Can Venus Fly Traps Eat Roaches?

Venus flytraps can make fantastic houseplants; they capture annoying bugs inside your home. Since cockroaches are one of the most hated pests, many wonders of Venus flytrap can offer a solution and capture roaches.

Venus flytraps can consume small roaches that fit within the plant’s traps. The plant can reduce the bug infestations within certain limitations. However, other carnivorous plants with pitcher-like traps are more effective.

Roaches are a suitable meal for Venus flytraps. But, there are many other options to feed Venus flytraps.

The next sections will explain the effectiveness of Venus flytraps as a bug controller and expand on more suitable alternatives.

Can Venus Flytraps Eat Cockroaches?

Venus flytraps developed bug trapping mechanisms to supplement their diet. They capture insects to extract key nutrients and boost their development.

Venus flytraps consume various insects and arachnids, such as ants, gnats, crickets, worms, slugs, and flies. They are not specifically designed to trap any type of insect.

venus flytrap indoor

Venus flytraps can also consume roaches. The plant can capture its own prey or be fed manually. In the next sections, you will learn about each case.

Can Venus Flytraps Trap Cockroaches Naturally?

In the wild or in a home setting, Venus flytraps attempt to capture prey whenever they can. Venus flytraps produce sweet nectar in the interior parts of their lobes to attract potential victims.

The nectar draws a wide variety of insects. Once an insect is walking inside the traps, it triggers thin filaments in the leaves and prompts the plant to close.

Venus flytraps can capture roaches by using their standard trapping mechanisms. The traps of a mature Venus flytrap extends an average of 1-inch in length. Within that length, Venus flytrap can consume small roaches.

Cockroaches are not the most common meal for Venus flytrap, but a plausible one, especially in an indoor setting. In the outdoors, Venus flytrap consumes a lot of ants and other crawling insects.

Roaches are one of the oldest plagues. They consume a variety of organic matter and are common pests in some urban areas. The sweet nectar from Venus flytraps can attract roaches and other insects wandering nearby.

How Effective Are Venus Flytraps on Eliminating Roaches?

Carnivorous plants are unique creatures. They can consume animals! But how effective are they? Can Venus flytraps eliminate a bug infestation, such as roaches?

Venus flytraps can consume cockroaches, but their effectiveness as a bug controller is limited. A Venus flytrap has less than a dozen active traps. They can only consume a handful of bugs at a time, and their digestive cycle takes several weeks.

Due to the size of Venus flytraps, the plant can only capture small bugs. Mature Venus flytraps are big enough to capture cockroaches. Still, they are limited. The size of cockroaches varies from half an inch to several inches. 1-inch long Venus flytrap leaves can capture roaches in the lower end of the spectrum. Venus flytrap capture bugs that can fit completely inside their traps.

The number of cockroaches Venus flytraps can consume is limited. Venus flytraps have a limited number of traps (between 6-10). Each trap can capture one bug at a time. After trapping the bug, the plant starts the digestion process, which can take a long time.

Venus flytraps take a few days to multiple weeks digesting a single bug. For example, smaller insects, such as ants or gnats, can take 5-7 days. Larger bugs take a lot longer to digest. Crickets or cockroaches can take 2-3 weeks to digest. Once the plant finishes the digestion process, the trap reopens, and it’s ready for the next victim.

Venus flytraps have some limitations on how many bugs they can capture to act as a bug controller. This challenge can be overcome by owning several plants or by employing other carnivorous plants. The last section of the article describes some alternatives.

Can Roaches Be Used as a Food for Venus Flytraps?

Venus flytraps thrive when they have access to feed. Consuming bugs boosts their diet and encourages healthy growth. As a Venus flytrap owner, you are encouraged to place your plant where it will have plenty of access to feed (a garden, for example) or feed it manually.

Venus flytraps do not require bugs to survive. They can live happily without eating insects by producing their own substance through photosynthesis. However, feeding Venus flytrap has many positive effects.

Roaches are a fine food option for Venus flytraps. They can be used as dead or live feed. The bug must be small enough to fit within the closed trap.

Before employing a cockroach to feed your Venus flytrap, make sure to check a few things.

  • The bug must be small enough to fit within the closed leaf. A good rule of thumb is to pick bugs that are 1/3 of the size of the trap or smaller.
  • If the cockroach is dead, examine it for mold or bacteria. Make sure the bug is clean.
  • Check the traps of your plant. If the Venus flytrap is still digesting a meal, there is no need to feed it again.

There are a few differences between feeding dead bugs and live bugs to Venus flytraps. Personally, it is easier to employ live bugs if you do not have difficulties handling a live insect. Since the feeding process can be tricky, I wrote a detailed guide on the feeding process. You can read it by following this link. It gives you the details and tips on how to feed dead and live bugs to Venus flytraps.

Feeding Venus flytrap
This bug is too big for that trap!

Besides roaches, Venus flytraps can consume many different types of bugs.

The easiest way to feed a Venus fly trap is to grow the plant outside in a garden with access to live feed. Venus fly traps are effective predators; they can capture bugs on their own.

When I have grown Venus flytrap indoors, I feed them dead bugs I buy in the pet store. Dried-freeze mealworms, bloodworms, or crickets are all suitable options. A small container of dried-freeze bugs from the store can last you for months or even years.

Venus flytraps do not need to be fed constantly. One meal a month is more than sufficient. Owners can notice bug differences between plants that consume bugs and plants that don’t.

What Carnivorous Plants Eat Cockroaches?

Carnivorous plants are unique. It is surreal to encounter a plant that can consume meat. Carnivorous plants can capture and consume insects, arachnids, and even small mice, birds, or frogs. But, some species of carnivorous plants are more effective as bug controllers.

Almost any carnivorous plant can consume cockroaches as long as the bug is weak enough to fall into their trap. Venus flytraps can consume roaches, but they are limited due to their size and number of traps. Other carnivorous plants, such as Pitcher plants, are more effective as bug controllers.

Pitcher plants characterize by having pitcher-like structures to capture insects. Thanks to their pitfall trapping mechanism, bugs fall inside their pitcher and are unable to escape. Then, digestive fluids inside the trap break up the bug and digest it slowly.

pitcher plant
Nepenthes Pitcher

Pitcher plants are not limited on how many bugs they can capture at a specific time. Multiple bugs can fall inside the pitcher. And each plant has multiple pitchers waiting for the next victim.

It is unlikely that a single carnivorous plant can eradicate a pest in a home. In most cases, you will have to call an exterminator to eliminate pests. Still, carnivorous plants can assist in reducing the bug population. Which is an amazing feature, not many plants can provide!

Depending on the type of bug you want to eliminate, some carnivorous plants are better than others. Pitcher plants can be effective at capturing roaches. Mexican butterworts and Sundews are suitable bug controllers for gnats and mosquitos.

Suppose you are interested in owning a carnivorous plant. Start by researching which type is the best for you. Here is a list of some popular species for inspiration. Also, it is critical to learn how to care for carnivorous plants. Carnivorous plants are not hard to care for as long as you follow the instructions. Here is a guide with all you need to know when growing carnivorous plants.

Do Venus Flytraps Need Dormancy?

Some carnivorous plants require a dormancy period that can extend for several months, usually as temperatures drop. The Venus flytrap requires specific care during the winter.

Venus flytraps require a yearly dormancy period. Skipping dormancy over two years in a row can kill Venus flytraps. These plants need to go dormant for 2-3 months every winter season to continue thriving in the spring.

Dormancy is critical for the Venus Flytrap development; it is critical to learn how to achieve it. This article will give you all the details.

Is Venus Flytrap Dormancy Required?

In the wild, Venus flytraps grow in North Carolina and South Carolina in the United States. There, they are not only exposed to hot summers but also freezing winters. During the winter season, Venus flytraps rest.

Venus flytrap need to experience dormancy for 2-3 months every single year. Skipping dormancy hinders the plant’s growth and can eventually kill it.

The dormancy period for Venus flytraps is similar to hibernation in animals. Some creatures require a resting period before the growing/ active season.

Scientists calculate that Venus flytraps can live for more than 20 years, which is a long time for any human. If you own one of these plants, they can be part of your home or garden for decades. However, Venus flytraps only live for such a long period of dormancy is present.

When a Venus flytrap does not experience dormancy, it weakens, and its growth slows down during the year.

Skipping one dormancy won’t kill a Venus flytrap, but systematically skipping multiple dormancy periods in a row will kill it. Without dormancy, Venus flytraps perish within 2-3 years.

Since Venus flytraps take 3-4 years to achieve maturity, it is impossible to grow Venus flytraps from seeds to adults without dormancy. You can keep a mature plant without dormancy, but remember, their lifetime is limited.

In the next sections, you will learn how to achieve dormancy for your Venus flytrap and also some care considerations during the season. Besides, the last section expands on what to do if you will skip dormancy anyway.

How to Achieve Venus Flytrap Dormancy?

Venus flytraps thrive after the dormancy resting period and must undergo dormancy every single year. The dormancy period is associated with the winter month due to the temperature requirements.

Venus flytraps achieve dormancy after been exposed to temperatures below 45 F (7 C) for 2-5 weeks. Once the plant enters dormancy, it will lose leaves and stop its growth.

The easiest way to grow Venus flytraps and achieve the dormancy state is to grow Venus flytraps outdoors. These carnivorous plants thrive in the outdoors with plenty of access to water and sunlight. If you live in areas with suitable winter temperatures, then your plant will go dormant every winter as soon as the temperatures start to drop.

Leaving your plant outside during the winter months is the most common practice. You can place the Venus flytraps in the garden, a porch, an unheated garage, or basement. The goal is to expose Venus flytraps to temperatures below 45 F (7 C). When exposing your plant to cold temperatures, avoid letting it freeze. Venus flytraps need dormancy, but temperatures below 25 F (-4 C) can kill them.

After Venus flytraps have entered dormancy, it is important to keep the plants at temperatures between 32 F (0 C) and 45 F (7C).

Not all live in areas where winters reach low temperatures. Or if they do, some places experience extremely short winters, unsuitable for Venus flytraps.

In those locations where it is impossible to induce natural dormancy, you can try an alternate method: Refridgerator Dormancy. As a last option, it is possible to induce dormancy by placing your plants in the fridge. There is a specific process to do this correctly. You can read this article to get the details.

Refrigerator dormancy: Winter is Coming! A Guide to Venus Flytrap Dormancy

Once Venus flytraps enter dormancy, the plant will experience sudden changes.

Dormant Venus flytraps lose most of their green leaves and shrink in size. Some owners believe their plants are dead as the leaves are almost none existent. However, the underground portion of the plant continues to strengthen during dormancy.

Do not alarm when a Venus flytrap starts changing during dormancy. The changes are completely natural and required for their health.

How to Exit Venus Flytrap Dormancy?

Venus flytrap dormancy takes 2-3 months. After that period, the plant should start exiting dormancy.

Venus flytraps exit dormancy when the temperatures start to rise. As spring approaches, Venus flytraps finish dormancy and start flourishing again.

The best way to exit dormancy is to let nature flow. If you placed Venus flytraps outdoors and winter is coming to an end after 2-3 months, then you can continue to leave your plant outside as the temperatures start to rise and the plant exits dormancy.

In the case winter is very long (more than 5 months) in your location, you can force your plant out of dormancy by reintroducing it to warmer temperatures. Over a few weeks, you can bring the plant closer to indoor temperatures. Make sure to reintroduce the plant to warm temperatures slowly and wait until it has been dormant for 3 months.

You will notice a Venus flytrap has exited dormancy once there is new growth spurring from the plant (here is more information about the plabts’s growth stages) (here is more information about the plabts’s growth stages).

Venus Flytrap Care During Dormancy

Venus flytrap requires a particular environment to live in. During dormancy, some care considerations are also critical.

  • Temperature: Dormant Venus flytraps should remain at the following temperature range: 32F – 45F.
  • Feeding: Venus flytraps do not require feeding during dormancy.
  • Lighting: The lighting requirements decrease.
  • Trimming: It is safe to trim dead leaves.
  • Repotting: repotting at the end of dormancy is an optimal time to exchange the medium or pot.
  • Watering: Venus flytraps will consume less water during dormancy.

Even though Venus flytraps need cold temperatures during winter, there is a lower limit for them. Avoid letting your plant freeze completely. Venus flytraps are resilient, but such low temperatures can weaken them and potentially kill them.

Through the growing season, Venus flytraps require bugs to supplement their diet and grow. However, during the dormancy period, feeding is not required. If the plant captures a bug on its own, that is fine. But, never manually feed Venus flytraps during dormancy.

During dormancy, the lighting requirements for Venus flytrap lower. However, there is no harm in exposing the plant to hours of sunlight as long as the temperatures as appropriate. Cold winters and sunny days are not exclusive.

There is no risk of trimming Venus flytraps during dormancy. In this period, the plant will lose a lot of leaves. You can trim all the completely dead foliage.

Repotting a Venus flytrap during the growing season slows down its growth. The optimal time to repot a Venus flytrap is to do it at the end of dormancy. As temperatures start to warm up, you can carefully repot the plant in new media. Then, the Venus flytrap will start the spring in fresh soil.

Continue to keep the soil of dormant Venus flytraps humid t all times, but avoid overwatering. During dormancy, Venus flytraps slow down on their water consumption.

The list of care instructions during dormancy is short because those items are specific for dormancy. However, there are many more considerations that need to be followed when growing Venus flytraps. This article includes a complete guide and care instructions for Venus flytrap. It is the best resource for current or future Venus flytrap owners.

Also, I wrote a guide specifically for growing Venus flytraps indoors. You can read it here: Venus Flytrap Indoor Care Guide.

Skip Venus Flytrap Dormancy

Skipping Venus flytrap dormancy causes several effects. The plants continue growing during the winter and coming seasons. However, its growth rate eventually slows down.

Skipping dormancy multiple years in a row kills Venus flytraps. Still, it is possible to skip the dormancy period in complicated scenarios.

I do not recommend skipping dormancy at all. However, if there is no way around it, the best alternative is to skip dormancy during winter but secure dormancy for the upcoming season. As long as the plant goes dormant for the next couple of years, it will recover from skipping on the resting period.

Venus flytraps can be grown almost anywhere in the world. But keeping these plants healthy requires a cold winter, which is not always present and can be challenging.

Do not get discouraged from growing Venus flytrap in your zone if the temperatures are not optimal. Instead, research and learn about the fridge dormancy method and other indoor growing strategies.

Do Venus Fly Traps Need to Be Covered?

When I first bought a Venus flytrap, it came in a closed and covered container. I was concerned about removing the plant from the dome and decreasing the humidity. Thankfully, after some research, I found out that those containers were not as critical as I thought.

Venus flytraps do not need to be covered; they thrive in open pots with plenty of access to light, water, and insects. Close containers block the light, prevent the plant from capturing bugs, and cause overheating issues in the summer.

Venus flytraps do not need to be covered, but they prefer humid environments. In this article, you will learn some easy to implement techniques to keep your Venus flytrap healthy.

Should Venus Flytrap Be Covered?

Large gardening stores and some nurseries sell Venus flytraps in domes. The containers provide some benefits for transporting the plants and preserving humidity and water within them. However, these containers are not necessary for growing Venus Flytraps.

The best place to grow Venus flytraps is outdoors, in open containers. They require high exposure to sunlight and water. Venus flytraps appreciate humid environments but can adapt to dry climates.

Covering Venus flytraps provides the benefit of extra humidity. However, Venus flytraps do not necessarily need high humidity; they can adapt.

I grow Venus flytraps in Arizona, which is very dry. Venus flytraps take a few weeks to adapt and eventually get used to the climate. I supplement my plants’ humidity using an electric humidifier to give them an extra boost. They do not really NEED the humidifier, but it helps with their development.

Covering a Venus flytrap causes several issues. For example, closed containers block the light, and Venus flytraps require a high amount of lighting. Also, covering Venus flytraps prevent them from capturing bugs. Venus flytraps do not need to consume insects to survive. However, adding bugs to their diet really help them accelerate growth.

Covered Venus flytraps can also easily overheat in the summer and freeze in the winter. Depending on the material of the container, some tend to conduct the exterior temperature. For example, glass domes left under direct sunlight can heat up and boil the plants inside.

How to Remove a Venus Flytrap From a Dome Container

I have seen many different companies sell Venus flytraps inside domes or terrariums. There is nothing wrong with buying one of these plants. As long as you verify, the Venus flytrap is healthy.

covered venus flytrap

If you buy a plant inside a similar container to the one shown in the picture, make sure to adapt it to its new home slowly.

A plant inside a container has gotten used to a humid environment. Extracting these plants from their enclosure has to be done step by step. First, remove the lid or use a pair of scissors to make a few cuts in the container. Then, leave the plant alone for a couple of days. After that, you can remove it entirely from the containers.

Giving the Venus flytrap an extra couple of days to adapt to its new home is a good practice. Once the plant is free from the dome, make sure to follow the correct care instructions. I wrote this very detailed article on Venus flytrap care that can get you started!

Venus Flytrap Humidity and Watering Requirements

Venus flytraps are native to a very region. They grow in the states of North Carolina and South Carolina in the United States. They are typical exposed to humidity levels of over 50% year-round.

Venus flytraps are resilient plants that can adapt to a wide variety of humidity levels. If you live in a zone with 50% humidity or higher, then you are all set. There is no need to supplement the environment with a humidifier.

Zones with dry climates are a challenge for Venus flytraps; however, it is not impossible to grow Venus flytraps in arid climates. You can employ humidifiers and, most importantly, focus on watering your plant correctly.

When employing humidifiers, use them consistently. Venus flytraps take time to adapt to different climates. They prefer a consistent humidity level rather than sporadic hikes in humidity.

Venus Flytrap Watering Instructions

The most important care consideration for Venus flytraps in terms of humidity is the watering.

Venus flytraps need to be watered often. Their soil needs to be humid at all times until it is less humid. Then, it needs to be watered again. The soil should be moist at all times but not soggy.

Venus flytraps also need a very particular type of water. They are unable to process minerals and nutrients present in tap water or bottled water. For that reason, they can only be watered with pure water sources.

Only employ mineral-free water such as distilled water, reverse osmosis water or rain water for Venus flytraps. Water with minerals will cause mineral burns and eventually kill the plant.

Venus flytraps thrive in humid mediums. However, the soil should never be flooded. After watering, the soil of a Venus flytrap needs to be humid but not soaking wet. A good rule of thumb is to check the soil after watering. Use your fingers to press the soil. You should feel the humid ground but not get wet.

A common technique to water Venus flytraps is the water tray strategy. With this technique, the owner waters their plant from the bottom using a water tray. The process is straightforward:

  1. Place the plant pot in a tray. The tray needs to be at least 2 inches in depth.
  2. Then, employ mineral-free, nutrient-free water to fill the tray up to one inch in depth.
  3. Wait until the water has just dried up to water again.

The water tray method prevents overwatering a Venus flytrap. Also, it ensures the watering level is appropriate to keep the soil moist at all times. There is no need to water the plant from the top or mist it if employing this method.

Also, the tray holding the water increase the humidity level in the environment close to the plant. The change is minimal, but it is a plus.

I always employ the water tray method, which has helped my plants (and I) tremendously. Venus flytraps can consume large amounts of water, especially during the hot summer. A water reserve in the tray eases the process of watering and prevents the soil from drying up.

Venus Flytrap Humidity water tray

Are Terrariums Suitable for Venus Flytraps?

Growing Venus flytraps in a terrarium is a common trend nowadays. But, their implementation should be done carefully.

Venus flytraps prefer open containers rather than closed terrariums. It is possible to grow Venus flytraps in a terrarium in the short term, but it is not a suitable long-term practice. Also, Some terrariums are better suited than others for Venus flytraps.

Closed containers can harm Venus flytraps as they block light and prevent bugs from entering. Also, Venus flytrap need exposure to cold weather in the winter to undergo dormancy. When plants live in a closed terrarium, they can’t be exposed to near-freezing temperatures. Also, direct sunlight is not an option when growing Venus flytraps in a closed terrarium. The direct light can heat up the terrarium and kill the plants.

The best terrariums for Venus flytraps are greenhouse type terrariums. These terrariums are large structures that can open and closed without issues. Also, each plant in the terrarium has its own pot. Then, Venus flytraps can be removed from the terrarium in the winter and be placed outside for dormancy.

Greenhouse Terrarium

Depending on the size of the terrarium, it is possible to install artificial lighting inside the structure. The picture greenhouse terrarium picture shows an example of this practice. Artificial light can be equally effective at fulfilling your plant’s growing requirements.

Venus flytrap terrarium
Venus Flytrap Terrarium Project

This picture shows a Venus fly trap terrarium I built. It is not the optimal setup for a Venus fly trap, but it was a very fun project. For several months, the plants have continued to live healthily in this semi-open terrarium. The opening in the glass container allows me to feed the plant. Also, I use artificial LED grow lights and shine the light through the opening.

Can Venus Fly Traps Be Blue?

Since I own several Venus flytraps, many people ask me about the different color varieties of these amazing plants. Some ads advertise bright blue or purple Venus flytraps.

Blue or purple Venus flytraps do not exist. Any post of blue Venus flytrap seeds or plants is an online scam. There are several varieties of Venus flytrap, many with unique color schemes, but none is blue.

It would be amazing if blue Venus flytraps were real, but they do not exist. However, there are many unique Venus flytrap varieties that you can own. Keep on reading, and you will get a list of options.

What Colors Are Venus Flytraps?

The Venus flytrap is a unique carnivorous plant. There are only one species of Venus flytrap, which has a particular color pattern.

In the wild, Venus flytraps exhibit bright green and burgundy colors. The plan is mostly green, with red coloring inside the traps. The brightness of the colors can vary depending on the plant’s living environment.

Depending on which variety of Venus flytrap you observe, you might notice some differences. Even though there are only one species of Venus flytraps, humans have developed multiple varieties of Venus flytraps that highlight unique characteristics. These varieties are commonly called cultivars.

Some Venus Flytrap cultivars characterize with extensive red coloring, others substantially large traps. However, no blue Venus flytraps have been developed. All Venus flytraps have variations of their two primary colors: burgundy and green.

Are All Blue Venus Flytraps a Scam?

Lately, a vast number of online shops have started promoting listings for blue Venus Flytraps. Due to the uniqueness of the product, many people have fallen prey to these scams.

Blue Venus flytraps are not real; any shop advertising blue Venus flytrap products are a scam. Regardless of the product: either seeds or plants. The primary colors of Venus flytraps are red and green, and there are no other colors for these plants.

Scammers use color filters to highlight interesting colors for Venus flytraps such as purple, blue, or even bright pink. If you order any of these fake products, you might never receive your order. Also, in some cases, these vendors send a Venus flytrap to their customers, but the plant they send is a standard Venus flytrap sold at a premium price for no reason.

How to Avoid Scams When Buying Venus Flytraps

It isn’t very pleasant when you end up being scammed online. It is so convenient to buy plants online, especially when the species is uncommon. Unfortunately, many vendors sell fake seeds, plants, and related supplies. This is true for all plants; carnivorous plants are not an exception.

When buying Venus flytrap online, follow the tips below to avoid scams. Also, consider buying Venus flytraps at brick and mortar stores. Some stores like Walmart, Lowes, or Home Depot sell Venus flytraps in their gardening section. Also, local nurseries might carry some varieties of carnivorous plants.

  • Do not purchase any Venus flytrap advertised to be any color other than green or red.
  • Avoid vendors without pictures or generic pictures of the Mario Bros Piranha Plant are not good sources.
  • Avoid vendors shipping plants from a completely different part of the world from when you are located. Shipping Venus flytraps is a common practice, but I do not trust long haul international shipment. They might be a scam, and if they are not, the plant might not make it alive.
  • Chose vendors with reviews or at least a chat function to track your order. Also, you can ask questions about the plant before purchasing to confirm the seller is real.
  • Preferably buy venus fly trap plants rather than seeds. Some scammers might send fake seeds that never germinate. It is harder to prove a scam when you do receive seeds but are uncertain if they are, in fact, Venus flytrap seeds.
  • Consider buying Venus flytraps from online nursery shops. There are several nurseries specialized in carnivorous plants that are trustworthy. If you do a quick search online, you can find a few options.

Are There Any Unique (and Real) Venus Flytrap Varieties?

Blue Venus flytraps are not a thing. However, you have many options beyond standard Venus flytraps. Here is a list of unique and beautiful Venus flytrap cultivars you can buy:

  • King Henry: Don Elkins of Mesa Exotics bred this cultivar. This variation was selected through size and was given a curious name. King Henry Venus flytrap are great looking plants that grow fast and mature within 2 years.
  • Akai Ryu: This cultivar is a completely red Venus flytrap, developed at the Atlanta Botanical garden. The leaves of the Akai Ryu exhibit a deep burgundy color all around. You can read an article on the Akai Ryu care here: Red Dragon Care Guide.
  • Dionaea Green Dragon: If you like the burgundy color but prefer to have some contrast, this Venus flytrap cultivar is right for you. This variation of Venus flytrap also exhibits a large amount of red coloring, like the Akai Ryu. However, the edges of each trap have a green border.
  • Dionaea Ginormous: This cultivar characterizes by huge traps. A fully grown trap is usually 1-inch in length. This cultivar is known for traps extending over 2 inches long. Since the traps are so large, they are not fully functional. One flap might close faster than the other.
  • Dionaea Dente: The Dionaea Dente produces medium-size plants with unique traps. The cilia in the border of each trap are usually long and pointy. The Dionaea Dente exhibits short and pointy cilia that resemble a saw.
  • Dionaea B-52: The B-52 variety is known as the giant Venus Flytrap. Mature traps reach 1.5 inches in length. The picture below is one of my B-52 Venus flytraps. Their trap size definitely captures people’s attention!
b 52 venus fly trap

Final Thoughts

I hope this article can help Venus flytrap enthusiasts avoid scams. Blue Venus flytraps seem like a great hope, but not a reality.

This website covers a wide variety of topics in regards to carnivorous plants. If you own a Venus flytrap or other carnivorous plant, many of my articles can be resources. For example, this article on carnivorous plant care is a great starting point for beginners:

Why Does My Venus Fly Trap Have No Traps – 5 Minute Fixes

Venus flytraps exhibit different appearances through the seasons and due to environmental changes. This article explores the main reasons why Venus flytraps stop producing traps.

Venus flytraps might have no traps due to dormancy or lack of lighting. Venus flytraps stop producing leaves when they do not receive enough light exposure. Without traps, the plant will weaken and can eventually die.

Depending on the status of your plant, you should take different approaches. The table summarizes the most common situations. Also, it describes some action steps I explain in detail through the article.

Venus Flytrap StatusAction Steps
The plant sporadically grows leaves without a trapIt is normal for a Venus flytrap to randomly produce some unperfect leaves. Focus on providing proper care and make adjustments only if the issue intensifies
The Venus flytrap is growing leaves, but none of them have trapsThe plant is suffering from light starvation. The appearance of the plant is a clear sign of poor light exposure. Provide at least 6+ of light daily. Read the section on “Proper Lighting” to perfect your setup.
It is winter and the plant is not growing as usual.Your Venus flytrap might be experiencing dormancy. It is a normal process. During this period, you must ensure proper care.

Now that you know why your Venus fly trap is producing no leaves, it is time for the solution. The following sections will get into the details on how to bring your plant back to life.

How to Fix a Venus Flytrap With No Traps

Sometimes Venus flytraps produce leaves without a fully developed trap. This can be normal when it is sporadic or during dormancy. But, if the plant is not dormant and produces multiple leaves without a trap or no traps at all. Then, there might be a problem. But, do not worry, proper lighting can fix Venus flytraps without traps. I will teach you how to fix it. Also, make sure to read the Dormancy section if you are unsure of your plant’s status.

Provide Proper Lighting

Venus flytraps are unique plants. In their natural habitat, they receive plenty of sunlight and water. And, at home should be no different.

Optimally, Venus flytraps should receive 12 hours of light. A minimum of 4-6 hours of light is required to keep Venus flytraps healthy. The lighting requirement can be fulfilled through natural light or artificial light.

Without access to proper lighting, Venus flytraps stop producing traps to focus on photosynthesis. The plant has adapted to survive in extreme habitats. But, they do require above average light exposure.

The easiest way to fulfill the light requirement is to place Venus flytraps outdoors. If you live in a sunny location, Venus flytraps thrive outside. Even under partial shade, the plant can grow healthy. However, they prefer direct sunlight as long as the temperature is not too extreme.

Venus flytraps can live happily in temperatures between 32 -95 F (0- 35 C).

You can also consider placing your plant on a sunny windowsill. Venus flytraps are optimal candidates for windowsill growing. Pick a window with at least 6 hours of light exposure, and your plant will start growing traps.

Changing the placement of your Venus flytrap takes less than a few minutes and resolves your problems quickly. However, not everyone is lucky enough to live in a sunny area or have a bright window. Some of us live in homes without natural light. For such cases, artificial lighting is the solution.

An Alternate Solution: Artificial Lighting

Sometimes it is difficult to fulfill the Venus flytrap lighting requirement with natural light. Luckily, there is an alternate solution.

Venus flytraps can grow healthy under artificial lighting. High output fluorescent light, such as T8 bulbs, provide adequate light intensity. Also, LED plant light can provide proper lighting.

Artificial lighting can be used as the sole lighting source or as a supplement. If you are already growing your Venus flytrap on a windowsill, but the sunlight is not enough, you can go ahead and add a small LED plant light as a supplement.

You have two options for artificial lighting:

  • High output fluorescent lights
  • LED plant lights

Both are effective and can be inexpensive, depending on how you build your setup. If you choose fluorescent light, you can get T8 bulbs in pet stores or the hardware store. Preferably choose cool colors to avoid overheating. For LED lights, choose 40-50 Watt LED lights. I have used this small and economical LED plant light to grow some of my Venus flytraps, and they are thriving. It cost me less than 30 dollars, but you can check the price and description on by following the link since the price is always changing.

The picture below shows some of my plants under my bright LED plant light. The plants are growing big and healthy traps. Also, the bright colors are a healthy sign of proper light exposure.

Venus flytrap with artificial light

How to Introduce Venus Flytraps to Better Lighting

Venus flytraps require lots of light to be healthy. However, introducing them too fast can create problems. Moving a Venus flytrap from shade to direct sunlight can generate sunburns. Believe it or not, plants can also suffer from sunburns.

When increasing the light exposure for your Venus flytrap. It is recommended to do it step by step. For example, you can increase the light exposure by one hour every day. Within a week, your plant will be adjusted to the changes in lighting.

I bought the plant in the picture online. The shipping process took several weeks. Once the plant arrived, it barely had any leaves. And the existing ones did not have traps. After 4 weeks under bright LED lights, the plant is growing some traps!

When Would You Notice the Changes?

Venus flytraps grow rapidly. They are always growing new leaves. After making the changes in your setup, you will start to observe some changes in your plant.

Be patient and wait for new growth. Within a week or two, the plant should produce some new leaves. The new growth will exhibit traps due to the lighting. Do not expect existing leaves to grow new traps suddenly; that won’t happen. Only new leaves will grow traps.

Lack of Traps During Dormancy

Dormancy is a natural process for Venus flytraps. During the winter months, Venus flytraps experience a resting period that is called dormancy. During this time, the plant might not exhibit its best looks.

Dormant Venus flytraps lose a bunch of leaves, shrink, and in some cases, stop producing traps. You can always provide proper lighting. But consider that if your plant is dormant, it will look very different.

Venus flytraps enter dormancy during the winter after being exposed to several weeks of temperatures below 45 F (7 C). Then, Venus flytraps remain dormant for several months, usually two to three months. But, do not worry; the plant will exit dormancy eventually and start growing strongly once again.

Do Venus Flytraps Grow New Traps?

Venus flytraps continue to grow throughout their lifetime, which could surpass two decades. They continuously produce new leaves as old ones wither.

Venus flytraps grow new traps often. The traps are only active for a limited amount of time. Then, once a leaf starts to wither, a new one starts growing.

The Continuous growth of new traps is a clear sign a Venus flytrap is healthy and thriving.

Venus flytrap parts

Do Venus Flytraps Die Without Traps?

The traps of a Venus flytrap are essential to capture bugs. However, the plant can live without traps.

Venus flytraps don’t die without traps. Even though they can’t capture insects, they can produce their own food through photosynthesis. The nutrients Venus flytraps extract from insects are just a supplement, not their main nutrition source.

Venus flytraps do not need insects to survive. Plants can live their whole life without ever capturing a bug. Consuming insects boost their growth. But it is not a necessity.

Venus flytraps without traps won’t die due to their lack of traps. However, they can die because they are fragile, and anything can affect them. Growing Venus flytraps is a challenge! As a resource, I would like to share a couple of useful articles.

12 Reasons Why a Venus Flytrap is Unhealthy (with solutions): This article will help you identify why your plant might be unhealthy. Proper lighting is not the only consideration. Many other factors can weaken or kill your plant.

Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide – Free Care Sheet Included: Venus flytraps are peculiar plants. In this article, you will learn everything about Venus flytrap care. Also, you can download a free care sheet for your reference.

My Venus Flytrap Has Mold – What To Do and Easy Fixes

My Venus flytraps have suffered from mold issues in the past. After caring for them for multiple seasons, I have learned how to eliminate and prevent mold all together.

White fuzzy mold does not kill Venus flytraps. However, the mold does affect the plant’s growth and can potentially expand to surrounding plants. Adjusting moisture levels and providing strong lighting can eliminate mold issues.

Even though white mold does not kill Venus flytraps, other types of mold do. And guess what? They all develop under very similar conditions.

Mold Issues in Venus Flytrap

The presence of mold in your plant has many downsides. It is unattractive, it can continue to spread to other plants, and it is a clear sign of excessive moisture (which can be very harmful to your plant). White mold is a type of fungus that consumes dead matter. The mold won’t kill your plant directly, but the conditions where the mold developed can affect your plant significantly.

Venus fly trap white mold
Venus fly trap with white mold

Venus flytraps benefit from high humidity environments. They thrive in humid soil. But, the presence of white mold is a clear sign of excessive humidity. The plant is likely to be overwatered. To resolve this issue, you must adjust your watering technique and increase sunlight exposure. 

Venus flytraps need to be watered often, but they do not require excessive watering (here is a guide on watering that can help you use the optimal amount) (here is a guide on watering that can help you use the optimal amount). These plants like to live in humid soil. However, they do not thrive in damped conditions. Avoid overwatering by never flooding the ground. Instead, water until the soil is moist. Then, wait to water again until the soil is less humid.

Exposure to bright direct sunlight can also help reduce the moisture level in the environment. 

How to Eliminate Mold from the Soil

There are a few different options to remove mold from Venus flytrap soil:

  • Manual removal
  • Bright light exposure
  • Repotting

First, attempt to remove the white mold by manually removing the white fuzz from the soil. You can remove the upper layer of the soil and refill the pot with fresh soil. After removing the mold, you must follow the instructions in the next section to prevent it from growing once again. 

You can also try placing your plant under a bright light for a few days or weeks. For example, bright direct sunlight will lower the moisture level and kill the mold. The extra lighting you provide will benefit the plant as long as the temperature is not excessive. Avoid placing your plant under direct sunlight if the temperature exceeds 95 F (35 C).

Finally, you can repot your Venus flytrap for more extreme situations and set it in brand new soil. Repotting the plant can weaken it, but it will recover in a couple of weeks. Since repotting Venus flytraps without harming them can be challenging, I made an article covering repotting tips and considerations. Make sure to check it out.

When you repot a Venus flytrap due to mold issues, you must clean the container thoroughly and employ only fresh soil. Also, you can utilize sulfur-based fungicide to secure that the mold won’t reappear.

Regardless of what method you employ to eliminate the mold from your Venus flytrap, you must follow the mold prevention instructions in the next section. Removing the mold won’t solve your problem. Fixing your setup and providing a suitable growth environment for your plant will eradicate any related issues.

Prevent Mold in Venus Flytraps

Now, it is time to learn how to prevent any mold issues. These instructions will help you avoid fungus, which can lead to root rot and other problems.

Master the Watering Process

When watering a Venus flytrap, always monitor the moisture level in the soil. After watering the plant, palpate the ground. The soil should be humid but not soaking wet.

An excellent method to avoid overwatering your plant is employing a water tray for watering. In this method, you water the plant from the bottom by placing the plant pot in a tray and adding water to the tray (not to the plant). The water in the tray causes a humid yet not flooded environment. For best results, only fill the water tray with 1 inch of water. And wait until the tray has just dried up before refilling.

Venus Flytrap Humidity
Water Tray Method

Schedule a Yearly Repotting

Repotting Venus flytraps every year helps prevent rotting and fungus issues. As time goes by, the soil in your plant’s pot gets compressed. Even though Venus flytraps can continue to grow in the same soil for years (they are very resilient plants!), it is not optimal. Repotting your plant once a year prevents soil compression and stimulated growth. As a result, water will continue to flow, and the plant won’t sit in standing water for long periods.

Choose Soil with Drainage

For the soil, employ a mixture of moss with a draining agent. For example, I usually use a 1:1 mix of peat moss and perlite. You can also opt for a combination of sphagnum moss and sand. Besides the moss portion, always employ sand or perlite. These elements break up the soil, encourage water drainage, increase aeration, and prevent soil compresion.

If you are unfamiliar with the soil requirements or are just looking for recipes, I recommend reading this article. It covers all you need to know about Venus flytrap soil.

venus flytrap soil
Peat Moss with Perlite

Avoid Sporadic Misting

Venus flytraps thrive in humid environments. However, they can adapt to relatively dry climates. If you live in an arid environment, you can consider misting your plant. But you must do it consistently. Consider using an automatic mister to increase the humidity in the environment continuously. Avoid using manual misters to spray your plant sporadically.

Casually misting your plant won’t provide much of a benefit. Instead, it can cause excessive moisture in the soil surface. And this excess of humidity can lead to mold.

Adjust Watering During Dormancy

In the winter months, Venus flytraps undergo a dormancy process. The resting period is long (2-3 months) but necessary. During dormancy, Venus flytraps stop growing. As a result, they do not require as much exposure to light. Also, they reduce their water consumption. When Venus flytraps are dormant, you must adjust the amount of water you provide.

Employ Bright Sunlight/ Light

Exposure to bright artificial or natural light is almost always the answer for Venus flytraps. Regardless of any mold issues. You must always provide adequate light exposure. Optimally, Venus flytraps should receive 12 hours of light; however, they can live healthy with at least 6 hours of sunlight.

Sunlight is more effective in promoting growth and eliminating any mold issues due to its intensity. If possible, consider growing your plant outdoors. It is possible to grow Venus flytraps indoors under artificial light, but it is more challenging.

Final Thoughts

White mold is not a plant killer. There is no need to be excessively alarmed after spotting white mold in a Venus flytrap. Still, if your plant has mold, it is best to eliminate it. The lack of white mold is not a guarantee that the growing conditions are optimal. However, the presence of white mold is a sign of poor growing conditions.

I hope you found the tips in this article useful. Growing Venus flytraps can be a challenge. Mold is just one of the issues that can arise. To ensure you are successful at growing Venus flytraps, I encourage you to read this article on Venus flytrap Care. It is a complete guide on growing these remarkable plants.

Is Algae Harmful for Venus Fly Trap?- Plus How To Combat It

I got alarmed when I noticed green algae growing in my Venus flytrap. I was concerned about the health of my plant. Luckily after some research and changes in my setup, I got great results.

Green algae can grow in Venus flytrap plants. Algae is not harmful to the plant but it can be a sign of poor growing conditions, such as excessive moisture and lack of appropriate light exposure.

This article will teach you exactly how to eliminate and prevent algae in your Venus flytrap.

Is Algae Harmful for Venus Flytraps?

In the wild, Venus flytraps grow in very humid, bog-like conditions. They require constant watering and exposure to lots of sunlight to be healthy. Due to their environmental requirements, it is common for some Venus flytrap owners to get algae on their plant. Algae grow where there are water and light, and venus flytraps grow in exactly that environment too.

The green algae growing in Venus flytraps usually lives in the water tray and the soil. Regardless, algae are harmless for the plant. Algae do not consume organic material; instead, it consumes wastes and produces food through photosynthesis.

Even though algae can’t harm Venus flytraps or other carnivorous plants directly, it can be a sign of poor growing conditions. Do not get too concerned with algae, but make sure to review the later section to verify your plant’s setup. We will be checking for the following:

  • Correct watering frequency
  • Proper light exposure
Venus flytrap algae

The Venus flytrap in the picture is potted in pure sphagnum moss. The plant is healthy, but there is green alga growing in the tray and in the potting media.

Algae Removal Options for Venus Flytraps

Even though Algae can’t kill your plant, most people are eager to remove it due to aesthetics. The potting media can start to look green and slimy and have a very unappealing look.

The most straightforward method to remove the algae is to repot the plant. However, repotting can weaken your plant for several weeks and can be avoided if it is not required. Before choosing the repotting option, you can try two things:

  1. Empty the water tray of your plant and clean it.
  2. Place your plant under strong sunlight.

Sometimes the algae start to appear in the plant’s water tray. When the algae are just starting to grow, removing it can be easy. Empty the water tray and wash it thoroughly. Then, use distilled water (or reverse osmosis or rainwater) to refill it. Observe the water in the next few days to verify it is gone. If it is still there, continue to the next strategy: strong sunlight.

Strong direct sunlight can eliminate algae. Venus flytraps benefit greatly from proper exposure to sunlight, exposing the plant to extra light will be beneficial to eliminate algae and to promote growth. Place your plant outdoors under direct sunlight, preferably for more than six hours a day. After a couple of weeks, the algae should have reduced or disappeared. When placing your plant under direct sunlight, make sure the temperature is not above the recommended limits. Temperatures above 95 F (35 C) can be harmful to your plant.

If a combination of strong sunlight and cleaning the water tray is not enough, the last option is to repot. Here are the repotting instructions:

  1. Gather fresh Venus flytrap soil and at least a few cups of pure water. Also, it helps to have a spray bottle filled with pure water.
  2. Losen up the soil in the edges of the pot and remove the Venus flytrap. The Plant will be covered with dirt throughout the roots.
  3. Clean the pot and water tray very well. You can reuse the same container, but it must be sparkly clean.
  4. Use the water and the spray bottle to loosen up the soil attached to the plant’s roots. Carefully remove all of it. Be patient during this step and make sure to treat the rhizome (white bulb) carefully. After the soil is all out, rinse the root and the plant one more time.
  5. Moisten the fresh soil with the pure water source. I personally always use distilled water.
  6. Grab the soil and introduce it in the container until it is topped off.
  7. Grab a slim tool like a pencil, a stick, or fingers to make a vertical hole in the pot. Then, you will introduce the roots in the hole, so make it deep enough. The roots of Venus flytraps are long.
  8. Introduce the plant’s roots in the hole and push the soil together with your fingers until the plant is secure. The rhizome should be partially underground, while the growth points remain on the surface.
  9. Water the soil after potting to set the dirt in the pot.
  10. Follow the algae prevention instructions below to prevent any future algae issues.

The instructions are a summary of how to repot a Venus flytrap. However, there is more information about soil options and repotting tips that can help complete this process. I wrote an article on potting techniques, to sum up, all the necessary information. Make sure to read it!

Algae Prevention for Carnivorous Plants

Venus flytraps benefit from high moisture environments. They thrive in high humidity regions. As a result, they require above average watering levels. In this section, you will learn how to prevent excessive moisture that leads to algae growth.

There are three main consideration you can follow to prevent another algae episode:

  1. Water thoroughly but avoid overwatering (and standing water)
  2. Expose your plant to direct sunlight
  3. Choose a soil with good drainage

Now, an explanation of each item:

1. Water Thoroughly but Avoid Overwatering (and Standing Water)

Watering Venus flytraps is essential for their survival. When carnivorous plants dry out, they suffer, and they can die very quickly. Water Venus flytraps often to keep the soil moist at all times, but not soaking wet.

If you use the water tray method, law the water in the tray to dry before filling and never fill the water tray with more than an inch of water.

Keep your Venus flytrap watered and happy, but avoid overwatering and standing water. You can perfect your watering technique by reading this article: Venus Flytrap Watering Process. The article details the watering process and helps you prevent mold and water issues.

2. Expose Your Plant to Direct Sunlight

Venus flytraps exhibit exemplary growth when grown outside. Grow your plant outdoors to prevent algae. Direct sunlight kills algae and prevents the growth of bacteria or microorganisms. As long as the temperature remains below 95 F (35 C), Venus flytraps will be able to handle the weather.

3. Choose a Soil With Good Drainage

Not all carnivorous plant soil is the same. Some soil options are more suitable to retain moisture while allowing for proper drainage. Since Venus flytraps live in very moist conditions, soil selection is important.

You can employ pure peat moss or sphagnum moss to grow Venus flytraps. However, pure moss media does not always drain properly. For best results, employ a mix of moss with perlite or sand. Both elements provide drainage and aeration. Suppose you are unfamiliar with the soil options. I have an article that describes all the soil considerations. It also provides recipes on how to make A grade carnivorous plant soil.

Algae vs Mold in Venus Flytraps

Algae is very different from mold, especially in the effects they produce in Venus flytraps.

The presence of algae is harmless for Venus flytraps. But, mold can cause many issues such as root rot. Soggy environments cause both algae and mold. However, mold does feed on organic matter and can attack the root system.

The 3 recommendations in the previous section are also recommendations to prevent mold, which can be harmful.

Final Thoughts

It easy to freak out any time there are changes on your Venus flytrap. At the end of the day, Venus flytraps are not the most conventional plants; they have specific requirements. Luckily algae is not a life-death situation. It is best not to have it, but you can live with it.

For more information on Venus flytrap care, make sure to download a free care sheet attached to this article: Ultimate Venus Flytrap Care Guide.

Can a Venus Flytrap Eat a Human?

Science fiction movies and media show Venus flytraps as large and dangerous creatures. However, after learning about Venus flytraps, I had no concerns about buying one and growing it as a house plant.

Venus flytraps can eat human flesh. In the wild, they can capture and consume meat from small reptiles or rodents. However, due to their small size, Venus flytraps can’t eat a human.

The Venus flytrap has developed successful trapping mechanisms and a taste for meat. In this article, you will learn about their meat-eating habits.

Can a Venus Flytrap Eat a Human?

Venus flytraps are small plants. They grow out of tiny seeds and take several years to reach maturity. Once they reach maturity, they start producing flowers. Af the time, the traps of the plant reach an average length of 1 inch.

1-inch traps are effective against a variety of insects. But, they are not big enough to capture larger prey. On rare occasions, Venus flytraps can capture tiny frogs or even birds, but those situations are unlikely.

Due to their size, a Venus flytrap is not big enough to capture a human. Still, the plant can consume flesh. Venus flytraps can digest small pieces of human or other animal’s flesh. It won’t process it completely, but it will absorb the soft part of the tissue.

Venus flytraps capture their prey and use enzymes to break up most of their victim. They will employ the same method to digest flesh or any meat. However, employing anything other than insects or spiders to feed a Venus flytrap is not recommended.

Venus flytrap

Venus flytraps are designed to capture and consume bugs. Even though they can consume meat, they are unable to digest large pieces of meat. Experimenting with unconventional meals can harm the plant. Venus flytraps lose leaves when they are unable to digest what they have captured.

Do Venus Flytraps Bite?

Venus flytraps can’t capture a human, but can they cause any other type of harm?

Venus flytraps are not dangerous to humans. They are not poisonous, and they do not bite. Venus flytraps are safe houseplants.

Venus flytraps have filaments on the edge of their traps that sometimes can look like teeth. The cilia are not pointy. You can touch it safely without injuring yourself. Actually, if you touch it, you will notice they are soft to the touch.

A Venus flytrap can close after been triggered by a human. The video below shows a quick demonstration of what you should expect.

Sticking your finger in a Venus flytrap is safe for humans. You can stick your pinky and wiggle it around. The trap will close, but the plant is not strong enough to keep you there. You will feel pressure, which is amazing, considering a plant is literary grabbing you, but totally inoffensive.

Technically, Venus flytraps do not bite. The leaves of the plant close due to stimuli. They close to capture potential prey. But they do not chew the insect. Instead, they trap it and digest it with enzymes.

You can leave your finger inside a Venus flytrap for a long time before observing any effects. These plants take several days and sometimes weeks to digest a tiny insect. The enzymes Venus flytraps employ are appropriate but very weak to break into human flesh.

Venus Flytrap vs Human: Endangered Status

Venus flytraps are sometimes portrayed as monsters. But, in reality, they are harmless to us. The only ones that should worry about their dangers are insects, which are their primary prey.

Even though humans are safe from Venus flytraps, Venus flytraps are not always safe from humans. Venus flytraps are an endangered species. They are protected, but unfortunately, their wild population continues to decrease.

Changes in the environment have significantly affected Venus flytraps. These plants are native to a particular area in the United States. They only grow naturally in South Carolina and North Carolina.

Their natural habitat has been affected by urbanization and the expansion of agricultural areas. Also, illegal poaching is affecting the preservation of this species.

Poaching occurs when people extract Venus flytraps from the wild to sell them or to own them. Due to the popularity of Venus flytraps, many opt for poaching Venus flytraps rather than growing them. Poaching has significantly affected the wellbeing of the species.

A vast number of Venus flytrap growers and nurseries responsibly grow these plants without ever harming their habitat or poaching plants. But, still, illegal poachers continue to extract Venus flytraps from the wild.

Besides their endangered status, Venus flytraps have a far higher chance of being hurt by humans than the other way around. It is a challenge to keep Venus flytraps alive at home. They require a particular setup with carnivorous plant soil, plenty of lighting, and pure water (among other things). Some novice growers lose their first plants due to inexperience. It is very easy to commit some basic mistakes and kill a Venus flytrap after just a few weeks.

If you are interested in growing Venus flytraps, make sure to do some extensive research beforehand. Or, you can read this article on Venus flytrap care. It covers all you need to know to keep Venus flytraps alive. Also, it includes a free care sheet you can download as a pdf.

What Would Happen if You Were Trapped in a Venus Flytrap

This section is a fun explanation of happens inside of the leaves of a Venus flytrap. If humans were small enough to fit in the traps or if Venus flytraps were huge, then we could be potential victims of a Venus flytrap.

Venus flytraps are plants. They do not have a brain; they respond to electrical stimuli. Each of the leaves of a Venus flytrap has a trap. The trap is made up of two lobes. Inside each of the lobes, there are three thin filaments arranged in a triangular pattern.

The lobes of a Venus flytrap close when something has come in contact with the trigger hairs twice within a few seconds. When the trap is triggered, it closes. At this stage, victims try to escape. A human could try to push the leaves apart or break the leaves. In the real world, some insects escape from Venus flytraps. Beetles are sometimes big enough to open up the traps. Slugs or caterpillars can attempt to eat their way out before it is too late.

There are two main ways to escape: breaking the leaf or opening up the lobes by force. The second one would be a more viable option for humans, as we do not have teeth made for chewing leaves.

After the victim is trapped inside the lobes, the plant waits for further stimuli to ensure it caught live prey. Staying immobile for a few minutes is enough to trick the plant into opening back up. But, unfortunately, for insects, most victims crawl around to try to escape and cause further stimuli.

When the plant receives further stimuli, it starts producing digestive juices. But, would it be a slow death?

Not really…

The plant produces enzymes which fill up the closed trap. The enzymes are weak; they do not dissolve the victim immediately. The prey ends up drowning. It would be a scary death to die inside a Venus flytrap, but it won’t be slow. The victim dies downing as the enzymes start causing major effects. The enzymes will take a few days or even weeks to digest the victim.

Since the enzymes are weak, the plant won’t digest a whole insect or a human. The high protein content in human meat would be hard to digest. Also, the bones would be left behind as leftovers.

In real life, the Venus flytrap is unable to consume most bugs completely. When the leaf opens back up, they leave the exoskeleton behind.

The picture below shows the remains of a mealworm I fed to my plant. The leftovers are not much. They are dried up.

Venus flytrap poop food waste

If Venus flytraps were large creatures, they would be scary. Dying inside a Venus flytrap is definitely terrifying, but luckily, they are small plants. Maybe you would even consider owning one as a pet!

What Color Are Venus Flytrap? – Different Color Varieties

Not all Venus flytraps are the same; some have different shapes and colors. When I was building my carnivorous plants’ collection, I did some in-depth research about Venus flytrap color varieties. I will share what I learned in this article.

Venus flytraps commonly exhibit green leaves with burgundy coloring inside the traps. Some Venus flytrap cultivars exhibit different red and green combinations. Cultivars do not grow in the wild, but they can be purchased from nurseries.

In this article, you will learn about the different color varieties of Venus flytraps. Explore all the possibilities before buying a plant.

What Color Are Venus Flytraps?

There is only one species of Venus flytrap or Dionaea Muscipula. And they are only native to a very small region in the United States. They grow naturally in South Carolina and North Carolina.

In the wild, Venus flytraps exhibit bright green and red colors. The leaves are green, and the inside of the traps is red or burgundy. Not all plants exhibit the same brightness in color; the colors can vary depending on the variety.

For example, some of the traps in the photo below exhibit red coloring in the exterior part of the traps.

Besides the standard colors, there are a couple of color varieties. These varieties are not available in the wild. They are cultivars.

What is a cultivar? A cultivar is a cultivated variety of a particular plant (in this case, Venus flytraps). Cultivated Varieties do not grow in the wild; humans develop them.

The following are some interesting color varieties:

  • Akai Ryu Red Dragon: All red Venus flytrap
  • Dionaea Green Dragon: Red Venus flytrap with green borders in the trap
  • Justina Davis: All green Venus flytrap

Red Dragon (Akai Ryu)

Red Dragon Venus flytrap
Red Dragon Venus Fly Trap, Photo by Blue Ridge Exotics

Ron Gagliardo developed this cultivar at the Atlanta Botanical Garden. The Akai Ryu is a completely red Venus flytrap. This variety exhibits deep burgundy color in its leaves and inside the traps.

It is normal for this plant to exhibit a few specs of green coloring. An increase in green usually indicates a lack of light exposure.

There is a similar cultivar to the Red Dragon, the Dionaea Red piranha. It is a clone hybrid between the Red Dragon and the Dionaea “Dente.” The clone characterizes by short triangular teeth and burgundy colors.

I wrote a whole article on the Akai Ryu. If you are interested in this unique variety, make sure to read the article with its care and shopping tips.

Dionaea Green Dragon

This variation of Venus flytrap is somehow similar to the Akai Ryu, but the color scheme changes slightly. The Green dragon is almost entirely red. But, the edges of the traps characterize by having a green border next to the cilia.

Dionaea “Justina Davis”

Many Venus flytrap varieties focus on increasing the ratio of red to green colors. The Justina Davis variety is fully green. There is no red.

This variety is fully green. These plants can never gain the red coloring inside the trap. The Justina Davis Venus flytrap is not the only all-green Venus flytrap. For example, the Dionaea “Gremlin” is a fully-green Venus flytrap clone.

Other Venus Flytrap Cultivars

Not all cultivars focus on developing different color combinations or patterns. For example, some Venus flytrap varieties exhibit larger traps. I own a B-52 Giant Venus flytrap. The traps of such variety reach a size of 1.5 inches, which is well over the 1-inch standard.

All cultivars are the same species, but with some slight variation. They do not require any special care, only the standard care considerations.

Where to Buy Venus Flytrap Cultivars?

Standard Venus flytraps are available in a variety of stores. Walmart, Home Depot, and Lowes sell them during the spring and summer. Some specialized nurseries carry Venus flytraps and other carnivorous plants. Also, online stores are a suitable option. Several online stores sell Venus flytraps through Etsy and Amazon.

It is unlikely that you will find unique cultivars in general garden stores. For unique Venus flytrap varieties, consider contacting your local nursery or browsing online. Make sure to specify the cultivar you are looking for and its characteristics.

The list below includes a few shops that sell different varieties of Venus flytrap. Visit their website to check availability and pricing.

Should My Venus Flytrap Be Red?

Not all Venus flytraps have the same colors, but the vast majority exhibit a combination of green and red.

Some cultivars, like the Green Dragon, characterize by completely green Venus flytraps. Those varieties won’t exhibit any red at all.

Most Venus flytraps exhibit green leaves and red inside their traps. Some plants lose red coloring due to a lack of proper lighting. Bright red traps are usually an indication of good health.

A Venus flytrap loses all or most of its red color when it does not have enough access to light, and it is struggling to produce enough nutrients through photosynthesis.

You can encourage the production of bright red leaves by placing your Venus flytrap under bright light. Venus flytraps thrive in sunny areas. Optimally, they should receive 10-12 hours of sunlight. But, they can be healthy with at least 6 hours of sunlight. The light source can be the sun or artificial light.

You can learn more about the lighting requirement here: How do Venus flytraps turn red?. The article guides you through the process of producing healthy traps with bright red colors.

Are There Blue Venus Flytraps?

You might have seen some ads or pictures that show bright blue or purple Venus flytraps. Vendors claim to sell blue Venus flytrap plants and seeds.

Blue Venus flytraps do not exist. A series of scammers offer these false novelty products, but blue Venus flytraps are not real. Only red and green combinations are available.

Do not attempt to buy blue Venus flytraps; they are a scam. I haven’t tried buying them, but people within the community have bought the seeds or the plants. In all cases, the sellers were fake. They sent seeds from other plants and just standard Venus flytrap.

Are Yellow and Black Leaves Normal in Venus Flytraps?

Venus flytraps grow very quickly. They produce new leaves often, as old ones wither.

Black leaves in a Venus flytrap are normal. When a leaf withers, it dries up and turns completely black. Then, the leaf will start to decompose. It can be trimmed off or left there without any health risks.

It is common to observe black leaves in a Venus flytrap. Those leaves are dead, and they serve nor purpose. However, black leaves on their own are not a sign of poor growing conditions. The only time when the owner should get concerned if the plant is suddenly losing leaves a lot faster than it is producing them.

Yellow or brown leaves are also common in Venus flytraps. However, these colors are usually an indication of poor growing conditions. Yellow leaves sometimes occur when employing the incorrect water source. Water with minerals and other nutrients can cause mineral burns and cause yellow leaves. Venus flytraps require nutrient-free mineral-free water, such as:

  • Distilled water
  • Reverse osmosis water
  • Rainwater

A single yellow leaf does not determine the overall health of the plant. But, if multiple ones start to appear, it is time to assess the plant’s health. You can avoid care mistakes by reviewing this Venus Flytrap Care Sheet (you can download it from the article).

Final Thoughts

The different varieties of Venus flytraps allow you to experiment and buy unique plants. It is important to be aware of the colors available, as many online scammers claim to sell Venus flytraps of crazy colors such as blue or purple.

Selecting a Venus flytrap is a fun process. And once you own one, it is time to learn about their care and ensure they remain healthy. Color changes, for example, can indicate poor or optimal growing conditions. I made an article that discusses the meanings of different color changes: Why is My Venus Flytrap Changing Color. It explains all the color changes you might encounter while growing Venus flytraps.

Can Venus Flytrap Eat Dead Flies?

I feed my Venus flytraps frequently to supplement their nutrition. As a beginner, I struggled to find appropriate food sources. I knew Venus flytraps ate live flies and other insects, but what about dead bugs?

Venus flytraps can consume dead flies; flies are a good source of nutrients. However, the plant won’t start digesting a dead insect automatically. They must receive further stimuli to trick the plant into digesting a dead bug.

Dead flies are a good food option for Venus flytrap. But, feeding the plant dead insects requires some extra steps. In this article, you will learn all the feeding steps and some tricks.

Can Venus Flytrap Eat Dead Flies?

Venus flytraps consume various insects, such as ants, flies, beetles, slugs, grasshoppers, and gnats. In the wild, they capture them live and digest them. At home, they can also capture live bugs, especially when living outdoors.

Indoor Venus flytraps sometimes need some help with the feeding process. They might capture prey now and then, but their success depends on the supply of bugs. Venus flytrap owners usually feed their plants manually when the plants cannot capture bugs on their own.

You can safely feed dead flies to a Venus flytrap. Flies are suitable food for Venus flytraps. They are small enough to fit inside most adult traps, they have soft tissue, and they are readily available.

Feeding live bugs to a Venus flytrap is challenging. You must capture or obtain the bug. Then you need to feel comfortable holding the bug. And finally, you must dominate the bug to carefully and accurately place it inside your plant’s traps. Employing dead bugs is an alternate solution that can be equally effective if you follow the correct procedure.

How to Feed Dead Flies to Venus Flytraps

Venus flytraps are designed to consume live bugs. But, with some extra steps, you can successfully feed dead bugs to a Venus flytrap.

First things first, you must learn about the feeding process and trigger hair stimulation.

The traps of a Venus flytrap are made up of two lobes. Inside each of the lobes, there are trigger hairs. Those trigger hairs are thin filaments that are attentively waiting for some form of stimuli. If something comes in contact with the trigger hairs and touches them twice within a few seconds, an electrical signal is sent. That electrical pulse sends a specific signal which triggers the lobes to close.

The picture below shows an open trap. The trap exhibits three trigger hairs in each lobe.

After the appropriate stimuli, the traps close (hopefully enclosing prey). But the lobes do not close shut completely. First, they go into a semi-close stage. The cilia surrounding the leaves prevents the bug from escaping. The plant only closed shut if it receives further stimuli. When a bug finds itself trapped inside a Venus flytrap, it will try to escape. The bug moving and running inside the trap creates further stimuli. Such additional stimuli prompt the plant to close completely and start producing digestive enzymes.

When feeding dead prey to a Venus flytrap, you must ensure stimulating the trigger hairs for the trap to close. And then, provide further stimuli to prompt the plant to start producing digestive fluids.

Now, here are the instructions to feed dead flies to your Venus flytrap:

  1. Select the fly: Make sure the bug is small enough to fit inside the trap you intend to feed. A good rule of thumb is to select a fly that is 1/3 of the size of the leaf or smaller. Also, you must make sure the dead fly is in a good state. Make sure the dead bug does not have any mold growing or fungus.
  2. Spot the trigger hairs: Look carefully at the trap and detect the trigger hairs. Depending on your plant’s size and color, you might spot them with your bare eyes or need a magnifying glass.
  3. Grab the dead fly with your hands or a tool: You can employ chopsticks or a tweezer to hold the bug.
  4. Place the bug inside the trap and stimulate: After grabbing the insect, you must place it inside the traps. Attempt to place the bug in the center of the trap. After placing the bug in the trap, you can use your fingers or your tool to stimulate the trigger hairs. Softly touch a couple of the trigger hairs until the trap closes. Be attentive and make sure you remove your fingers and any tool fast enough to let the lobes close.
  5. Stimulate further: Now, you must provide further stimuli to trick the plant into producing digestive fluids. Use your fingers or a soft tool to touch the outside of the trap. Softly grab the trap from both sides and tap. Tap the sides again and again for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The lobes should close completely by the end of this step. The photo below illustrates the concept. I use wooden chopsticks to tap the lobes of my plant during feeding.

After feeding your Venus flytrap, the trap will remain closed for several days or even weeks. The digestion process is slow. Monitor the leaf during the process. If the leaf starts withering, try using a smaller bug next time.

After extracting nutrients from the bug’s soft tissue, the plant will reopen and expose the left-over parts of the bug.

Venus Flytrap Feeding Basics and Tips

You have learned how to feed your plant dead flies and dead insects in general. But, it would help if you learned the basics of the feeding process. Feeding Venus flytraps incorrectly can waists the plant’s energy and make them lose leaves.

I wrote a complete guide on how to feed Venus flytraps. Make sure to review it before feeding your plant. It not only outlines the process, but it compares different feed options.

Here is a summary of some feeding basics and some tips:

  • Only feed one trap at a time. A single bug is enough to feed the whole plant.
  • Avoid overfeeding by only feeding the plant once every 4-6 weeks.
  • Carefully select the size of the trap. Venus flytraps lose leaves when they attempt to consume large bugs. Select prey that is 1/3 of the size of the trap or smaller.
  • Venus flytraps living outdoors do not need to be fed. They can capture their own prey.
  • During winter dormancy, there is no need to feed Venus flytraps. Feeding them can actually hurt the plant.
  • When employing live prey, you can stunt the bug by placing it in the fridge for a few minutes.
  • Venus flytraps do not need insects to survive. They can survive solely with the photosynthesis. Plants that have access to prey develop and grow at a faster rate.  

Other Food Options Beyond Flies for Venus Flytraps

Against popular belief, Venus flytraps can consume a wide variety of insects, not only flies. Flies are a fair choice when selecting food for Venus flytraps. But some insects might be better options.

Mealworms, bloodworms, and crickets are very nutritious and effective prey options for Venus flytraps. All three options are sold in pet stores for $5 to $12. And they can be stored for long periods.

You do not always have to capture insects to feed your plant. Buying the bugs is also an option. Most pet stores that offer supplies for reptiles and fish carry freeze-dried mealworms, bloodworms, and crickets. All three options are nutritious and inexpensive. Take a trip to Petco or PetSmart and grab a bottle of dried up insects.

The process of feeding dried up insects is the same as feeding dead flies. The only difference comes when preparing the bug. You must rehydrate the bug before feeding it to your plant. Just add a few droplets of distilled water on top of the insect. Then, let it stand for a few minutes before feeding. The dead bug will absorb the water and rehydrate itself.

For more food option ideas, visit this article: Venus Flytrap Food Options. It gives you a list of common Venus flytrap food options and highlights the best.

Recommended Products for Growing Carnivorous Plants

Finding the best pots, lights, and soil for carnivorous plants is difficult. I have grown carnivorous plants for over 5 years, and these are the products I use. The links will take you to Amazon to view the prices and full specs: