, they do like moist mediums with high humidity.
Feed your Venus flytrap once a month
Venus flytraps, just like other carnivorous plants, capture insects with their trapping mechanisms. Then, they digest those insects and absorb key nutrients. Those nutrients they extract from prey are not required for the plant’s survival; they are only a boost to their diet. At the end of the days, Venus flytraps produce its own food through photosynthesis.
Venus flytraps benefit from consuming an occasional bug. Outdoor Venus flytraps can capture their own food. Indoors, it is a major challenge.
When you grow Venus flytraps indoors, you will have to take care of the feeding for the most part (sometimes indoor plants do capture a lost bug). This section will teach you the basics of how to feed your plant.
Food options: Feed your Venus flytrap with insects or arachnids only. Do not experiment with human food. The plant won’t be able to process it. You can buy live insects or buy dried up ones, like the ones in the pictures below:
You can buy the freeze-dried insects in almost any pet store. They are common food supplies for reptiles and fish. Before you feed this food to a Venus flytrap, you must rehydrate the worm, just add a few droplets of water.
Feeding basics:
Choose an insect that is small enough to fit inside the trap of your Venus flytrap
You only need to feed one trap in the whole plant
Allow for 2-6 weeks between feedings
Do not feed a Venus flytrap during dormancy
Avoid feeding the plant when it is sick or adjusting to a new environment.
Feeding instructions:
Prepare the bug: If the bug is alive, make sure you have it under control. And dried-freeze bugs need to be dehydrated.
Insert the bug inside the trap: Place the prey in the center of the trap and attempt to stimulate the trigger hairs inside the lobes.
Let the trap close: After the trigger hairs are stimulated, the lobes will close.
Continue to stimulate (dead bugs): When you use a dead bug, the trap must be stimulated to trick the plant into believing it caught live prey. Use your fingers or a small tool like tweezers or chopsticks and press the sides of the trap together. Repeat the action for a minute and then stop.
Feeding a Venus flytrap is not particularly hard, but it is all about mastering the technique. Improper feeding can kill the plant’s leaves. If you would like to get all the details about Venus flytrap food options and complete feeding instructions, check this resource:
Venus flytraps require a period of dormancy every year. During dormancy, the plant hibernates or rest for 2-3 months during the winter.
While dormant, Venus flytraps do not look its best. They tend to shrink in size; they lose a bunch of leaves and focus on growing its roots rather than leaves. Even though it might not sound appealing to make your plant dormant, it is a necessary process. When a Venus flytrap skips several dormancies, the plant dies.
Indoors, it is impossible to make your Venus flytrap go dormant. Venus flytraps need to be exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) to achieve dormancy. So, you must place your plant in a cold location to achieve dormancy.
Place your plant in a porch, outside a window, in a cold basement or garage during the winter months. After a few weeks in cold temperatures, you will notice some changes in your plant. Then, let your plant experience the dormancy period. Do not be too worried about the loss of leaves and sluggish look. The plant will look down during its resting period.
Care During Dormancy:
During dormancy, it is best to give Venus flytrap more independence. Follow these instructions to keep your plant healthy through the winter:
Continue watering the plant often, but space out the watering frequency. The plant will consume less water.
Do not apply fertilizers to the plant.
Slowly introduce the plant to lower lighting at the beginning of winter. Then, slowly reintroduce the plant to light when exiting dormancy.
Avoid extreme temperatures below freezing.
Avoid trigerring the leaves and causing stress
The trapping mechanism of the Venus flytrap is quite complex. Also, controlling those traps that open and close takes up large amounts of energy from the plant. When handling a Venus flytrap, you should avoid triggering the traps. The only time when the leaves should close is during feeding. Touching a Venus flytrap and playing with its traps won’t kill the plant, but it weakens the leaves and eventually causes leaf loss.
Indoors, Venus flytraps are prone to more manual stress. For best results, place the plant in a tranquil area. For example, avoid placing a Venus flytrap in a window sill if it will continuously be in contact with a flowing curtain. Also, consider putting the plant out of reach of small children or pets.
Use tall pots with drainage
Choose the appropriate pot for your Venus flytrap by considering three factors: size, material, and drainage.
Size: Venus flytraps have long roots, and they grow well in tall pots. In terms of diameter, the optimal size for a Venus flytrap depends on the plant’s dimensions. A small Venus flytrap can grow well in a 2-inch pot (diameter). As it grows, transfer the plant to 4 and 6-inch pots.
Materials: The best pot materials for Venus flytrap pots are plastic, glazed ceramic, and Styrofoam. Avoid un-glazed ceramic, clay, and terracotta pot. Those materials leach minerals to the ground that harm Venus flytraps. Glass and metal pots are acceptable materials. However, they do not provide good insulation. Only employ if the plant is not exposed to extreme temperatures.
Drainage: Always employ pots with a drainage hole. It is not only essential to have soil with good drainage and aeration, but also a pot with a drainage hole.
Trim leaves when they turn black
When the leaves in Venus flytraps wither, they turn to a dark black color. New Venus flytrap owners tend to get worried when they see black leaves in their plant. However, most of the leaves wither due to age.
Generally, black leaves are no threat to the plant. They are just dead foliage. Still, you can remove it to improve the aesthetics or to clean up the pot and leave more room for growth.
Trimming or pruning a Venus flytrap is easy. Grab the black leaf and use some small scissors to cut it off as close to the center as possible. Never try pulling the leaves; you can rip off the bulb and kill the plant.
You have two options to trim the plant. First, you can cut a leaf when it is half-withered. Second, wait until it withers completely. It is beneficial to follow the second option. When a leaf starts turning black, it becomes useless to trap bugs, but it still helps in the photosynthesis process. It is better to wait until the leaf has entirely withered.
Avoid all types of fertilizers
Venus flytraps do not need fertilizers. The nutrients in the fertilizer can weaken and ultimately kill the plant. Instead of fertilizing the plant, feed the plant to provide the additional boost.
Keep Venus flytraps within 20 F to 100 F
Venus flytraps can withstand temperatures between 20 F and 95 F. In their natural habitat, they are exposed to hot summers and cold/snowy winters. Indoors, Venus flytraps won’t usually be exposed to extreme temperatures unless placed in an unheated garage or porch. Follow these two instructions:
Do not place the plant under the scorching heat. Temperatures above 95 F are risky for the plant, as it can dry up completely.
During the winter, do not let Venus flytrap freeze completely. They can handle the cold, but they shouldn’t freeze solid. The plant might not recover.
Increase the humidity in the environment
Venus flytraps benefit from humid environments. In the wild, Venus flytraps are exposed to humidity levels surpassing 50% almost all year long. Even though Venus flytrap can adapt to dryer climates, they thrive with some humidity.
It is a challenge to provide a humid environment inside an air-conditioned home, as the air conditioning dries up the environment. However, there are a few ways to go around it:
Mist your plant: Do you use a humidifier at home? It can be beneficial for your plant. Also, using a spray bottle and misting the plant sporadically increases the humidity in the area.
Water plate strategy: Place the plant pot on top of a shallow water container, like a plate. Then, add water to the plate (1-2 inches in height). The soil will be kept moist, and the humidity index will increase.
Do not let your Venus flytrap flower
During the spring, Venus flytraps flower. The flowers are not overly unique, but they are pretty to look at. When your Venus flytrap starts flourishing, you have two options:
Let the plant flower.
Cut off the flower stalks before they flower.
Why would you choose the second option? Well, Venus flytraps spend a lot of energy producing flowers for reproduction. If you are not interested in collecting seeds, then you can skip the flowering process. Just cut the flower stalks as soon as you spot them, and the plant will have a lot more energy during the growing season.
Venus fly trap flower stalks
Let the flower stalks flourish if you are interested in collecting seeds and propagating the plant. However, keep in mind that indoors your plant won’t be exposed to pollinators; you will have to pollinate the flowers yourself.
Do not grow Venus flytraps in terrariums
The only place where it is acceptable to grow Venus flytraps in a terrarium is indoors. Terrariums are made of thick plastic or glass. Placing them under direct sunlight can heat up and boil the plants inside.
Growing Venus flytraps inside a close terrarium is a challenging task. Venus flytraps like the humidity inside the terrarium, but other factors are not beneficial. For example, the plant can’t receive enough lighting, it doesn’t have access to feed, and dormancy is impossible inside a terrarium.
Instead of employing an enclosed terrarium, consider using a semi-close terrarium or a greenhouse type terrarium. In greenhouse terrariums, growers place plants in their individual pots within a glass structure (terrarium). Then, it is possible to remove the plant for dormancy and feeding.
Venus flytraps require a very specific environment to survive. You must choose the soil type and composition carefully to keep the plant healthy. In this article, I will share the best soil options for Venus flytraps and information about the potting procedure.
Venus flytraps must be planted in nutrient-free, mineral-free soil with good drainage. A combination of sphagnum moss or peat moss with silica sand or perlite are excellent potting mediums for carnivorous plants. The moss retains moisture and the silica sand and perlite prevent soil compression, provide draining and aeration.
This article will guide you through the process of mixing up the right ingredients for Venus flytrap soil. Remember, incorrect components can poison your plants with nutrients. Also, you can buy safe carnivorous plant soil online.
Are you looking for information on carnivorous plant care? If yes, you are in luck! Read this Venus flytrap care guide. In this guide I share all I know on how to grow healthy Venus flytraps.
Venus Flytrap Soil
Venus flytraps cannot process minerals or nutrients from the soil. Therefore, you must employ nutrient-free mineral-free components. Also, since Venus flytrap requires a consistently humid environment, it is beneficial to choose a potting medium with proper drainage and aeration.
You can buy carnivorous plant soil or make it yourself. Generally, you must mix two ingredients: one type of moss and a draining agent. For example, you can employ peat moss and perlite or long-fibered sphagnum moss and silica sand.
Here are a few recipes to make a carnivorous plant soil mix for your Venus flytrap:
4:1 or 2:1 ratio of peat moss and perlite
4:1 or 2:1 ratio of peat moss and silica sand
4:1 or 2:1 ratio of sphagnum moss and perlite
4:1 or 2:1 ratio of sphagnum moss and silica sand
If you struggle to find the soil ingredients in a brick-and-mortar store, consider buying them online. Here are some links to the soil brands I usually employ for all my carnivorous plants:
Pure peat moss for carnivorous plants: https://amzn.to/3vTqirs (you might find a cheaper option on local gardening stores, make sure you buy PURE peat)
You do not have to be extremely careful with the ratios. Just remember that the majority of the medium will be made up of the moss and a faction of it by the draining agent. Some people mix peat and sphagnum moss together with perlite or sand. That will work too. However, it doesn’t add much value to mix to different types of moss.
The most important thing to remember when making the soil for your plant is to choose pure ingredients. Avoid Miracle Grow and any other enriched potting medium. Instead, buy 100% pure moss without any added nutrient in fertilizers. It might seem counter-intuitive, but employing nutrient-free soil for your Venus flytrap is a must.
You can also employ pure sphagnum moss or peat moss for your Venus flytrap. However, without the presence of a draining agent, your plant is at risk of rotting. The soil for Venus flytraps must remain moist at all times. If the ground is compressed and it does not drain properly, the plant is prone to root rot. And root rot can kill the plant. Only employ a pure moss medium if you are careful watering the plant. Over-watering can end up causing rot.
Where to Get Venus Flytrap Soil?
Buy the Ingredients and DIY
Buying pure/ nutrient-free moss, perlite or sand can be a challenge. Most large gardening stores only offer potting mediums filled with fertilizers and nutrients (such as Miracle Grow). Plant nurseries are a safer bet to find pure soil materials. Just make sure to ask for help and identify pure components.
These are some examples of pure peat moss and perlite. I was able to find these ingredients in a local plant nursery. They cost me less than $20 all together and it is enough quantity to pot a few dozens of Venus flytraps.
Buy Ready-made Carnivorous Plant Soil
You can also buy already made carnivorous plant soil. With this strategy, you ensure the medium is appropriate. However, it can be a lot more expensive. Etsy and Amazon are good options to buy carnivorous plant soil. Do a quick search for carnivorous plant soil and you will find many options. Just keep an eye on the reviews to verify the authenticity. A quart of carnivorous plant soil costs on $5-10 a quart.
This is an example of an affordable and effective carnivorous plant soil mix. It usually costs less than 10 dollars for a quart. Follow the link to confirm the price on Amazon.com.
Venus Flytrap Potting Basics
This section will guide you through the process of potting a Venus flytrap. First, start by gathering all the required materials: water, pot, plant, and soil. Also, tweezers and scissors can be useful tools.
Venus flytraps can only be watered with nutrient-free mineral-free water. Use a pure source of water for your plant. Here are some options:
Distilled water
Reverse osmosis water
You will need water to prepare the soil and to water the plant after potting. Never employ tap water or bottled water for Venus flytraps. The presence of minerals and other components can kill the plant. Also, when you buy distilled water or reverse osmosis water make sure the label indicates that the water is pure. Some brands add minerals for the flavor to distilled water. Even though it is technically distilled water, the presence of minerals can kill your plant.
Pot Material: The best pot materials for Venus flytraps are plastic and glazed ceramic. Also, you can employ Styrofoam containers as suitable pots. These materials are the best candidates because they provide insulation, and they do not leak components to the ground. Glass and metal containers are acceptable materials. But, they do not provide adequate insulation for extreme summer or winter temperatures. Terracotta and clay pots are very common within the gardening community. However, these materials leak components to the ground, and therefore, they are not recommended.
Pot Dimensions: Venus flytraps grow better in individual containers. For best results choose a container that matches the size of the plant. The diameter dimensions of the container range from 2-6 inches depending on the size of the plant. The depth of the container is very important too. Venus flytraps thrive in tall containers (4-6 inches).
Drainage: A pot with drainage is as important as soil with good drainage. Choose containers with a drainage hole. It is possible to grow Venus flytraps in a container without drainage holes, but it is a big challenge. Beginners should always choose pots with drainage.
These pots are some good examples of suitable containers for Venus flytraps. Follow the links below to check their specs and their current price on Amazon.
Get your plant ready for potting it. If it is currently inside a dome or a small nursery pot, remove the plant from it. Use some distilled water to loosen up the soil. Then squeeze the edges of the containers and carefully start removing the plant from its current pot.
The leaves of a Venus flytrap can handle some stress. Treat your plant with care, but do not worry about touching the leaves. The rhizome or bulb of the plant is delicate delicate. the picture on the right shows some bare root Venus flytraps. the rhizome is the white section of the root.
Follow this link for a list of great shops to buy beautiful Venus fly traps: Shopping Guide.
How to Prepare the Soil for Venus Flytraps
Now that you have your plant ready to be potted, a suitable plant container, and pure water, it is time to prepare the soil. Follow these steps to get the soil ready for potting.
Choose the Soil Recipe
Gather the moss and perlite or sand. Then, decide on a suitable soil mix, like the ones described in the first section. Remember that choosing a ratio is not rocket science. So, do not over complicate it. For this example, I used peat moss and perlite. The ratio is 4 parts peat moss and 1 part perlite.
Mix the Soil and Add Water
Now that you have both ingredients. Go ahead and mix them thoroughly. Then, add water by parts. A lot of water will be absorbed by the moss right away. Be patient, and add more water until the whole medium is moist. The final product should look similar to these:
The soil for Venus flytraps should remain humid at all times. Once the ground starts drying up, it needs to be watered again. When you moisten the soil for potting your plant, make sure the medium is completely saturated with water. Your plant will prefer a very humid environment when adjusting to its new environment.
Venus Flytrap Potting Step By Step
This section will guide you step by step on how to pot a Venus flytrap:
1.- Grab your already mixed and moisten soil and place it in the pot.
2.- Use your fingers or a small shovel to set the ground in place, but do not over compress it. Also, make sure the top level of the soil is close to the edge of the pot.
3.- Employ a long and slim tool to make a deep and narrow opening in the soil, like the one below:
4.- Grab your plant from the top of the rhizome, holding all the leaves together
5.- Carefully introduce the roots of your plant inside the hole. Do your best to set the plant’s roots as vertical as possible.
Venus fly trap potting
6.- Push the soil surrounding the hole towards the plant. When you set the plant in the soil, make sure the ground covers the rhizome area. The rhizome is very delicate and should not be exposed to sunlight.
7.- Add more soil surrounding the plant’s bulb to secure it in place.
8.- Water the plant from the top. The water pressure will help keep the ground in place.
Now, you are all set! Your plant is ready to start growing strong. However, due to the repotting, your plant might appear weak for a few weeks. Do not get too worried, but instead follow these considerations to ensure your Venus flytrap recovers completely:
Keep the soil moist at all times. When you water the plant, only employ distilled, reverse osmosis, or rainwater.
Do not feed the Venus flytrap for at least two weeks. Venus flytraps benefit from consuming an occasional bug. However, in this particular scenario, do not risk losing any leaves or causing strain for the plant.
Avoid any fertilizer.
Expose the plant to the appropriate lighting. If your plant is used to 12 hours of light, then continue to place it in its sunny spot. If instead, you just received this plant in the mail, slowly introduce it to sunlight. Do not make an abrupt change. But, ultimately, end up exposing the plant to at least 6 hours of sunlight (or artificial light).
Avoid unwanted stress. Do not trigger the traps or move the plant too much. Leave it alone with enough light and water.
Final Potting Tips
Through the previous sections, you learned how to choose/make carnivorous plant soil and how to pot a Venus flytrap. Here are some final tips to supplement what you learned:
When potting a Venus flytrap, avoid triggering the traps: The interior of the lobes of each trap has three trigger hairs. Touching those sensitive filaments activates the traps. The closing traps can’t hurt humans, but they drain the plant’s energy. Not only during potting but always avoid triggering the traps to save the plant’s energy.
Gather all materials before starting the potting process: Setting up a Venus flytrap in a new home is exciting, but is also a challenge. Make sure you have the pot, water, and soil ready before you remove the Venus flytrap from its existing container.
Employ tools to make the process easier: Some people like using their hands to mix the dirt and handle bare-root plants, but others prefer to use tools. Consider using a small shovel to mix the soil. Also, plastic tweezers can be useful for holding the Venus flytrap.
Do not be scared about handling the plant: Venus flytraps are resilient plants. They prefer stress-free situations but can take the human touch. There is no reason to be concerned about touching the leaves of the roots.
Water the soil appropriately to keep it healthy: Even the best soil can get infested with fungus or bacteria if it is overwatered. The Venus flytrap requires humid soil at all times. However, the ground shouldn’t be soaking wet. After potting the Venus flytrap, practice watering the plant. Make sure the humidity level is appropriate.
Carnivorous plant soil can last for a long time in an optimal state. Still, you must repot your plant in fresh soil every so often. The general recommendation is to repot in fresh soil once a year. Repotting at the end of dormancy or during early spring provides the best results.
After a year, soil tends to get compressed, it can start to become acidic, and the drainage won’t be optional. The yearly repotting does not have to be scheduled at the exact calendar year, but it is a recommendation. I have seen videos of people showing their five year Venus flytrap that has never been repotted. In many cases, those plants are doing great. However, the old soil is not promoting the plant’s growth.
Besides the yearly repotting to freshen up the growing medium, there are some occasions when you MUST repot your Venus flytrap. Here are the specifics:
Wrong water source: Employing the wrong water source can poison your plant. When Venus flytraps are water with tap water for long periods, the leaves start turning yellow, and the soil saturates with unwanted components. Repot a Venus flytrap if it exhibits mineral burns. Mineral burns are easy to identify: the presence of yellowing leaves.
Root rot: Even though Venus flytraps require a moist environment at all times, they are prone to root rot. Excessive humidity, together with the presence of bacteria or fungus, create root rot issues. Venus flytraps die if the rot eats up the whole bulb of the root. When a plant is suffering from root rot, you must repot with fresh soil and extract the rotting section of the root. I have a whole article that covers all the details. Remember, you must act quick: How to fix Venus Flytrap root rot.
Should I Replace the Soil Due to the Presence of Algae?
You do not need to replace the soil in a Venus flytrap due to algae. Venus flytraps can live healthy in the same container with algae. The only reason why most growers repot the plants due to algae is aesthetic. It doesn’t look good when the soil starts looking green, and the water plate exhibits green coloring. From a health perspective, there will be no harmful effects.
Here is an example of some perfectly healthy Venus flytraps that have algae growing in the soil. I clean up the water plate pretty often to give it a clean look, but after a few days, it starts getting green again.
The main reason algae start growing in the soil is the high humidity index and poor drainage. The Venus flytrap above is planted in pure long-fibered sphagnum moss. The moss is excellent at retaining moisture, but it does not provide enough drainage. Since the pot is the right size for the plant, I won’t be repotting it any time soon. But, when I do, I will choose a potting medium with better drainage and aeration.
Should You Add Fertilizers to Carnivorous Plant Soil?
Like I mentioned before, Venus flytraps live healthy lives without fertilizer. The general recommendation for all beginners is to skip any fertilizer. If you want to boost your Venus flytrap’s growth, focus on feeding bugs or spiders. However, it is a common misconception that all fertilizers kill Venus flytraps.
It is NOT recommended to add fertilizer to the soil. Still, you can employ foliar fertilizers. Foliar fertilizers are sprayed directly to the plant’s leaves. Then, the plant absorbs the added nutrient through the leaf tissue
Related Questions
What to Do if the Soil or the Venus Flytrap Smells?
Venus flytraps do not produce any smell and its soil should be odorless. The main causes of odor emanating from the soil are the following:
Mold: Mold has a distinguishable smell, and it is not pleasant. Overwatering can lead to the presence of mold. The mold will only feed on dead tissue and shouldn’t harm your plant. However, the smell can be unpleasant.
Foliage: Sometimes, odors in your plant are not coming from the plant or the soil. The foliage within the pot can emit smells, especially with carnivorous plants. Sometimes Venus flytraps capture a bug and attempt to digest it. In some cases, they digest it completely. In others, the leaf might die with the insect’s body inside. Then, the insect will stat decomposing slowly and might produce unwanted smells. To prevent odors, consider trimming your plant and removing the excessive foliage.
Root rot: This last cause is the most problematic as root rot can kill Venus flytraps. When the rhizome of a Venus flytrap is being consumed by root rot, it emits unwanted odors. You can confirm the presence of root rot by inspecting the bulb of the plant. Mushy, dark, and stinky spots are clear signs of rotting.
Can I Use Succulent Soil for Venus Flytrap?
As a carnivorous plant grower, many people ask me questions about the Venus flytrap soil requirements. Some are curious if succulent soil is appropriate for Venus flytraps.
Venus flytraps can not be potted in succulent soil. The common ingredients for succulent soil are sand, perlite, and potting mix. The sand and perlite are common ingredients for carnivorous plant soil, but the standard potting mix is unsuitable.
Succulent soil contains minerals and fertilizers to provide nutrients to the plant. Venus fly traps won’t be able to process the nutrient present in succulent soil.
Is Cactus Soil Appropriate for Venus Flytrap?
Cactus soil and succulent soil are similar. However, each specific brand might offer a different composition. Cactus soil is unsuitable for Venus flytraps due to the plant’s intolerance to nutrients and fertilizers.
Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants
Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs:
Caring for Venus flytraps and keeping them alive can be a challenge. Venus flytraps require a very specific environment to survive. But due to their popularity and fascinating nature, people grow them all over the world. In this article, I will share the care consideration for Venus flytraps all the way from beginners to advanced.
Venus flytraps require an environment with plenty of sunlight, humid soil, and nutrient-free ground. Venus flytraps thrive when they have access to feed (insects or arachnids), and they do not require fertilizers. Root rot, light-starvation, and pests are common problems with these carnivorous plants.
Venus flytrap care consideration summary:
Light: Partial or direct sunlight for at least six hours a day
Water type: Only water with pure water: rainwater, distilled water, or reverse osmosis water
Watering frequency: Water frequently to keep the soil moist at all times, but not saturated
Feeding: Venus flytraps do not need bugs to survive, but access to feed promotes their growth.
Pot Dimensions: Choose pots that match the size of the plant: 2 inches – 6 inches in diameter. And, always employ deep pots (7 inches)
Pot Materials: The best-suited materials are plastic, Styrofoam, and glazed ceramic.
Repotting: For best result, repot Venus flytraps once a year
Trimming: Remove black leaves by cutting them from the base with scissors.
Temperature: Venus flytraps can withstand high temperatures of up to 95 F and cold temperatures close to freezing
Humidity: Venus flytraps can adapt to arid climates, but they benefit from high humidity environments.
Fertilizers: There is no need to fertilize Venus flytraps.
Dormancy: Venus flytraps go dormant during the winter for 2-3 months.
Flowers: Flowers spur after the plant achieves maturity every spring. Skipping the flowering process by cutting the flower stalks, promotes the growth of the plant.
Terrariums: Venus flytraps can grow in a terrarium. However, close terrariums limit their access to insects and their exposure to suitable temperatures for dormancy.
The next sections expand on each of the topics on the list. Keep on reading to learn how to keep your Venus flytrap alive and healthy. Also, feel free to download the Venus flytrap care sheet.
Provide at least 6 hours of direct lighting
Venus flytraps require plenty of sunlight to be healthy.
Optimally, Venus flytraps should receive 12 whole hours of direct sunlight. But, they can live a healthy life with enough sunlight. The minimum recommended amount is 6 hours of indirect sunlight.
Growers can employ natural light, or they can supplement lighting by using a plant light.
Venus flytrap can be grown indoors in windowless homes as long as a plant light is available. You can employ high-output fluorescent lights or LED lights.
These are the grow lights I use to grow Venus flytraps. sundews, and pitcher plants indoors:
During the dormancy period, the light requirement for Venus flytrap lowers. However, they still need a few hours of sunlight every day. In the spring and summer, Venus flytraps need as much sunlight as you can give them. The inside of the lobes in Venus flytrap traps usually exhibits red coloring. When a plant has plenty of access to light, it exhibits bright red colors inside its traps. A lack of red coloring is, in many cases, a sign of little light exposure.
When Venus flytraps suffer from light-starvation, the leaf base grows, but the traps at the end of the petiole never develop. In this case, the traps look tiny in comparison to the rest of the leaf.
Artificial lighting can provide optimal lighting conditions just as well as sunlight.
Only water with distilled water or rainwater
Tap water or bottled water contains too many minerals and nutrients to be suitable for Venus flytraps. These plants require nutrient-free mineral-free water. You can employ any source of pure water, such as:
Distilled water
Reverse osmosis water
Make sure the water is completely pure. Some companies sell distilled water that is enhanced with minerals. Such water is unsuitable for carnivorous plants due to the added components.
When Venus flytraps are watered with the incorrect water source, they exhibit mineral burns. Some of their leaves yellow and then turn black. The yellowing of leaves is clear sign of mineral burns. To recover a Venus flytrap from exposure to the incorrect water source, the owners must repot the Venus flytrap in fresh soil and only water with pure sources.
Water often to keep the soil moist at all times
Venus flytraps thrive in humid environments. The soil Venus flytraps should always remain moist; it should never be completely dry. Water the soil from the top or passively from the bottom until the soil is moist throughout.
A good way to confirm the humidity level is on point is to perform this test:
After watering, press the soil with your fingers. You should feel the moist soil, but your fingers shouldn’t get wet. Then, adjust the watering frequency through the seasons. During the spring or summer, you might have to water your plant twice a week. But, during dormancy, the watering frequency lowers substantially.
Some people believe Venus flytraps live in swamps (which is not true), and they tend to overwater. It is difficult to overwater a Venus flytrap due to its high watering requirements; however, it can happen. When Venus flytraps are overwatered, they are prone to root rot and other fungal or bacterial infections.
Avoid standard potting mixes, employ carnivorous plant soil
Employ nutrient-free mineral-free soil. Some good options for carnivorous plant soil are a mix of moss with a draining agent—for example, sphagnum moss or peat moss and silica sand or perlite as draining agents.
Several vendors offer carnivorous plant soil mixes. These are made up of a blend of the above components. You can buy a premade blend. Or you can make your own for a fraction of the plant. Here are a few recipes:
4:1 or 2:1 Peat moss and perlite
4:1 or 2:1 Sphagnum moss and Silica Sand
4:1:1 Peat moss, perlite and silica sand
All of the ingredients that make up the soil MUST be nutrient-free (pure). Any Miracle Grow product is unsuitable as it contains high amounts of minerals and fertilizers. Sometimes is challenging to buy pure components in general gardening stores. However, plant nurseries tend to offer much more variety.
Planting Venus flytraps in the incorrect potting soil can kill them very quickly. Repot Venus flytraps immediately to nutrient-free soil to save the plant.
Ensure your Venus flytrap has access to insects
Venus flytraps do not need bugs to survive, but access to insects promotes their growth. Venus flytraps extract key nutrients from the bugs they capture and supplement their diet.
Venus flytraps that live outdoors can capture their own prey. House plants, on the other hand, struggle to capture bugs. Then, the owners must take over the feeding process. This section will teach you the basics of how to feed a Venus flytrap:
1.- Choose The Food
Venus flytraps can consume live or dead feed. They can eat almost any type of insect or spider out there. When you feed your plant, stick to an insect and arachnid-only diet. Do not experiment with human food. The plant won’t be able to digest raw meat, candy, chicken, etc. Instead, the plant will lose a leaf, and the food will rot, attracting bacteria.
You can capture bugs to feed your plant or buy them in the pet store. I buy freeze-dried mealworms or bloodworms in the pet store. They cost less than $10 and were preserved for several years.
Freeze-dried insects need to be rehydrated before feeding. The process is simple. Just add a few droplets of water to the bug and it is ready.
2.- Food Size
The size of the insect is important. When feeding a Venus flytrap, make sure the insect fits completely inside the trap you are feeding. A good rule of thumb is to pick a bug that is 1/3 of the size of the trap or smaller. You can also feed venus flytraps with bug pieces. When insects are too large, the plant is unable to digest them.
3.- Feeding Frequency
Only feed one trap at a time. Choose a trap and give it an insect. Then, wait until the trap has fully digested before you feed the plant again. Since the digestion process can take several days or even weeks, it is recommended to feed Venus flytraps once every two to six weeks.
4.- When Not To Feed
During the winter months, Venus flytraps do not need to be fed.
When Venus flytraps are seedlings or very young plants, they are too small to be fed
Outdoor Venus flytraps have access to plenty of feed and they do not need additional feeding
Avoid feeding when the plant is weak due to root rot, pests, repotting, etc
Only feed Venus flytraps when you have mastered the feeding technique. Feeding them can provide great advantages, but improper procedures can end up harming the plant. You can learn all the details about the feeding process, including food options and step by step instructions in this article:
Chose the appropriate dimensions for a pot depending on the size of the plant. It is best to plant Venus flytraps in an individual pot. Here is a guide to pot dimensions:
Pot diameter: 4 to 5 inches (10.5cm – 12.7 cm)
Pot depth: 6 inches (15.24 cm)
Young Venus flytraps can grow well in narrower containers. but regardless of their size above ground, all Venus flytraps need a deep container to extend their roots. Since the roots grow vertically, tall pots are great options.
Pot Materials
Venus flytrap can grow in a wide variety of pot materials. But, the best materials are plastic, Styrofoam, and glazed ceramic. These three options provide insulation and they do not leak any compounds to the soil within the pot.
It is best to avoid any unglazed clay pots or terracotta pots. Both materials, leak minerals to the soil. Any time of additional minerals or nutrients in the ground is harmful to Venus flytraps.
Metal and glass pots are also not recommended. Both materials do not provide good insulation against extreme heat or cold. if used, Venus flytraps can freeze solid in the winter and might boil on a hot summer day.
This net pot is not only made of plastic, but it provides good drainage and aeration
Repot Venus Flytraps once a year at the end of dormancy
For best results, consider repotting Venus flytraps every year. Soil tends to get compressed over time and limits the plant’s growth. Also, compressed soil does not provide optimal drainage. Repotting will promote growth and prevent molding (this is how you can get rid mold) and root rot.
As a beginner carnivorous plant grower, you do not have to worry about repotting immediately. First, make sure your plant is healthy. Once, you have mastered all the other elements in your plant’s setup, you can think about repotting. Moving a plant to a new pot can cause significant stress. if the plant is already weak, there is a high risk of killing it.
When to repot? The best time to repot a Venus flytrap is at the end of dormancy. Then, after repotting, the plant will exit dormancy with fresh soil and start to flourish. Repotting during spring or summer can interfere with their reproduction and growing phase.
Besides, from the yearly repotting, you must repot a Venus flytrap in these scenarios:
The leaves in Venus flytraps turn to a dark black color when they wither. The withering starts in the edges and takes over the whole leaves in a matter of weeks. You can trim the black leaves in a Venus flytrap without risk, just follow these instructions:
Wait until the leaf has wholly withered before removing. Green sections of the leaf contribute to photosynthesis.
Grab the black leaves with your hand or tweezers to isolate it. Try your best to not activate any traps within the plant
Use a pair of scissors and cut off the leaf as close to the base as possible (without harming the bulb). Never pull a leaf, you can rip off the plant.
Trimming or pruning a Venus flytrap will give the plant more space to grow and reduce the weight of the plant. Follow the link for a guide on trimming, You can wait until the leaves naturally decompose, but that can take years. instead, consider trimming your plant every few months.
Black leaves within the plant are normal as long as a new leaf is growing. Do not get worried when you see a single black leaf. Instead, count the total number of healthy leaves. If you notice a significant decrease in healthy leaves, then, read this article to determine the cause:
Venus flytraps are very resilient plants. In their natural habitat, they are exposed to high temperatures in the summer (95 F) and freezing temperatures in the winter. Follow these considerations to keep your plant healthy in extreme temperatures:
Cold Winters
Venus flytraps can live through cold winters close to freezing temperatures. However, the plant must not freeze completely. If temperatures are expected to go below 30 F, consider placing your plant indoors, in a cold (but not freezing) garage or basement. Also. sometimes insulating pot materials help keep some heat within the plant.
Place them under partial shade, maybe under a shade cloth
Limit their exposure to direct sunlight
In the wild, Venus flytraps live in mid to high humidity levels throughout the whole year. However, these plants can adapt to lower temperature indexes. If you live in an area that provides a regular 50% humidity in the environment, your Venus flytrap will have no issues adapting.
Arid climate can be a challenge for Venus flytraps. But, they can adapt. I grow Venus flytraps in Arizona, and the desert climate does not stop them. The best way to acclimate plants to lower humidity is to make a slow transition: Consider misting your plants to increase humidity and slowly reduce the misting over time.
Also, you can consider placing the Venus flytrap pot on top of a container with water. With this method, you can water your plant from the bottom, and the remaining water in the plate will increase the humidity in the area. The image below illustrates the method. You do not need a deep container, an inch of water is sufficient.
Terrariums provide high humidity, but they are not optimal for Venus flytraps.
Do not fertilize Venus flytraps
Avoid fertilizing Venus flytraps altogether. Fertilizing a Venus flytrap can kill it if done incorrectly. The excessive use of fertilizers can poison the plant with added nutrients. Most plants thrive with fertilizer, Venus flytraps are the opposite. Instead of fertilizing, Venus flytraps prefer to be fed bugs. Then, they can assimilate the nutrients.
As you get more experienced, you can experiment with fertilizers. Still, you must be very careful. Follow these rules:
Only fertilize Venus flytraps during the spring or summer
Do not fertilize if the plant has been fed frequently
Employ weak foliar spray fertilizers
Ensure your Venus flytrap goes dormant in winter
In their natural habitat, Venus flytraps experience dormancy every year. Dormancy is a hibernation period when the plant rests and gets ready for the spring.
The Venus flytrap dormancy period lasts 3-4 months and it is essential for the plant’s development. Venus flytraps can survive without dormancy, but their life expectancy lowers significantly, they only live 2 – 4 years (much less than 20).
Keep your plant alive for decades by ensuring it goes dormant every winter.
Since the dormancy process is essential for Venus flytraps, owners must ensure their plant undergoes dormancy once a year.
Venus flytraps undergo dormancy when they are exposed to temperatures below 45 F for several weeks. Then, they stay dormant for 3-4 months and slowly exit dormancy, and start to flourish.
Consider placing your plant outside, in a cold garage, or on a porch to expose them to low low temperatures and start dormancy.
How to exit dormancy? In most cases, Venus flytraps will exit dormancy as the weather gets warmer. However, in locations with very long winters, Venus flytraps can struggle to exit dormancy. In those scenarios, owners can slowly introduce the plant to more lighting and warmer temperatures by placing them indoors.
What to expect during dormancy? During dormancy, Venus flytraps change significantly. The plant reduces in size and it losses most of its leaves. An increase in black leaves is completely normal during this period.
Do Venus flytraps die if they skip one dormancy? Venus flytraps do not die if they do not go dormant one year. However, skipping dormancy for several years will end up killing the plant. Dormancy is essential.
Avoid the flowering process to promote growth
In the spring Venus flytraps produce flowers. Their flowers are white and they exhibit green veins through the petals.
The flowering process won’t hurt your plant directly, but it will drain your plant’s energy.
The general recommendation is to skip the flowering process if you are not interested in collecting seeds. When the flower stalks start to spur from the plant, use some sharp scissors to cut them off. The flower stalks are quite different from standard leaves. They are much thicker and are cylindrical.
The faster you cut them off, the more energy your plant will save for the growing season. When Venus flytraps flowers, they produce several flower stalks. Keep an eye for all of them and remove them.
Do not grow Venus Flytrap in terrariums
Venus flytraps can grow in a terrarium. However, they do not provide optimal conditions for their growth. Terrariums provide good humidity levels, which is beneficial. But, in close terrariums, Venus flytraps do not have access to feed and they cannot receive direct sunlight. Also, due to the lack of drainage, Venus flytraps tend to suffer from root rot when placed in terrariums.
Some Venus flytraps are sold in built-in terrariums or domes. The close structure is meant to keep a high humidity level. But, these enclosed packages are not optimal for Venus flytraps. First, the dome blocks the light. Second, the plant can’t consume bugs. Third, the enclosure can overheat the plant when placed close to a light source. For best results, remove the plant from the dome and pot in a standard plant pot with drainage holes.
Growing a Venus flytrap in the right setup ensures your plant will stay healthy and thrive.
I have experimented with different setups for my carnivorous plants and in this section, I will guide you to build the best possible environment for your Venus flytrap.
Venus flytraps grow well outdoors under direct sunlight for at least 6 hours a day. You must pot the plant with carnivorous plant soil and water it often to keep the soil humid at all times. Avoid fertilizers and temperatures below 20F and 90F.
Even though, growing Venus flytraps outdoors is optimal, it is also possible to grow Venus flytraps indoors.
Grow Venus flytraps indoors by either placing them in a sunny windowsill or employing artificial lighting for at least 6 hours a day. Water frequently with distilled or rainwater to keep the soil humid, but look out for overwatering signs like mold, algae, or root rot.
Overall, make sure you follow the advice in this table to build an effective setup for your plant:
Provide over 6 hours of sunlight or artificial lighting
Employ carnivorous plant soil
Use plastic or glazed ceramic pots with drainage
Water frequently to keep the soil humid at all times with distilled or rainwater.
Avoid temperatures below 20F and above 100F
For best results, grow Venus flytraps outdoors
Venus Flytrap Care
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